Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/153

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9<"s. VIIL AUG. 17, 1901.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


GORE FAMILY. I shall be much obliged if any one can give me information as to the family of Gore who settled in Weimar in 1788. Emily Gore is buried there.


VERSES IN BORROW. In which of the works of George Borrow are the following lines to be found ?

Give me a haunch of buck to eat :

To drink, Madeira old :

A gentle wife to rest beside,

And in my arms enfold :

An Arabic book to study :

A Norfolk cob to ride :

A house to live in shaded by trees,

And near a riverside.

F. W.

LONDON M.P.s TEMP. EDWARD IV. Sir George Ireland, grocer ; alderman of Aldgate, January to March, 1461 ; Cordwainer, March, 1461, till 1474 ; sheriff in 1461-2 ; knighted, 20 May, 1471 ; M.P. in 1469 and 1472. Is anything known of his parentage and family 1 Stephen Fabyan, draper, M.P. in 1469 and 1492. From Baddeley's ' Aldermen of Cripple- gate Ward ' we learn that he was elected alderman of Bridge Ward on 30 July, 1468, and, declining to serve, was committed to Newgate, but released the next day, " being found insufficient/' In July, 1469, he was elected for the ward of Bishopsgate, and again committed until discharged a few days later upon taking oath that he was not worth 1,0001. In what way was this M.P. akin to Alderman Robert Fabyan, the chronicler 1


Lowton, Newton-le- Willows.

SONG WANTED. Will you kindly inform me where I can obtain a copy of the old song which begins as follows ?

Oh, funny and free are the bachelor's revelries, Cheerily, merrily passing his life; Nothing he knows of connubial devilries, Troublesome children, or clamorous wife. Free from satiety, care, and anxiety, Charms and variety fall to his share. Bacchus's blisses and Venus's kisses This, boys, oh this is the bachelor's fare.


STEDMAN FAMILY. Did James Stedman, the youngest son of the last James Stedman of Strata Florida Abbey, co. Cardigan, and his wife Margaret, daughter of Richard Owen, of Rhiwsaison, co. Montgomery, marry ? If so, did he have issue ? What were the names of such issue and their descendants? The last James Stedman and his wife Margaret Owen were married circa 1657.

Where were the Stedmans of Strata Florida Abbey buried ?

Was there issue of the marriage of Edward Stedman, of Kerry, co. Montgomery, and Elizabeth (born 2 April, 1676), daughter of Richard Lyster, of Rowton Castle, cp. Salop? If so, what were the names of such issue and their descendants?

The arms borne by John Stedman, of the Razees, now called Bosbury House, near Led- bury, co. Hereford, were an impalement, viz., on the dexter side of the shield, Vert, a cross moline or fleury or (for Stedman) ; and on the sinister side (field unknown) three roses (two over one), a chief cheeky sable and argent. Whose arms were those on the sinister side ? The said John Stedman, who had been High Sheriff, died in 1808.

The arms borne by the Rev. Thomas Sted- man, of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, who died in 1825, were Quarterly, 1 and 4, Arg., on a chevron gules, between three boars' heads couped sa., a cross arg. (for Stedman) ; 2 and 3, Arg., on a chief or a bird sa. Whose are the arms shown in the second and third quarterings? R. J. M. STEDMAN.

309, High Street, Rochester.

NAPOLEON'S LIBRARY. In his last will and testament, dated 15 April, 1821, Napoleon (according to the document given by Dumas) willed a portion of his library at St. Helena thus :

" Quatre cents volumes, choisis dans ma biblio- theque parmi ceux qui ont leplus servi a mon usage. Je charge Saint-Denis de les garder, et de les remettre a mon fils quand il aura seize ans."

Two questions : Did his son ever come into possession of those four hundred volumes? and what became of the remainder? Also, has a complete list of Napoleon's library ever been published, and where ?

J. B. McGovERN. St. Stephen's Rectory, C.-on-M., Manchester.

SIR JAMES JAY. Who was Sir James Jay, who appears to have been in London in 1765 and 1766 ? Was he a knight or a baronet ; and was he of the same family as John Jay, Congressman, who took a prominent part in during the American War of Inde-

politics pendence ?

E. T. B.

ALEXANDER SPEERING. This person seems to have been popular or notorious in London in 1622. I snail be glad of information or clue concerning him. LOBUC.

EYEGLASSES : THEIR ANTIQUITY. It is stated in 'Chambers's Encyclopaedia,' vol. iv., s.v. 'Emerald,' that "Nero, who was near- sighted, looked at the combats of gladiators th rough an eyeglass of emerald." Is it possible that this is the meaning of the passage in Pliny