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9*s. vi. OCT. is. i9oo.] NOTES AND QUERIES. THE ATHEN^SUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. The ATH.ENAS.Ult far October 6 contains Articles on The AMHBB8T THEOLOGICAL PAPYRI. BANKING In the UNITED STATES. JOSEPH OLANVILL. HI8TOKY ••! ANCIBNT RHODES. QCEBN CHRISTINA ol SWEDEN. NEW NOVELS;—An obstinate Parish . Hreaker of Laws. A Muter or Craft; The World's blackmail , Jezebel; The Image-Breakers ; Monica . The Lore of Two Women , A Modern Snbnrb. ANTIQUARIAN LITERATURE. TALES 0( ADVENTURE. RARLT ENOLISH LITERATURE. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST ol NEW BOOKS. DR. ARTHUR WALKER; The LIBRARY ASSOCIATION at BRISTOL; RATI8BONNE and VICAIRB; The COMINO PUB- LI8HINO SEASON , The ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS; Tho ORIGIN ol " DUDE ', A LETTER CON- UBR14INO KDWARD IT. Auo- LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE:—Botanical Book! i Astronomical Notes; SocletleB; Gossip. PINE ARTS:—Animals In Motion , Ltlbeck Revisited; Gossip. MUSIC :—The Birmingham Festival, Gossip ; Performances Next Week. Drama:—The Week ; Library Table; Gossip. Thl A THEN^KUMfor September tS contain* Arliclet on A NBW LIFE of RICHARDSON. RECORDS ot NOTTINGHAM. MR. BARRIB and HIS BOOKS. FORT ST. OEORGB, MADRAS. NBW NOVELS :—The Fourth Generation; The Flower of the Flock . Dennay's Tower. The New Order, The Dishonour of Frank Semi; The Vicar's Atonement. The Devil's Half-Acre . The Dean's Apron ; The Love that Lasts. LAW-BOOKS. EGYPT and ASSYRIA. SCHOOL-BOOKS. BOOKS on the WAR. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST of NBW BOOKS. DR. HENRY 8IDOWICK; The ASSISTANT MASTERS' ASSOCIA- TION at MANCHESTER; The DATE of the COUNCIL at HERT- FORD ; 8ENHOR D'ECA DE QUBIROZ; The COMING PUBLISH- ING SEASON. ALSO- LITERARY GOSSIP. 8CIENCB-A Neolithic Cemetery In Cornwall; The Hereford Cathedral Map of the World; AnlhropoloKlcal Notes. Gossip. PINB ARTS:—Library Table; 'Portraiture In Recumbent Effigies'; Gossip. MUSIC—The Hereford FestlTal, GosUp , Performances Neit Week. DRAMA-The Greek Drama; Gossip. The A THENjKVV. far September K contain* Article! on STATE PAPERS of ELIZABETHAN IRELAND. LETTERS of T. B. BROWN. SPORT In BURMA and ASSAM. OTTOMAN POETRY. A NBW HISTORY of ENOLISH LITERATURE. NBW NOVELS:—The Isle of Unrest; The Autobiography of a Quack; Cunning Murrell, Motbcr-Hlster; The Conscience of Coralie • A Son of Austerity ; The Princess of Copper ; A Furnace of Earth • A Self- made Countess, Tho Minder. ECCLESIASTICAL LITERATURE. SHORT STORIES. BOOKS on the WAR, OUB LIBRARY TABLE-LIST of NBW BOOKS. The NUMBERS of the BOERS ; The COMINO PUBLISHING SEASON ; The ETYMOLOGY of "MADRAS"; The LIBRARY ASSOCIA- TION al BRISTOL. LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE :—The Story of Bird Life ; Library Table; Chemical Notes; Astronomical Notes; Meetings Next Week; Gossip. FINE ARTS: — British Mnselm Catalogue of Greek Coins Miss Margaret Stokes; Watteau's Letters; 'Portraiture In Recumbent Bfflgles'; Gossip. MDBlC-Gosslp; Performances Next Week. DRAMA-The Week, Gossip. The ATHSNjSVM far September U contain! Articles on A CRICKETING FAMILY. The AMHERST PAPYRL A BIBLIOGRAPHY of EARLY MILITARY BOOKS. MATERIALS for MBULEVAL HISTORY. A HISTORY of SANSKRIT LITERATURE. A DICTIONARY of the BIBLE. NEW NOVELS:—Monica Grey; Sons ol the Morning; A Prick of Con- science ; The Conquest of London ; Many Days After ; The Bride of Llanjrasty. FINLAND. TRANSLATIONS. RECENT VERSE. OUR LIBRARY TABLE—LIST of NBW BOOKS. AN EMIGRANT; COL. TORN ROY STEWART; The COMINO PUB- LISHING SEASON; DYZEMAN'S DAY; The BREVIATE8 of DOMESDAY ; MISPRINT In NORTH'S • PLUTARCH.' LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE-Acetylene; Anthropological Notes; Astronomical Notes i Gossip. FINE ARTH—Rembrandt; ' Portraiture in Recumbent Effigies '• Notes lorn Rome; Gossip. HU8ic-Tne Week , Gossip; Performance*Ne« Week. DRAMA—The Week , Gossip. The ATHENAEUM, every SATURDAY, price THREEPENCE, of JOHN C. FBANCIS, Athenieum Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, K.C. And of all Newsagents.