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NOTES AND QUEEIES: oi lutenoinmuui ratio u roa LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. " Whan found, make a not* of."—CAPTAIN COTTLI, PRICK FOURPKKCII. IttgiiUrtd at a Nt*rp»fm>. No. 149. [,JSS.] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1900. { OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS. The OXFORD BOOK of ENGLISH VERSE, 1250-1900. Chosen and Edited by A. T. QUILLBB-COUCH, MA. In Two Sizes. Crown Svo. on ordinary paper, price ;.«. tW. , fcap. Svo. on Oxford India paper, price lot. td. An ENGLISH MISCELLANY. Presented to Dr. Fumivall in Honour of bli Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Containing Contributions from Fifty SchoUn, STUDIES in EUROPEAN LITERATURE. The Taylorian Lectures. 1»89-188(>, delivered by S.MALLARMfi.W. PATKR.W. P. KKB, H. BKOWN, A. MOBEL FATIO, E. DOWDKN. F. W. BOLLESTON, 'W. M. BO3SKTTI, P. BOUHGET, C. H. HEHFOUD, and H. BUTLBB CLAKKB. STORIES of the HIGH PRIESTS of MEMPHIS. The Sethon of Herodotus, and the Demotic Tales of Khamuxs. By F. I.L. QBIFFITH, M. A. With Atlas containing Facsimile* of the Demotlo Text of the Second Tale. Price 47s. 6d. net. VOYAGES of the ELIZABETHAN SEAMEN. Select Narratives from the • Principal Navigations of Hakluyt.' Edited by E. J. PAYNE, H.A. Second Series. Second Edition. With 3 Illus- trations. Crown 8vo. pp. xlix-303. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY of the BRITISH COLONIES. By C. B. LUCAS. Second Edition. Vol. III. We>t Africa. Price It. U. NOW BEADY. STUDIA BIBLICA et ECCLESIASTICA. Essays chiefly in Biblical and Patrlttic Criticiim. Vol. V. Part I. Life of St. Nino. By MABJOBY WABDEOP and J. O. WAKDBOP. Price 3i. fd. KING ALFRED'S OLD ENGLISH VERSION of BOETHIUS, De Connolatlone Phllo«ophl»p. Edited from the. MSS., with Introduction, Critical Notes, and Glosiary. By WALTBU JOHN SBDQBFIBLD, M.A.Melb. B.A.Cantab. Crown Svo. price 10». «. KING ALFRED'S VERSION of the CONSOLATIONS of BOETHIUS. Done into Modern English, with an Introduction. By the Same. Extra fcap. Svo. price to. td. ESSAYS of JOHN DRYDEN. Selected and Edited by W. P. Ker, M.A. In iJ vole, crown Svo. price 10«. 6d. A NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY on HISTORICAL PRINCIPLES. Founded mainly on the Materials collected by the Philological Society. Edited by J. A. H. MUBRAY and HENRY BBADLBY. INPUT-INVALID. (Double Section.) Prepared by Dr. MURRAY. Price 5*. BBISSUE in MONTHLY NUMBERS, price 3i. M. No. 17. CATCH—CHANCELLOR. London: HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, B.C.