Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/255

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9» i5.i9oo.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 209 ' WEDDED.' — Can any reader give me authentic information regarding the picture thus named ? Is the man biting the woman' little finger (an ancient Greek or Pompeian marriage custom), or is he caressing it 1 Th< muscles of the forearm, which are at tension seem to point to the former. CHINA. HENRY VIII. AND CROMWELL.—Where is the picture of Henry VIII. listening (x Cromwell's suggestion to make himself heac of the Church ? C. D. INGLIS. ANNE OF AUSTRIA.—Why was the Queen of France who was mother of Louis XIV and daughter of Philip III. of Spain called Anne of Austria ? C. D. INGLIS. [Philippe III. belonged to the House of Austria, being descended through Charles V., his grand- father, from Philippe le Beau, Archduke oi Austria.] HERVE. — What is known of Herve, who painted miniatures in London about seventy years ago ? C. D. INGLIS. [There were eight Herves painters in London between 1811 and 1843, and of these four were miniaturists. Which Herv4 do you mean ?] GATES OF SANDWICH.—I shall be obliged if readers can kindly refer me to histories or other publications where an account is given of any of the gates of the ancient port of Sandwich. GEORGE AUSTEN. BALLYWHAINE.—A friend of mine desires to name his country seat after the home of his forbears Bally whaine, but before doing so is naturally anxious to know its meaning. The meaning of Bally I have already gained from the invaluable'N. & Q.,'but it is the second syllable whereof the signification is lacking. WALTER ROGERS FURNESS. Philadelphia. I'MARGIOWLET."—This is said to be a Berk- shire word for a little white moth. The word does not occur in any glossary, and we have only one quotation for it in the 'E.D.D.' material. I wonder if any of the readers of 'N. <fe Q.' know it. A. L. MAYHEW. Oxford. "MAGERFUL."—I have only met with this word in Barrie's novels. For instance, in ' Sentimental Tommy,' chap, x., Tommy prays, "O God, keep me from becoming a magerful man !" What is the meaning of "magerful"? A. L. MAYHEW. Oxford. COMPARATIVE PHONOLOGY AND ETHNIC CHARACTERS.—References requested to any correlation, correspondence, or connexion between divergent or opposing phonetic tendencies, and any psychical or physical peculiarities, or peculiarities of environment, of the peoples characterized by them. Those minuter elements of pronunciation which hitherto in ordinary letters and spelling have received comparatively small attention—e.g., accentuation, secondary accentuation, tone, stress, <fec.—and which have thus escaped the stereotyping, confusing, and levelling influ- ences of the orthography (often based on a false etymology) of the dominant dialect (Court, official, or literary), would be the most interesting, as least affected in their natural development. C. G. S.-MENTEATH. 23, Upper Bedford Place, W.C. GREENFIELD.—In Jeaffreson's ' Book about Doctors' (chap, xiii.,' Richard Mead') mention is made of an author of this name who wrote on the subject of Mead's amours. After a prolonged search for any such work I am still unable to verify the reference. If any reader can help me will he kindly address his reply to me direct 1 GEORGE C. PEACHEY. Brightwalton, Wantage. PAISLEY FRASER was admitted to West- minster School on 23 July, 1788. I should be glad of any information concerning him. G. F. R. B. JAMES DOIG was admitted to Westminster School on 25 September, 1778. Can any correspondent of N. & Q.'give further infor- mation concerning him ? G. F. R. B. STUART FAMILY.—Who was the mother of Frances Stuart, Duchess of Richmond, temp. Charles II. ? lamnotawareof everhavingseen icr name mentioned by any of the peerage writers. Pepys says that Evelyn spoke of icr as " one or the most cunning women in the world." A. F. S. "PRACTICAL POLITICS."—In chap. xiv. of Vivian Grey,' p. 70 of the 1853 edition, there s this passage :— " I remember his observing to a friend of mine, who was at that time desirous of getting into the louse: ' Hargrave,' said his Lordship, 'if you want any information upon points of practical mlitica'; that was his phrase ; you rememoer, Mr. !"oad, that his Lordship was peculiar in his thrnses ? " His Lordship was the Marquess of Almack. This phrase is generally supposed to have >een first used by Mr. Gladstone in a well-

nown speech in which he referred to the

lisestabhshment of the Irish Church having >een brought within the range of practical >olitics. I have not the speech before me.