Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/23

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"quos sibi de an iiquo jure vendicat sacrist majoris Ecclesie Westmonasterie" (in Stubbs

  • Select Charters,' 1895, p. 175). The price c

ink a century after the composition of th 4 Dialogus ' was much higher, and the suppl of it was in the hands of another official ; f in the Rotulus Memorandorum of Easter term 16 Edward I. (Issue Roll, Pells, No. 40), is th entry, "Precentori Westmonasteriensi pr< incausto de dimidio anno xl. d. liberat. eidem

Q. V.

WE must request correspondents desiring infor mation on family matters of only private interes to affix their names and addresses to their queries in order that the answers maybe addressed to th direct. _

"KENTISH FIRE." Will an y readers o

  • N. & Q.' tell us what is meant exactly bj

this expression] Various and somewha contradictory statements have come undei our notice, and in newspapers remote from Kent it is perhaps often used vaguely for any sort of stormy applause. The term is usually said to have originated in reference to meetings held in Kent in 1828-9 in opposition to the Catholic Relief Bill; is there evidence of this 1 As the part of the ' Dictionary ' including this is now in revise, early replies are askea.

J. A. H. MURRAY. Oxford.

[See 2** S. i. 182, 423; viii. 278.]

GOLDSMITH'S PUBLISHERS. I am desirous of obtaining as much information as possible about the various publishers of Goldsmith's works : Griffiths, the bookseller, the sign of " The Dunciad," in Paternoster Row : J. Wilkie, at "The Bible," in St. Paul's Church- yard ; Pottinger, the publisher of the Busy- body ; Thomas Davis ; Payne, of Paternoster Row ; Griffin, of Fetter Lane ; Benjamin Collins, of Salisbury ; Kearsley, who published ' Retaliation.' I am, of course, familiar with the Newberys, of whom I published an account in my * Bookseller of the Last Cen- tury '(1881). If any of your correspondents can direct me to sources of information about any of the eighteenth -century publishers I have named above, I shall be extremely obliged. CHAS. WELSH.

110, Boylston Street, Boston, U.S.

[A life of Thomas Davies (not Davis) is in the

  • D.N.B.' Consult Nichols's ' Literary Anecdotes. 5 ]

ANTOINE DE LAFOSSE IN ENGLAND. Is there any proof that the French playwright Antoine de Lafosse lived in England during

his early life? Ozell in the preface to his translation of ' Manlius Capitolinus ' says that Lafosse studied at Oxford, and Reed (' Biographia Dramatica,' vol. iii.) repeats the statement. G. H. G.

[No mention of Lafosse appears in Mr. Foster's ' Alumni Oxonienses,' nor do French dictionaries of biography refer to his visit.]


Will some one kindly send me the words of the old song,

In the days when we went gipsying, A long time ago,

or at least tell me where I can find them 1 In case I should receive several copies from one and another, will the senders be so good as to accept a general acknowledgment in ' Notices to Correspondents ' ? Charlotte Bronte's readers will remember that the first two lines are quoted in * Jane Eyre,' chap. iii. Accord- ing to Mr. John Bartlett. the words are by Edwin Ransford (query his date). Who is the composer of the air ?

JONATHAN BOUCHIER. Ropley, Alresford, Hants.

[Edwin Ransford, vocalist and actor, 1805-76 ; see ' D.N.B.' The song was cleverly parodied by Planche" in lines beginning (we quote from distant memory) : Oh, the days when we went tipsying, a long time

ago, Were certainly the happiest days a man could ever

know; We drank champagne from glasses long and hock

from glasses green, And nothing like a cup of tea was ever to be seen

In the days, &c. We recall Ransford as a vocalist.]

REDM AYNES OF THORNTON - IN - LONSDALE, YORKSHIRE. I am anxious to discover the connexion of James Redman, the founder circa 1450) of this branch of the family of iledman (of Levens and Hare wood Castle), with the earlier members of the family (Sir Matthew Redman, &c.) of Levens, West- moreland, of whom he was, I think, a descen- [ant. I should also be very grateful for any ight on the pedigree of William Redmayne, )f Burton-in-Lonsdale (d. 1818), or of Richard iledmayne, of Holme Head, who died 1721.

shall be very glad to exchange notes, of which I have a very large quantity, with any gentleman interested in the pedigree of the Thornton Redmaynes. W. GREENWOOD. Croylands, Spring Grove, Isleworth.

MAYORS OF NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME. Can ny of your readers fill in the names of persons rho occupied the mayoral chair in Newcastle uring the following years? Prior to 1317; 819-37 inclusive ; 1339-67 inclusive ; 1388,