Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/533

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.



Books recently published :

Clergy Directory and Parish Guide for 1901, 59 Corbett's ( J. S.) The Successors of Drake, 98 Cowper Anthology, ed. E. Arber, 479 Cromwell (Oliver), Speeches of, edited by C. L.

Stainer, 299

Dauze's (P.) Index Bibliographique, 118 Day's (E.) Social Life of the Hebrews, 359, 518 Debrett's Peerage and Titles of Courtesy, 20 Draper's (W. H.) Alfred the Great, 279 Dunbar Anthology, ed. E. Arber, 479 Earle's (J.) The Alfred Jewel: an Historical

Essay, 459

English Catalogue of Books for 1900, 220 English Dictionary. See Historical English

Dictionary. English Miscellany, presented to Dr. Furnivall

in honour of his Seventy-fifth Birthday, 139 Ferguson's (J.) Some Aspects of Bibliography,

320 Fitzmaurice's (Lord Edmond) Charles William

Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, 1735-1806, 300 Frazer's (J. G.) The Golden Bough : a Study in

Magic and Religion, 79 Gardiner'* (S. R.) History of the Commonwealth

and Protectorate, 1649-1660, 218 Gierke's Political Theories of the Middle Ages,

translated by F. W. Maitland, 399 Gilchrist's (J. G.) Itinerary of the English

Cathedrals, ed. by the JRev. T. Perkins, 520 Gomperz's (T.) Greek Thinkers, 259 Gooch's (G. P.) Annals of Politics and Culture, 319 Grant's (A. J.) The French Monarchy, 1483-

1789, 179 Gross's (C.) Sources and Literature of English

History from the Earliest Times to about 1485,


Harbottle (T. B.) and Dalbiac's (P. H.) Dic- tionary of Quotations (French and Italian), 239 Headley's (F. W.) Problems of Evolution, 19 Heckethorn's (C. W.) London Memories, Social,

Historical, Topographical, 219 Historical English Dictionary, 78, 138, 298 History of Early Italian Literature to the Death

of Dante, translated by Herman Oelsner, 140 Inquisitions and Assessments relating to Feudal

Aids, 1284-1431, 519 Jessopp's (A.) Before the Great Pillage, and other

Miscellanies, 500 Johnson's (Dr.) Table-Talk, 59 Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 360 Keller's (Prof. D. C.) Madagascar, Mauritius,

and the other East African Islands, 159 Lawrence's (J. M.) Notes on Dan and Scorpio

and Sagittarius, 360 Le Dix-neuvieme Siecle, 99 Leiningen-Westerburg's (Karl Emich, Count zu),

German Book-plates, translated by G. Ravens- croft Dennis, 458 Lorris (W.) and Clopinel's (J.) The Romance of

the Rose, Englished by F. S. Ellis, 38 Marriage Registers of St. Dunstan's, Stepney,

edited by T. Colyer-Fergusson, 259 Mind of the Century, reprinted from the Daily

Chronicle,' 219 Old English Glosses, edited by A. S. Napier, 58

Books recently published :

Phillipps's (E. M.) Frescoes in the Sixtine Chapel,

Phillips's (M.) The Token Money of the Bank of

England, 1797-1816, 499

Piper's (E.) Church Towers of Somersetshire, 440 Plomer's (H. R.) A Short History of Eneliah

Printing, 1478-1898, 59 Rhys's(J.) Celtic Folk-lore: Wel*h and Manx,

158 Richardson's (R.) Coutts & Co., Banker*, Edin-

burgh and London, 260

Ridgeway's (W.) The Early Age of Greece, 439 Robson's (P. A.) Cathedral Church of Saint

David's, 440

Russell's (Lady) Swallowfield and its Owners 498 St. Clair's (G.) Myths of Greece Explained and

Dated, 278 Shakespeare : Julius Caesar Two Gentlemen of

Verona, notes by John Dennis, 59 ; The First

Part of King Henry IV. The Second Part of

King Henry IV., notes by John Dennis, 220 ;

Shakespeare's family, by Stopes, 318 Skeat's (W. W.) Concise Etymological Dictionary

of the English Language, 418 Stocker's (R. D.) The Language of Handwriting,


Stopes's (C. C.) Shakespeare's Family, 318 Swift's (J.) Journal to Stella, edited bv G. A,

Aitken, 378 Thomson (James), Poems of, edited by W. Ba vne.

320 Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America,

edited by E. J. Payne, 118 Warner's (R. T.) Winchester, 220 Wellington's (Duchess of) Descriptive and His- torical Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures

and Sculpture at Apsley House, 398 Wendell's (B.) A Literary History of America,

179 Weston's (J. L.) Legend of Sir Lancelot du Lac,


Whitaker's Peerage for the Year 1901, 180 'Book- World,' by James Macfarlane, 177, 275 Borrajo (E. M.) on troy weight for bread, 18 Boston local records, 428 Boswell v. Johnson, 285 Boswell (R. B.) on Scott query, 510 Botanical christening, a, 87 Bouchier (J.) on "Bernardus non vidit omnia" k :

" Blind Bayard," 477 Boulmier (Joseph). 348 Bussy ( Ernest), 449 ' Child's Own Book,' 377 English oratory, 427 Fontenoy, the 42nd at, 378 Funeral cards, 332 ' Kathleen Mavourneen,' 388 May -water, 393 Shuttles, its meaning, 407 Smoking a cobbler, 509 Troth of Gilbert a Beckett,' 437 Troubadour and daisy, 456 Boucicault (D.) on Jean le Manique, 367 Bougies : buggies, use of the name, 148, 375 Boulder stones, 27, 136