Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/649

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INDEX. 543 Notes and Queries, Jan. 26,1901. Prideaux (W. 1C. B.) on Ben Jonson's signature, 445 Priest, penance of a married, 187, 315 Prime Minuter, 416 Pritcbard (J. E.) on church brasses, 467 Mile-End Gate pottery, 488 Proctor's sleeve, plucking a, 8, 74 Profile machine, 255, 356 Pronunciation of words, 52, 112, 192, 218, 227, 251, 806, 354, 875 " Prooshan Blue " in ' Pickwick,' 18 Prosody, the laws of Welsh, 449 Proverbs and Phrases:— Psalm xlix. 6-12, translation of, 147 Psalm tunes: 'St. Anne,' 'Hanover,' 'St. Matthew,'9 Pumice stones, shower of, 129 ' Punch," Thackeray's contributions to, 149, 238, 311 Purchaces, meaning of the word in compilation of 1460, 869, 497 Puteanus on unidentified portrait, 66 Q. (A. N.) on the British flag, 31 Order of Kamakrishna, 347 Plural voting, 307 United Free Church of Scotland, 366 Q. (V.) on extent of St. Martin's Parish, 175 Surnames from single letters, 393 Quarante-Deux on John and Penelope Guest, 238 Quare (Daniel), watchmaker, his biography, 71, 157 Quarrell (W. H.) on Joseph Firebuck, gunmaker, 230 Worcestershire folk-lore, 410 Quarter of corn, 32, 253, 310, 410 Quiz on hurtling, its meaning, 48 Quotations:— A dreamy haze films o'er and mingles with the skies, 430 Ce qn'a nos jardins sont les fieurs, 9 Crescit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia crescit, 190, 426 Est rosa flos Veneris, &c., 489 Fit scelus indulgens per nnbila sajcula virtus, 489 Furem pretiosa signata sollicitant, 106 Go gaters, 448 His stronger mind shall her weak reason sway, 430 I am old and blind, stricken by God's frown, 106, 293 I looked behind to see my past, 9 I permit no man to be the keeper of my conscience, 469 I war not with the dead, 489 I watched her pass into the far-off country, 250 In these days, ten ordinary histories of kings, 288, 338, 376, 454 Its ruins ruin'd, as its place no more, 231 Leaving the final issues in His hands, 229, 833 Let each man learn to know himself, 232 Had as a. hatter, 448 Magis arnica Platonis, 114 Mini cano: sol occubuit; nox nulla secuta est, 489 None but the brave deserre(s) the fair, 868 One moment unamused, a misery not made for feeble man, 210 Plain living and high thinking are no more, 40, 97 A bolt from the blue, 29 A creaking cart goes long on the wheels, 298 A creaking gate hangs longest, 217 A mache and a horseshoe are both alike, 127, 215, 294 Adelphi drama : Adelphi guest, 186, 314 Another for Hector, 251, 372 Apres nous le deluge, 14, 67, 276, 455 Aria per fenestra ch' e colpa di balestra, 346 Boeytter, Brea in griene Tzis, 366, 452 Cheval de St. Jean, 229, 291 Christmas cheers, 370 Comes jucundua in via pro vehiculo est, 103, 249, 313 Coming out of the little end of the horn, 98 Devil walking through Athlone, 14 Doing the dancers, 288, 418 Empress of India, 486 Getting up early, 492 Go gaiters, 448, 513 Gone to Jericho, 405 Heart of grace, 107, 234 Honours are easy, 229 If you feel the wind come through a hole, 346 Labouring oar, 248 Laurence, Lazy, 97, 252 Le mot de Cambronne, 195 Let them all come, 426 Like one o'clock, 198, 305, 376, 473 Living wage, 486 Moving heaven and earth, 229 Neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring, 15 Nothing like leather, 426, 510 Old England, 230, 291 Peace, retrenchment, and reform, 256, 397 Perfide Albion, 229, 357 Pinpricks, 188 Ploughing the sands, 134 Practical politics, 209 Save the face of, 308, 398 Spick and span, 307 Talmudic, 501 The chap as married Hannah, 346, 434 The Dark Ages, 406 The Devil to pay, 327 The mains more, 229, 315 They say. What say they t Let them say, 63, 175 This will never do, 103 To lug the coif, 87, 196 To the bitter end, 346, 453 Twopenny-halfpenny dime, 249, 331 Women be forgetful!, Ac., 37, 76 Women lose four things at a window, 346 Plus apud me ratio valebit, 330, 499 Pour tromper un rival, Vartifice est permis, 489 Procul dubio, non est factus mundus in tempore sed cum tempore, 70 Some dish more sharply spiced than this, 330, 399 Sound, sound the clarion, fill the fife, 447 Tarda nescit molimina Spiritus Sancti gratia, 106 That dark inn, the grave, 330, 399 The beautiful is higher than the good, 409 The Milanese boar, semi-fleeced, 210 The wind before it woos the harp, 190 The world is on the move, 9 There is a double flow'ret, 329, 392