Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.
Maxwell (P.) on comic dialogue sermon, 248
Old legend, 107
"Pamina and Tamino," 454
Termination "-itis, " etymological explanation of
May (M. G.) on lament for Chaucer. 167 Mayall (A.) on atte, its meaning, 474 Bandy-legged=knock-kneed, 124 Blackstrap, its origin, 33 Blankets, 156
Chaucer, doubtful passages in, 190 Cluny and Clunie, 408 Cluzzom, its meaning, 70 Coost, its meaning, 518 Dog and the gamekeeper, 194 Dresden Amen, 171 Easter magiant, 35 Friar's Crag, Derwentwater, 196 Friend of Phidias, 268 Heaf, 93
" Hutching about," its meaning, 272 "In the swim," 137 " Life's work well done," origin of the lines, 406 Manurance, its meaning, 274 Margery, 38 " Mary's Chappel," 275 Motto for laundry porch, 176 ' N. & Q.' in fiction, 155 Paulie, its meaning, 257 Pews annexed to houses, 518 Questing beast, 234 Rouen and succedaneum, 215 Royal standard, 176 Tapping and tipping, 191 Thamp, its meaning, 77 "There, but for the grace of God," 351 " To palmer," 52 Wabbling, its derivation, 272 May Day and May butter in 1490, 345. Mayflower, the, and the national flag, 404 . Mayhew (A. L.) on caendo=cercando, 238 Carterly, 88 Date wanted, 96 Distinct, 206
Knievogue, its meaning, 69 Malt and hop substitutes, 215 Nunty, 130 Ochidore, 108 Paulie, 167 Peer = a minnow, 210 Pize, 187
Poem by Dr. E. Hatch, 111 Rouen and succedaneum, 214 Mayor (J. E. B.) on John Pearson, 56 Mayors and town clerks, 409, 515 Mayors, Lord, unmarried, instances of, 428, 513 May-water as a remedy, 149, 276, 393 Mealies, etymology of the word, 445 Medal, twentieth-century, 265 Medallions on jug, 95 Megan on Cornish daisy names, 428 Daisy names, 8, 250 Duration of life in seeds, 129, 328 Flower divination, 29, 353 Lamb's 'To Margaret W ,' 328 Margaret of Bavaria, her date of birth, 251
Megan on Margaret of Bourbon, her date of birth, 251
Pliny, translation of, wanted, 308
Steward (Sir Simeon), 367
Suffolk name for ladybird, 9<5
Troubadour and daisies, 389 Mein (E.) on " Pamina and Tamino," 454 Melville (Lord) on Bishop of London's funeral, 231 Men wearing earrings, 192 Messiter surname, its derivation, 29 Methodist preachers, memoirs of early, 29 Methodists, early, and parish church, 169 Meulen (Van der) and Huchtenburg, pictures by, 87,
117, 453
Mexico, designations of foreigners in, 389, 496 Michell (A. T.) on Sir Henry Goodyere, 447
Green of Wyken, his family, 248
Verney (Sir Richard), 468
Wright of Hopsford, date of death of, 309 Midwife, installation of a, 31, 197, 352 Mile- End Gate pottery, 18 Military punishments, 473 Mills (John), banker, lines by, 406 Milne (J.) on duration of life in seeds, 437
Etymology, 29
Lyngell, its meaning, 472
Royal surname, 269
Skulls on tombstones, 448 Milton (John), poem attributed to, 90, 235 Miners, a company of, 390, 497 Minorca, English gravestones in, 45 Mint price of gold, 127 Mistakes, artists', 423, 471 Mitchell (Sir Francis), his family, 144 Mitchell (Col. Henry Hugh), date of birth, 107, 191 Mitchiner (J. H.) on the author of 'The Devil's
Walk,' 268 Mohun of Wollaston, pedigree of, 128 Moline family, 448
Molony (H.) on Ipplepen, co. Devon, 217 Money trusted, story of, 67, 190 Monkeys, article on, 73 Monolith with cup-markings in Hyde Park, 69, 115,
195, 292
Mons Maranus, bishopric of, 208, 250 Montorgueil (G.) on J. G. Lemaistre, 307 Monuments in Gilling Church, 189 Moon lore, 27, 96, 154 Moons, paschal, table of, 48. 96 Moore (Thomas), lines in ' A Dream of Hindostan, 35 ;
his Commonplace Book, 347 Moorhouse (Lieut.-Col.), his descendants, 18, 70 Moray (Sir Robert), portrait of, 34 Morehead (William), 1637-92, his biography, 329 Morgan (G. B.) on Browne family, 430 Morice (John), F.S.A., his biography, 350 Morier (James Justinian), his Adventures of Hajji
Morning glory," variety of convolvulus, 209, 292, 417 Morris (E. E.) on Ulrickstadt 49 Morris (William) as a man of business, 54, 118, 172,
296, 431
Morsay or Marsay (Count), 249, 851 Mortimer (Robert) and the Mortimers of Wigmore, 4C Mortimer family, 208 Morwood (Mr. Veraon S.), 89 Moscow and London debris, 165