Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/632

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526 INDEX. Noteg and Queries, Jan. 86, 1901. Books recently published:— Watt's (W.) History of Aberdeen and Banff, 159 Welman's (is.) Parish and Cburch of Godalming, 20 Who's Who, 1901, 620 Wylie's (J. H.) Council of Constance to the Death of John HUB, 119 Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 179 Booth (6.) on London land in seventeenth century, 49 Booting, military punishment, 421 Borough-English succession, custom of, 35, 117, 194 Borrajo (E. M.) on A. W. Cornelius Hallen, his biography, 178 Bostock (R. C.) on Daniel Quare, watchmaker, 71 Stuart family, 292 Bouchier (J.) on Bridewaiu, its etymology, 189 French cathedrals, 107 Hattock, its meaning, 308 "Heart of grace," 107 Johnson (Samuel), his father and Elizabeth Blaney, 6 Latin lines, 474 Literary parallel: Addison and Tennyson, 45 'Lost Pleiad,1 49 Mane"canterie, its meaning and etymology, 169 Quotation wanted, 129 Scott (Sir Walter): " Another for Hector," 251 Scott and Carlyle on laughter, 226 ' Spectator,' 29 Volcanic eruption at Krakatoa, 185 Boundary stones in open fields, 10, 92 Bouquett (David), watchmaker, his residence in London, 103 Bourbon (Margaret of), date of her birth and marriage, 289, 397, 492 Bowden (A. J.) on catalogue of first book auction in England, 318 Box (John Wilkins), his biography, 34 Box (J.) on John Wilkins Box, 34 Boycottage = boycotting, 366 Boyle (J. R.) on borough English, 35, 194 Boyne, Irish soldiers at the battle of the, 26 Boys (E. R. S.) on United Empire Loyalists, 447 Braces=galluses, 330, 393 Brackenbury (H.) on serjeant-at-arms : yeoman of the guard, 376 Bradbrook (W.) on Hadon or Haden family, 211 Phutatorius and Qastripheres, 138 Bradley (H.) on gutter-snipe, 127 Labouring oar, 248 Lambojs, its meaning, 248 "Lantedale,"367 Branch=pilot's certificate, 72 Braose: Clifford, 75, 236, 437 Brasses, church : Myllett and Paynter, 467 Braughing, Roman station and antiquities at, 251 Bread, troy weight for, 468 Bream's Buildings, London, changes in, 221, 331, 351, 472 Brennan (Joseph), his biography, 190 Breslar (M. L. R.) on Emmaus and its meaning, 86 Enriquez (Antonio Oomez), Jewish dramatist, 185 Exploits in swimming, 611 Fish fable, 427 Jewish fasts, 346 Breslar (M. L. R.) on lines on Swift, 107 Loyola (Ignatim) and Thucydides, 469 Morris (William) as a man of business, 496 " Moving heaven and earth," 229 Mural inscriptions, 46 Pastophoria, its meaning, 153 Psalm xlix. 6-12, 147 Shimmozzel, 266 Talmudic proverbs and stories, 501 Tashlich, Jewish custom, 291 Bret (Mrs.), actress, 151 Brick dated 1398, 278 Brick House, Great Hormead, Herts, its history, 190 Bridewain, its etymology and meaning, 189, 254 Brigham (J.) on Brigham town and family, 8 Brigham town and family, 8, 94, 136 Bright (John) or ' Cranford,' 445 Britten (F. J.) on Daniel Quare, watchmaker, 157 Brock, Yarmouth beachman, his swim for life, 284 Brooke (Sir Arthur), inquired after, 490 Brooker (F. G.) on Margery, variant of Margaret,*151 " Brotherhood of fools," accounts of the, 32 Brothers bearing same Christian name, 174 Brougham (Lord), his confession, 103, 234 Brown family, 28 Brown (Lancelot), 1715-1783, landscape gardener, his biography, 268, 355 Browning (E. B.), poem on Italian wars, 448 Bruce (Robert), his heart and Sir Simon Locard, 186, 258, 392 Bruce-Angier (C. J.) on Angier, Anger, or Aungier family, 1C9 Brune (Marshal), his relatives and portrait, 149 Brushfield (T. N.) on infectious disease among cattle, 158 Wright (Thomas), M. A., fl. 1685, 335 Bruyn (Peter Philip Van-Virgilo de), 48 Bucks and Good Fellows in 1778, 213 Buffet=a low footstool, earliest use of the word, 327 Bulbeck (W. A.) on date of the Crucifixion, 805 " Bull," a Scotch, 327 Buller family and pedigree, 487 Bulloch (J. M.) on Gordon imprisoned in the Bastille for thirty years, 429 Bullock family of Arborfield, 450 Bttlow, Yon, spelling of, 485 Burial register, Benwell, 247, 336 Burningham (R.) on ' John Bull,' a newspaper, 116 Parody on 'The Mistletoe Bough,' 314 Walker (Donald), 237 Bums (Robert), fallacies about, 362 Burring ton (Major), his biography, 349, 415, 472 Bute (Marquis of), the late, his heart, 307, 375 : and the ruined chapel at Roscoff, Brittany, 346, 433, 479,517 Butler (J. D.) on the dark ages, 406 Draughts of air, 346 Inwardness, use of the word, 237 Medallion of Walter Scott, 229 Pitched battle, 286 Quarter of corn, 253 Buttons, counting another's, origin of, 30, 273, 371. 456 Butty, gamekeeper's slang for comrade, 409, 496 Buxton waters, treatise on, 388 Byng (Admiral), his portrait, 15