Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/11

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May 29th, 1828. His first book was 'Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love,' 1851, fol- lowed by 'The Ballad of Babe Christabel,' 1855, 'Craigcrook Castle,' 1856, and many others. His last work published is ' My Lyrical Life,' 1890.

1866, December 10th (Earl of Derby). Miss MARY CRAIK.

"In consideration of the services of her father, the late Dr. Craik, as Professor of History and English Literature in the Queen's College, Belfast. 301."

George Lime Craik (1798-1866), born at Kennoway, Fife. He came to London, and became connected with Charles Knight, and contributed largely to the publications of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge; also to the Penny Magazine and Penny Cyclopaedia. In 1849 he was appointed to the above-mentioned professor- ship (' D.N.B.,' vol. xiii. p. 1).

1870, April 12th (W. E. Gladstone). ME. ROBERT WILLIAM BUCHANAN.

" In consideration of his literary merits as a poet. 100J."

Born August 18th, 1841 ; died June 10th, 1901. Obituary notice in Athenaeum, June 15th. M.A.P. of same date : ' Robert Buchanan's Youth.' The Spectator, June 29th, 1901, contains a communication signed W. W., stating that "lines from the 'Siren' adorn the drawing-room of the beautiful chateau- observatory of Abbadia, near Hendaye, now belonging to the Institute of France. They well express the feelings of the late owner when he built the chateau." A translation is given. The lines commence

Oh melancholy waters, softly flow !

1877, June 1st (Earl of Beaconsfield). Miss MARY ANN DE FOE.

"The lineal descendant of the author of 'Robinson Crusoe.' 75J."

In the Athenaeum of June 1st, 1895, Mr. George A. Aitken gives a list of books from the catalogue of Defoe's library. The missing catalogue nad been lying all these years in the British Museum.

1877, November 28th (Earl of Beaconsfield). MR. GEORGE MACDONALD.

"In consideration of his contributions to literature. 100J."

Born 1824. Was an Independent minister, but retired on account of, his health. His first book was a poem, published in 1856, 'Within and Without'; his long series of

novels commenced in 1862 with 'David Elginbrod.'

1878, June 19th (Earl of Beaconsfield). LADY CREASY.

" In recognition of the literary services of her late husband, Sir Edward Creasy. 150Z."

Edward Shepherd Creasy, born 1812 ; died January 27th, 1878. His 'Biographies of Eminent Etonians' appeared in 1850, and his ' Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World,' 1852 (' D.N.B.,' vol. xiii. p. 64).

1880, April 28th (Earl of Beaconsfield). MRS. MARIAN HEPWORTH DIXON.

" In consideration of the literary services of her late husband, Mr. William Hepworth Dixon. 1001."

William Hepworth Dixon (1821-79). His life of Howard (published 1850) went through three editions in one year. From 1853 to 1869 editor of the Athenceum. It was at his suggestion greater facilities were given to the public to visit the Tower of London, and during his first trip to America he arranged for the recovery of the Irish State Papers, for which he was offered the honour of knighthood (' D.N.B.,' vol. xv. pp. 128-9).

1881, October 31st (W. E. Gladstone). DR. CHARLES WELLS.

" In recognition of his services in connexion with Oriental languages and literature. 50/."

Born 6 September, 1838; special corre- spondent of the Daily Telegraph in the Schleswig-Holstein War, 1864 ('Who's Who' 1901).

1881, October 31st (W. E. Gladstone). MR. CHARLES PATRICK O'CoNOR.

"In consideration of his merit as a poet, and of his narrow means of subsistence. 501"

1882, August 16th (W. E. Gladstone). MR. SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER.

"In recognition of his valuable contribu- tions to the history of England. 1501 "

Born March 4th, 1829 ('Who 's Who,' 1901).

1884, February 9th (W. E. Gladstone). MR. FREDERICK JAMES FURNIVALL.

" In recognition of his services to English philology and literature. 1501."

Born February 4th, 1825 ('Who's Who' 1901).

1884, May 1st (W. E. Gladstone). MR. JAMES AUGUSTUS HENRY MURRAY, LL.D.

" In consideration, and for the promotion, of his valuable services to philology, especially in connexion with his work as editor of the ' New English Dictionary.' 2501."

Born 1837 (' Who 's Who,' 1901).