Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/316

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. VIL APRIL 20, 1001.

sivement public : ' A Rough Sketch of Modern Paris

written during the last Two Months of 1801 and

the first Five of 1802' (London, l re edition 1802, 2 e 1803, 1 vol. in-8), et ' Travels after the Peace of Amiens through Parts of France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, 1806,' 3 vol. in-8. GOMBOUST." If you should think well to accede to his request the Intermediaire would be very grateful. GEORGE MONTORGUEIL.

BLANCHE FANE, a charming actress, was at the Haymarket Theatre in 1856 and January, 1857, and was the original "Little Treasure" in the piece so named. She was a beautiful woman and a good actress. Are any par- ticulars concerning her life or her domestic career obtainable ? H. A. BULLEY.

Junior Conservative Club.

PLINY. Which is the best translation (for scientific purposes) of the'HistoriaNaturalis "I


[We know of no complete and satisfactory trans- lation. We have ourselves used that of Philemon Holland, 2 vols., 1601.]

PASSAGE IN POPE. Where in Pope's works may the following passage be found 1 The flying rumour gathered as it rolled, Scarce anything was sooner heard than told ; And all who heard it added something new.


[No such passage is in the ' Concordance.' Do you know it to be by that poet ?]

THE " FLYING DUTCHMAN." Can you put me in the way of finding the original story of the "Flying Dutchman" or "Phantom Ship"? WILLIAM NEWALL.

City of London Club, Old Broad Street, E.G.

[Consult 'N. & Q.,' 8 th S. ix. 448; x. 60; Scott's ' Rokeby/ note on canto ii. stanza xi. ; and ' Cham- bers's Encyclopedia ' under 'Flying Dutchman.']

CELTIC SCHEDULES OF THE 1901 CENSUS. I know that these schedules have been issued in Welsh forms. Were schedules in the other Celtic languages used in the Highlands and islands of Scotland, in Man, and in the west and south of Ireland 1 I should like to have information on this subject ; and if readers of 'N. & Q.' could send me specimens of these Celtic schedules, I should highly appreciate the favour. I already possess the Welsh form. H. GAIDOZ.

22, Rue Servandoni, Paris (VI e ).

" GAST." Will you kindly explain the origin and meaning of the terminal " gast" ? It is found in the name Arbogast, a Gallic general in the fourth century (see Larousse's 'Dictionary'). A M. Arbogast now lives at Mentone, in the south of France. Windogast,

Salogast, and Bodogast were founders of the Salic law. In Larousse, under the head

of Salic, Gast de is mentioned. With

William the Conqueror came a knight called Prendergast. In the roll of Battle Abbey is Preuerlirlegast. Sir Maurice de Prender- gast went to Ireland with Strongbow, after founding an hospital for Knights of St. John at Haverfordwest ; he afterwards became prior of Kilmainham, near Dublin.


MACLEAY FAMILY. Can any of your readers give me information as to the ancestors of Dr. Kenneth MacLeay, Oban, who married in 1800 Flora MacDonald, granddaughter of MacDonald of Keappoch, sixteenth chief, killed at Culloden ?


Tyne House, Haddington, N.B.

WILLIAM TIERNEY CLARK. Has this emi- nent engineer, the designer of Hammersmith Bridge, left any papers ; and, if so, in whose possession are they at present 1 L. L. K.


given in Gordon's ' Scots Affairs ' as a " Latin politicall maxime" closely connected with " Abscindantur qui nps perturbant." This latter is surely a reminiscence of Gal. v. 12, which is in the Vulgate " Utinam et abscin- dantur qui vos conturbant." But from what source is the former taken 1 J. WILLCOCK. Lerwick.

EAVENE OF ST. EUSTATIUS. That a family named Ravene lived in this little Dutch island of the West Indies during the middle of the eighteenth century is known to me. Moreover, I have heard that one of its members was the governor. Can any one give me his Christian name, time, and the native seat of his family ? C.

HEARTH-MONEY, 1662-89. The archives of the Record Office contain no collectors' returns for Lancashire and Cheshire later than 1674. Can any of your readers explain this deficiency ? Was it not compulsory on the farmers of the tax to send lists of names, &c., to the revenue officers in London 1


HENRY HARRIS, M.D.EDiN. Can Irish readers give any information regarding the parentage and family of this distinguished officer of the East India Company's ser- vice ? The old ' Army Lists ' show that he was appointed assistant - surgeon of the Company's Madras establishment on 4 July, 1783, and after seeing much service rose to the