Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/557

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.



Uphill zigzag, equine sagacity, 92 Upholder =upholsterer, 380 Usk Castle, tradition concerning, 115 Ussher (Archbishop), portrait of, 195 Utilitarian, use of the word, 425 V. (Q.) on Attur. Acad., ' 392

Callards, its etymology, 350


Foot of beef, 510

Foulrice : lock elm : chincherer, 353

Frail, 33

" Gone to Jericho," 56

Gurney (Hudson), his papers, 17

Henry III. pawns an image of the Virgin, 327

Lability, its meaning, 386

Makau, a precious stone, 469

Penny, the, 38

Saranine, its origin, 9

Shimmozzel, 11 V. (W. I. K.) on age of entry at Inns of Court, 17

Anglo-Hebrew slang : kybosh, 416

Cluzzom, its meaning, 70

" Crown " behind the Royal Exchange, 418

" Gone to Jericho," 56, 472

Herne (Richard), Sheriff of London, 1618-19, 374

High and Low : Conservative and Liberal, 238

Johnson (Robert), Sheriff of London, 1617, 313

Lodge (Sir T.), Lord Mayor of London, 127

London churches, 335

Machyn's ' Diary,' 1550-63, 185

Powdering gown, 374

Scudamore (Sir Clement), 373

Suffolk name for ladybird, 96

Unmarried Lord Mayors, 513

White (Sir J.), Lord Mayor of London, 127 Vade- Walpole (H. S.) on Col. H. Hugh Mitchell, 107 Valia as a female name, its origin and meaning, 447 Vane (Gilbert H. F.) on author of verses wanted, 315 Varna, the battle of, and the Papal fleet, 405 Velmatius, his ' Christeid,' 87

Verbs formed out of proper names, 182, 263, 393, 493 Verdure, its plural form, 184 Verge and yard, etymology of, 281 Veritas on Marat, 228

Verney (Sir Richard), date of his death, 468 Victoria (Queen), her death, 61 ; verses on, 149 ;

coronation, 346, 437 ; lines on by L. E. L., 510 Viscountcies of England without barony, 41 Visiting tickets, early mention of, 149 Viva, abbreviation of viva voce, 18, 115 Voltaire, his church, 466 Vondel and Shakespeare, 147 W. (A. C.) on passages in Chaucer, 30, 175, 377 W. (H.) on Thomas Scott, 28 W. (H. A.) on Arnold of Rugby, 77 W. (H. B.) on Abraham Elder, 148 W. (H. E. ) on Bronte topography, 469 W. (H. S.) on " In the swim," 237 W. (J. B.) on ancient marriage customs, 135, 208 W. (J. H.) on Byfield family, 129

Rectors of Sutton Coldfield, 75 W. (J. W.) on flogging at the cart tail, 28 W. (P.) on five o'clock tea, when introduced, 332 W. (R.) on 'Colburn's New Monthly Magazine,' 49

Fane (Blanche), 351 W. (W. B.) on " All roads lead to Rome," 427

Wabbling, use of the word, 168, 272 Wainwright (T.) on American invasion, 358

Latin lines, 12 Wake (H. T.) on Burns, 66

Joan of Arc, 408

Johnson (Dr.), 88

Wakefield (E.) on " In the swim," 29 Wakes, bell-ringing at, 188, 294 Walden, derivation of the place-name, 28, 155 336 Walker (Benjamin), d. 1764, his descendants, 368 Walker (J. T. B.) on Stonehenge, 358 Wallace (George), his biography, 408, 514 Wallace (R. H.) on In the John Trott way," 48

Kouen and succedaneum, 149

Wallace (George), 408 Wallace-James (J. G.) on animals in people's insides,

Arbuthnott, 458

Books on manners, deportment, and etiquette, 516

Funeral cards, 414

Gast, a family name, 418

Hately family, 411

Rymmyll, its meaning, 519

Wig=bun, 15

Wallace-James (Louisa) on Campbells of Ardkinglass, 293, 353

MacLeay family, 308

Waller (Edmund), his lyrics and sacred poems, 55 Waller family, 129, 208 Walpole (Horace), and his editors, 103 ; his letters to

Mann, 229

Walpole (Sir Robert), his definition of gratitude, 89 Waltham Abbey, gravestone at, 46 Walton (D.) on " Time was made for slaves," 109 Walton (Izaak), a relic of, 188, 410, 495 Ward (C. 8.) on Achffl Island, 254

Continual burnt offering, 476

Isabel of Portugal, 428

Margaret of Bavaria, 55

Margaret of Bourbon, 111

Ward (J. L.)on old marriage custom in Yorkshire, 273 Ward (K.) on Hamilton family, 128

Long (Constance), 8

Steere family, 49

Warren (Algernon) on Somersetshire ballad, 368 Warren (Sir John Borlase), 1753-1822, 15, 92, 198, 395 Watch belonging to Sir C. Shovell, 287 Watch-chain ornament, its signification, 35 Water-vole, its etymology, 184 Watson (Dr. Forbes), ob. 1870, 247, 354, 454 Watson (J. B.) on ' The Pursuit of Pleasure,' 328 Watts (Dr. Isaac), his 'Essay on the Ruin and

Recovery of Mankind,' 277 Waurom, co. Hertford, its meaning, 129 Weale (F. C.) on poem by Philip Scarpelli, 388

Verses by Lady Falkland, 388 Webb (A.) on verses on the Irish famine, 148 ' Wedded,' picture by Lord Leighton, 19 Wedding, gipsy, account of a, 45 Wedding dress, scanty, 17 Weekes : Catlin : Brocas, 267 Weight, troy, for bread, 18, 90 Weight, Roman steelyard, 228, 317 Welford (R.) on John Bright or ' Cranford,' 154

Chisel marks. 233

Defender of the Faith, 416