Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/542

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.

Hemming (R.) on installation of a midwife, 197

Pagination, 316 Hems (H.) on Anglo-Hebrew slang : kybosh, 277

Area of churchyards, 113

Bandy-legged = knock- kneed, 255

Blankets, 155

Boulder stones, 136

Female worker in iron, 466


Location of theatre, 331

London churches, 278 , " Mary's Chappel," 373

Monolith in Hyde Park, 195

National nicknames, 135

Norman architecture, 94

Orientation in interments, 338

Pens : nibs and nebs, 339

Public mourning, 295

" Put a spoke in the wheel," 258

Skulls found in Victoria Street, Westminster, 11

Surnames, 235

Hendriks (F.) on John Stow's portrait, 1603, 401 Henry III. pawns an image of the Virgin, 327 Henry VII., early history of, 110, 256

Heraldry :

American, 117, 429

Argent, two bars azure (in sable), 58

Arms of Scotland, 452

Arms on ancient leather cover in Sweffling Church Suffolk, 87

Chevron engrailed between three mascles, 69

Ermine, a harp or, 128

Gules, a cross vair, 71

Gules, a fret or, 54, 117, 174, 293, 433

Identification of arms in St. Mary's Church, Eeading, 488

Lozengy (? Fusilly) or and vert, 233

Noble, in Swiss, 208, 290

Sa., a chevron between three fleams arg., 352

Sea proper, in the base a cleft or, 247, 395

Three lions passant guardant, 268, 853

Two bars, on a canton a cinquefoil, 408 Hereditary officials, 365 Heriot (George), his grave, 34

Herne (Richard), Sheriff of London, 1618-19, 309, 374 Heron-Allen (E.) on books on manners, deportment, and etiquette, 388

Chaucer, doubtful passages in, 189

Four-and-Five, its meaning, 250

" Mary's Chappel," 275

Moon lore, 154

Movable stocks, 214

Routes between London and Paris, 114 Heslop (R. O.) on Boca Chica, 312

Keel, 65 Hewitt (J. A.) on Angier, Anger, or Aungier family,


Hexameters, English, and elegiacs, 321, 514 Hiatt (C.) on Johnson v. Boswell, 285 Hibgame (F. T.) on blessing of the throats, 196 Defoe, last male descendant, 86 Friday superstition, 337

High and Low : Conservative and Liberal, 128, 238 Higbam (C.) on cradle commissions, 251 Morsay or Marsay (Count), 351

Higham (C.) on Patmore and Swedenborg, 345 Southey and Swedenborg, 186 fc'peranza and Swedenborg, 287

Hill (A. F.) on catalogue of musical instruments, 207 Hill (G.) on the 42nd at Fontenoy, 286

Joan of Arc, 268

Hill (Serjeant George), 1716-1808, 68, 194 Hine (J.), his 'Selections from the Poems of William

Wordsworth, Esq.,' 42 ' Historical English Dictionary,' 347, 436 History, universal, bibliography of, 488 Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Flemish weavers, 92 Hockley (R. C. C.) on portrait of Sir John Thorold, 108 Hodgkin (J. E.) on funeral cards, 291 Hogarth's House, Chiswick, its demolition, 386 Holden (Lieut.-Col. R.) on Holden Cruttenden, 369 Holmes (R. R.) on "Bull and Last," 331 Holywell Street, Strand, relics of, 13, 115 Home=wbom, 286, 374 Hone (William), his burial-place, 408, 498 Hooligan, origin of the term, 48, 114 Hop and malt substitutes, 150, 215, 296, 454 Hope (H. G.) on battle of Fontenoy, 25, 211

Confidential dispatches to the War Office, 378 Danteiana, 316

Flight of King James from Ireland, 329 Hopton (Susanna), devotional writer, 1627-1709, 50 Home (A. B.) on the " Twopenny Tube," 375 Horses, marks on, 111, 193

Horses with four white stockings toll-free, 111, 193 Housden (J. A. J.) on Gill's Lap, 356

Motto for laundry porch, 176 Houses, pews annexed to, 388, 517 Howley (Archbp.), d. 1848, his mother, 408 Huchtenburg and Van der Meulen, pictures by, 87

117, 453 ' Hudibras,' parrot in, 292 Hughes (T. C.) on Chavasse family, 191

Columbaria, ancient dove or pigeon cotes, 15

Excavations near Cirencester, 327

' Go to the devil and shake yourself,' 32

Incised circles on stones, 389

Lay canon, 358

London churches, 335

Monuments in Gilling Church, 189

Municipal coincidences, 409

Roman steelyard weights, 228

Runic inscription found in St. Paul's Churchyard,


Seals, history of, 189 Willis (Rev. George), 428 Huitson family, 129, 218, 314 Hull saying, " Ah '11 travis ther," 445 lulton (E.) on the orb, 227 luman remains found at Machen, Monmouthshire,


lumbuz, use and meaning of the word, 89 lume (David), his portrait by Ramsay, 188, 272 lunter-Blair (O.) on viva, 18

Hussey (A.) on berth=to lay down floor-boards, 505 Bishop of London's funeral, 231 Garland, new sense of, 45 Latin motto, 12 Portall or screen, 425 School-teachers in Kent, 1578-1619, 3 Hutchinson (J. ) on allusion in Wordsworth, 232, 438