Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/554

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9"* 8- VI- Dm. 8. 1900- Messrs. W. H. SMITH & SON, 186, Strand, W.O., WILL FORWARD from the LIBRARY DEPARTMENT nn: louowms ““i‘£.?S.‘#sf“'” LIBRARY COPIES "’3§§2>‘{1‘L'I¥.5§9“ POSTAGE FREE to any part of the United Kingdom at the Prices annexed, Until further notice :- MAGAZINES, SIX WEEKS AFTER DATE. Ill AIIVI PIIAINUI f§~§§§§§§ Eeaeiigf I,'é§3 §2 ._-

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CABSELUS MAGAZINE. Vol. for December, 1898, to May, 1899. Illustrated ... 2 6 L--1 Vol. for Jnnet»oNovember, 1899. Illustrated ... ... 2 6 E no rn E Q Q o c: 5 > L- 9. wa o ve E r- S as E cz § Q 9. E cu F5 E 5 53 52 és 'I 5 § so o 5 wwwwww o §S QQ ¢¢ 2 CC ___i vol. for 1894 ---_--_- Vol. for 1895 °"1"i*iT"' one see no eco on no on ne no one one .g _i--- Vol. for 1897 . ...

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