Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/34

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24 Y NOTES AND QUERIES. laws. VL Jm.v14, 1900. LsTour Archdeacon 1830, June 14-15. S. Lawford, Geo., 1850, March 5 and 7 da s. S. Lawgeinoe, Sgr Tho., P. R.A., 1830, I’ une 25 and a s. . I.eakey,yJames, 1865, April 20-21. S. R.. Force, Exeter. Lee, John (Principal Universitv of Edin.), 1859, Nov. 18 and 13 days. T. Nisbet, Edinburgh. Loman Rev. T., 1834, April 30 and 2 days. E. Letléerland, Dr. Joseph, 765, March 14 and 21 days. Lethieullier, Smart, 1757, Feb. 23 and 6 days. S. Lettsom, M. Nanson, 1865, Nov. 20-2.3. S. Lever, Charles, 1861 Aug. 21-29. S. Lew1n,E. B., 1844, July 24-21. P. Lewis, J. D., Part I., 1866, June 5-7. S.-Part II., 1868, May 26. S. Leybourn J. G., 1838, June 27. S. gslbli, G.j, 1s-19, Feb. 19 and 4 days. s. ibri G. (MSS.), 1% March 28 and 7 da . S.- (Library) 1859, Aug; land 12 days. S.- ibrary, A to L) 1861, A`}1ril2.5and 11 days. S.- Library, M to zl, 1861, uly 18 and 1 dey.. S.-(Objects of vertu, MSS., &c.), 1864, June 1. S.'-Prices and urchasers’ names of the Libri sales, 23859-11162. S.-1895, Feb. 7. (Illuminated MSS.). Lilly Joseph, Part I., 1871, March 15 and 9 days. S.-Part 11., 1871, June 19 and 17 days. s. -Part III., 1871, Nov. 10 and 6 days. S.- Part IV., 1873, Jan. 27 and 5 days. S. Linnecar, Geo. (MSS.). 1% March 19-20. P. Littledale, Edward, 1837, July 14 and 9 days. E. Liver ool, Earl of, 1829, Nov. 19-21 (impe ect). C. Lloyd? Rev. Charles, 1862, June 18-20. S. Lloyd, Thomas, 1819, July 8 and 5 days. S.-1820, Dec. 6 and 7 days. S. [Lloyd], 1828, May 10. S.-l828,1' Feb. 22-25. S. -1834, July 16. S.-1843, Aug. 14-18. S. ° Between 1850 and l&38, Libri had sixteen or seventeen anonymous sales at Puttick & Simpson’s. Long as is the list, I feel that it is necessary to give it in full:- 1850, Feb. 21 and 5 days, Klaprott’s col. 1857 May 13-14, autographs.-May 25 and 5 days, books.-Dec. 21, autographs. 1858, June 8 and 4 days, books. 1860, June 18, books and tracts. 1864, Dec. 13 and 4 days, books and MSS. 135, June 22 and 2 days, books.-July 13 and 2 da&s [see belowl _ 1866 arch 15 (? 3), Italian books and MSS.- May 14 and 3 days, books.-July) 13, antiauities. 18W Jan. 14 and 4 days, books.-Fe . ?7and days, books. 1868, Jul 2 and 2 days, books and MSS.-Jul{ 7 and 2 days, books.-Nov. 23 and 3 days, boo s. I only possess one of these cataloglvles, Le., the 1864 sale. The list is copied from r. Puttick's MS. catalogue, where, however, only the date of the first day of each sale is given. I have added the others, so as to give B11 i ea of the extent of this extraordinary person’s vast accumulations. His sales at Plllvtlcks and at Sotheby’s extended to about 90 days. The later entry of 1865, July 13 and 2 days, is probably an error as the sale of this date was the fourth part of the boring collection. 1* This was an anongmous sale of autograph letters, chartularies, an heraldic MSS. My copy of the catalogue was Sir Thou' as Phillipps’s, whose Lockhart, J. G., 1% J une 4-6. P, Lockyer, E. L., 1843, July 26-27. S. Longman & Co. (stock), 1849, June 4 a11d 10 days. S. Lort, Michael 1791, April 5 and 24 days. S. Imcombe, c. W., 1854, June 19-20. s. Lowndes, Hy., 1843, Nov. 7-9. S. Lowth, Rev. R., 1823, Jan. 15 and 5 days. E. lI1uder1i&A1‘lex.,38‘I2(),vyal`y& 18. S. te, _ _ . _ .,l849,Jl 4 dl , y Southgaggit Barrett. u Y an 6 days W. R . 47, Lansdowne Gardens, S.W. OBERTS (To be continued.) QUorA'r1oNs IN Taxtr-BooKs._As it is im- portant that students at the beginning of their career should get correct impressions of remarkable passages in literature, compilers of text-books ought surely to verify quota.- t1ons_ with the utmost care and nicety. Ce;-_ tain incorrect presentations-such as “fresh {ields”for Milton’s_f1~es11 woods-are constantly being offered by iournalists and others who do hasty work and have little time to make references ; but authors of books should not be in such a hurry as to find themselves de- pendent upon vague recollection for the exact form of a guotation. The value of an essen- tially goo ‘ Manual of English Grammar and Composition] by Mr. J. C. Nesfield (Mac- millan & Co.), is somewhat impaired through the author’s shortcomings in this respect, On p. 60, e. g., he quotes thus from Cowper’s ‘ Loss of the Royal George’ :- Moum for the brave-the brave t All gggmllre beneath the wave, ha.r3ali;'It(l1;1i(i°'ii21.‘i3i'e Here two words are wrong-“ mourn ” and “ hard " for toll and fast respectively - and the lines are improperly arranged. On p. 93 he gives the opening of Scott’s ‘Lay ’ as The way was long; the night was cold, instead of “the wind was cold "as it ou ht to be. The famous declaration ih J ob xiii.g15, “Though He slay me yet will I trust in Him,” he gives on p. 99 in the feeble form : "Though He punish me,”_ &c._ He represents Keats (p. 232) as assertmg 1n his Chapman sonnet : Then felt I like some watcher of the skies, When a new planet dll/‘{7lg8 into his ken, which is certainly suggestive of a. phen0_ menal experience on t ie part of the astro- nomer._ planet may be conceived of as swzmmmg, but how it will look as it “ swings ” into view for the first time is matter for curious reflection. On p. 238 “ The child MS. notes on it state th t th t' I “ ggenldilzgraryl tag M hLloy(i;;{JfeLb11d(d1f; :lille B _._ Bn a _ is ca n 11 b Mr. Singer, I believe, of the Ilgogsaflllliisstilllllgnllx) y