Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/577

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9°-s. v1. use 15, 1900.1 NOTES AND QUERIES. THE ATHENEU JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. Ute A THh‘N.¢£UMfor December 8 contains Articles on MR. LESLIE STEPHEN on the ENGLISH UTILITARIANS. A LIFE of OSWELL, the EXPLORER. A GARDENING BOOK. FRENCH SOURCES for EARLY ENGLISH HISTORY. NEW NOVELS :-A Vlxler’s Dsnghter; A Yesr of Llle; Love ln s Mist; As s Watch ln the Night; Pride oi Englsnd; ly lAdy Clnderells; One ol Ourselves; The Inllnltsble Mrs. lssslnghsm; A Rogue In Love; 'I°he Goblin; L'Heurenx llénqe BOOKS ABOUT the WAR. CHRISTMAS BOOKS. BOOKS ot TRAVEL. SHORT STORIES. OUR LIBRARY TABLE.-LIST of NEW BOOKS. A RECLAXATION; MR. HARE’S AUTOHIOGRAPHY; The IIUTILA- TION of HORACE WALPOLE’S LETTERS; SALES; JOHN RARBOUR md SIR JOHN RAILSAY; The PRONUNCIATION o! "DUDE" ln AMERICA. Amo- LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE :-Huxley's Llle; Societies; Meetings Next Week; Gosslp_ FINE ARTS :-Romney st the Grstton Gsllerles; Society ol Pslnters 1nWster Colours; Notes from Rome; Ssles; Gossip. MUSIC :-The Week; Gossip; Performsnces Next Week. DRAMA :-Helens Fsuclt; Gossip. 'lhe ATHENEUM for November .SL contains Articles on MR. HARE’S REIIINISCENCES. HR. SELOUS'S NEW BOOK o! SPORT snd TRAVEL. SHAI-'I'E8BURY'S LII-‘E snd WRITINGS. GENERAL ARTHUR COTTON. NEW NOVELS :-The Llfc sud Death of Richard Yes-sud-Ney; The Hosts of the Lord; Modern Broods; Vllls Rubeln; Rue with s Difference; Allens Anost; The Duke ; Strslght Shoes. BOOKS on SOUTH AFRICA. TALES of ADVENTURE. RISLICAL LITERATURE. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST ot NEW BOOKS. ' AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT' ; HUDSON IDWE’S COPY ot BAOON'S ‘ESSAYS ’; CORNISH FORMS; The PAMIRS; JOHN BAREOUR snd SIR JOHN RAMSAY; The ASHBURTON LIBRARY; UNACKNOWLEDGED BORROWING; ‘KENT, PAST snd PRESENT ’; BLACKBIRD or THRUSH? Also- LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE =-The Porlfers sud Cmlenters; Llbrsry Tshle; Societies; Meetings Next Week ; Gosslp_ I-‘INE ARTS:-Chrlstmss Books; Society ot Portrslt Pslnters; Mlere- velt's Portnlt ot Slr Thomss Roe; Gossip. )|Ut3lC:;'I‘he Week; Slr A. Sulllvs.n; Gossip; Performsnees Next ee . DRAMA:-The Week; 1‘he ‘Agsmemnon ’ st thmhrldge; The Westf mlnster Plsy; Gosslp_ The A I `HENAx.°(/'M for December 1 contains Articles on LIFE of ZACHARY HACAULAY. AN BNGLIBHWOMANE LUVB LETTERS. PROP. RALEIGH on MILTON. POPULAR INl"ORIA'I`ION on BANKS. LIFE ol PARKNIAN. A SIXTBBN'I`H-CENTURY W'ARWICKSHIRB DOCUMENT. NEW NOVELS :-A Gentlemsn; A Dsughter of thc Fields ; The Yellow Msn; The Love of Comrsdes; A Suffolk Courtship; A Trsgedy o! Errors; The Lsdy ol Dresms ; Sons of the Covensnt ; The Mystery of Lsdyplsce; Mr. Boyton ; Ls Fslscnse de Glolre. CHRISTMAS BOOKS. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST of NEW BOOKS. ROGER BACON'8 'OPUS XAJU8'; GRASS WlD()W ; A RECLAMA TION; H. VALFREY; The DAT!! of KING ELPREITB l)RA'I'H JOHN BARBOUR r. JOHN RAll8AY'B GHOST; SALE. Anso- LITBRARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE :-The Rlrds of Irelsnd; Geogrsphlcsl Notes; Astronomlesl Notes; Socletles; Meetings Next Week; Gossip. PINE ARTS :-Notes from Athens; Ssles; Gossip. MUSIC :-Tho Week; The lste Slr A. Sulllvsn; Gossip; Performsnces Next Week. DRAMA :-The Week ; Gossip. The ATHEN/E(/M for November 17 contains Articles on LORI) ROSERERY on N APOLEON'S LAS'l‘ DAYS. A RELGIAN ANTARCPIC EXPLORATION. ' SIR EDWARD I-`RY'S ESSAYS. - HISTORY of the ISLE of MAN. NEW NOVELS :-The Msntle of Elijsh; The Story of Ronsld Kestrel; Morrlson’s Machine; Psrson Peter; As Luck would hsve It; A Desd Certslnty; The J ournsl ot s Jeslous Women; Tchelovek. RECENT VERSE. ORIENTAL PHILOLOGY. CHRISTMAS BOOKS. TRAVELS in TURK EY. MINOR BIOGRAPHY. CLASSICAL TRANSLATIONS. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST ot NEW BOOKS. " GRASS WVIDOW "; BLACKRIRI) or THRUSH 2 CORNISH FORMS ; JOHN BARBOUR e. JOHN RAKSA Y. Ano- LITERARY GOSBIP. SCIENCE-Thomss Sydenhsm ; Geogrsphlcnl Notes; Societies; Meet- ings Next Week ; Gosslp_ FINE ARTS-Point snd Plllow hee; Art lor the Nursery; New Prints; Mlnor Exhlbltlons; Gossip. MUSIC-The Week ; Gossip; Performsnces Next Week. DRAMA-The Westminster Plsy; Gossip. The ATHENIIUM, every SATURDA Y, price THREEPENCE, of JOHN C. FRANCIS. Athenaeum Oliice, Bream’s Buildings, Chancerv Lane, E.C. And of all Newsagents.