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NOTES AND QUERIES. p» s. vi. OCT. e, 1900. MOW READY, SECOND EDITION, REVISED and AUGMENTED, price Ono Shilling, for the YOUNG By W. T. LYNN, B.A. T.R.A.S. O. 8TONEMAN, 39, Warwick Lnnc. B.C. A STRONOMY jt. By W. T. L NOW HEADY, SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. THE PENNY CHKONOLOGY : a Series of Important Dates ID the History of the World from the Reign o Ittvl.l to the Present Time. Second Edition. By W. T. LYNN, B.A F.R.A.8. G. STONBMAN, 99, Warwick Lane, B.C. Second Edition, price Fonrpence RIKF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY. Br w. T. LYNN, B.A F.R.A.6. " ConTeya a treat deal of Information without being In any way dry or technical."—Ktniith Mircurt. O. STONEMAN, 90, Warwick Lane, B.C. B New Edition, price Two shilling*. pELESTIAL MOTIONS: a Handy Book of J Aitronomy. Ninth Edition With 1 Plates. By W. T. LYNN, B.A F.R.A.S. "Hal, we are glad to fee, reached a ninth edition, which enable* thU excellent Introduction to the facts ot astronomy to be brought up to date "—Guorrfian. Kliw AKli STANFORD. Hand !7, Cock.pur Street,Charing Cross. 8 W. Fifth Edition, tcap. 8To. cloth, price Sixpence REMARKABLE ECLIPSES: a Sketch of the IV most Interesting Circumstances connected with the Observation ofBolar and Lunar Eelipse§, both ID Ancient an4 Modern Times. By W, T. LYNN, B A. F.R.A.B. London : B. STANFORD, 20and 37, Cockspnr Street, Charing Cross, 8 W. Eighth Edition, price Sixpence, cloth, "REMARKABLE COMETS : a Brief Survey of the IV most Interesting Facts In the History of Cometary Astronomy. By W. T. LYNN, B.A. F.K.A.8. ED WARD STANFORD, 36 and 27, Cockipnr Street, Charing Cross, 8 w. C. BENNETT'S POEMS. W. The GOLDEN LIBRABY.-Bquarelomo. cloth,?,.. 8ONG8 for SAILORS. CHATTO & WINDU8, 111, St. Martin's Lane, W.O. 1'HE AUTHOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. (The LBADKNHALL l-uv>» Ltd , Publishers an<l Printers, 40. Leadenhall street. London, K c Contain! hairless psper, over which the pen slips with perfert treedom. sixpence each. !.». per dosen, ruled or plain. 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