Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/114

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. vm. AUG. 3, 1901.

between "corporals" and " soldiers," it should mean lance-corporals ; but what is the word ?

H. P. L.

" CHANCERY." At 9 th S. vii. 487 a Scottish correspondent uses "chancery platform," as meaning the elders' platform in a church. Is this a widely known phrase ? Neither the

  • H.E.D.' nor the ' E.D.D.' records it.

Q. V.

CAMPBELLS OF ARDKINGLASS. (9 th S. vii. 187, 293, 353.)

1. COLIN CAMPBELL, first of Ardkinglass, second son of Sir Colin Campbell, thirteenth Knight of Lochow (Wood's 'Douglas's Pee rage,' vol. i. p. 87), was father of (1) John, who suc- ceeded him ; (2) Sir Duncan, ancestor of the Campbells of Arden tinny (Burke's 'Landed Gentry ').

2. John Campbell, second of Ardkinglass, "Iain Riabhaich" (freckled John), had a charter from Duncan Campbell, Lord of Lochow (first Lord Campbell), 6 May, 1428, in which he is designated " dilecto nepote suo Joanni Campbel filio et hseredi Fratris sui Colini Campbel de Ardkinglass' (Crawfurd's ' Peerage,' p. 16). Described as " Joh. Cam- bell de Ardchinglass," he is mentioned as witness to a charter, 4 August, 1442 ('Reg. Mag. Sig., 1424-1513,' No. 346).

3. [Colin] Campbell [of Ardkinglass, 1448] was probably father of (1) John, afterwards of Ardkinglass ; (2) Gillespie; and (3) Duncan ('Hist. MSS. Com., Third Report,' App., p. 390). Mary Campbell, who married Duncan (" Ladasach ") McGregor of that ilk (Douglas's 'Baronage,' p. 502), and Margaret Campbell, who married Alexander, sixth Earl of Craw- ford (Wood's ' Douglas's Peerage,' vol. ii. p. 378), were probably daughters. Burke's ' Peerage' (' Campbell of Blythswood ') is the authority for the name Colin and the date 1448, but confuses him with the first laird. As John, Gillospie, and Duncan were appa- rently still under age in 1486, it seems most probable that they were not children of John Campbell, the second laird, but of a successor.

^ 4. John Campbell of Ardkinglass is men- tioned in a destination of the lands of the barony of Knapdale, 26 February, 1480/1, and another destination of the lands of Dollar, 31 January, 1493/4 in both immediately after Campbell of Ormidale ('Reg. Mag Sig 1424-1513,' Nos. 1464, 2354). He is mentioned as a witness to a charter, 30 July, 1511 (ibid., No. 3622). He married a daughter of Walter, fifteenth Laird of Buchanan gift by Colin

Earl of Argyll, Chancellor of Scotland, to Walter Buchquhannan of that ilk, ot the marriage of John Campbell of Ardfinglace with a daughter of the said Walter, 22 June, 1486 ('Hist. MSS. Com., Third Report,' App., p. 390). He seems to have had at least three sons : (1) Colin, who succeeded ; (2) Dougall, married Janet, daughter of Patrick Graham of Inchbrakie, by whom (who married secondly Robert Buchanan, seventh of Leny) he had James, who succeeded to Ardkinglass ('Strathendrick,' p. 293); (3) Patrick, men- tioned 12 December, 1531 ('Reg. Mag. Sig., 1513-46,' No. 1099); and probably a daughter, who married Archibald Campbell of Auchen- breck (Douglas's 'Baronage,' p. 61).

5. Colin Campbell of Ardkinglass, men- tioned 22 January, 1527/8 ('Reg. Mag. Sig., 1513-46,' No. 556), married first Matilda, daughter of Hugh, first Earl of Eglinton (Wood's 'Douglas's Peerage,' vol. i. p. 498); secondly Beatrix Colquhoun, who survived him, and is mentioned 26 September, 1566, as then wife of William Stirling (' The Lennox,' vol. ii. p. 270). He died between 31 May, 1562, and 26 May, 1564 ('Reg. Mag. Sig., 1546-80,' No. 1592), without male issue ; but it is probable he was the Campbell of Ard- kinglass whose daughter married first Mac- naughton of Dunderave, and secondly Alas- tair McGregor of Glenstrae (' Black Book of Taymouth,' p. 64).

6. Sir James Campbell of Ardkinglass suc- ceeded his uncle about 1564. He married Elizabeth Campbell, mentioned 31 March, 1568 ('Reg. Mag. Sig., 1546-80,' No. 2132), and was father of (1) John, who succeeded ; (2) Alexander, born probably about 1555, appointed Bishop of Brechin 1566, while still a boy ; married first Margaret Beatoun, secondly, Helen Clephane, died February, 1608 (Scott's 'Fasti,' vol. vi. p. 889); (3) Mr. Dougall ('Reg. Mag. Sig., 1593-1608,' No. 440), probably identical with the minister of Farnell and Dean of Brechin, born about 1557, married Katherine Makcure, daughter of John Makcure, burgess of Edin- burgh, died before 8 July, 1633 (Scott's 'Fasti,' vol. vi. p. 827). In the 'Fasti' the Bishop of Brechin is called son of John Campbell of Ardkinglass, but it is evident that this must be an error for James. Sir James Campbell died between 9 February, 1590 ('R.P.C. Scot.,' vol. iv. p. 457), and 2 August, 1591 ('Reg. Mag. Sig., 1580-93,' No. 1901).

7. Sir John Campbell of Ardkinglass is described as son and heir of the late Sir James Campbell of Ardkinglass, 2 August, 1591, On 17 September, 1596, he was