Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/432

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. vm. NOV. 23, 1901.

peated again and again in fretful tones, " Let them tell me where, tell me where." Pitt, says Macaulay, "revenged himself by mur- muring, in a whine resembling Grenville's, a line of a well-known song, 'Gentle shep- herd, tell me where.' " The allusion is gener- ally explained by reference to the song of Howard :

Ye shepherds, tell me, have you seen

My Flora pass this way ? but this is obviously inadequate. Others refer to the play of Allan Ramsay, 'The Gentle Shepherd,' but there is no line in the play at all resembling the supposed quota- tion. Are we to suppose that there is a con- fusion in the story, and that possibly Pitt hummed the words quoted to a tune taken from ' The Gentle Shepherd,' then popular in opera form ; or can you suggest any " well- known song " as the real source 1 Fry's ' Sobriquets and Nicknames,' published by Whittaker, under the head of 'The Gentle Shepherd,' says, k< A song of Dr. Howard's, each stanza of which began and ended with the words 'Gentle shepherd,'" &c.; but I cannot trace such a song anywhere. I shall be infinitely obliged to you if you can throw any light on the point.


"SAWE." What is the meaning of this word, which occurs in a mandate of John, Duke of Lancaster, dated 26 July, 1369 1 The document runs as follows :

"Johan, etc., et lieutenant pour nostre tres redoute seignour et piere le roy [en] cestes parties de roialme de Ff ranee, a nostre bien ame sire William de Gunthorpe, tresorer de Caleys, saluz. Nous volons et vous mandons que a maistre Otte, carpenter et maistre de la sawe qu'est a ffaire en la ville de Caleys, paiez et deliverez sur ses coustages et despenses, vi livres xiiis. et iii den." Archives of the Duchy of Lancaster, ' Duke John's Register,' C.C. 12, fo. 149b, in Delpit, 'Collection Generate des Documents Francais conserves en An^leterre ' (1847), No. ccxii. p. 1'2S.

Q. V.

ORCHESTRA OR ORCHESTRE. Which is the correct spelling ] AYEAHR.

["Orchestra" is, of course, the English form. Orch&itre is said in the ' Century ' to be obsolete, and is unmentioned by Funk & Wagnails. Skeat gives

orchestra only, and says the root is uncertain.]

RENZO TRAMAGLINO. In a pamphlet by bignor Paulo Valera recently published, entitled ' La Regina Vittoria, Vita Intima e Aneddotica, is the following passage relative to King William IV. of England :

" Le stravaganze e i segni di una semi-pazzia o di una pazzia complete di Guglielmo sono infiniti 11 giudice supremo, Lord Denmaii, venne trattenuto al trove, e non pote presentarsi al re, col rapporto che

alcuni minuti dopo. Denman gli fece, s' intende, un mondo di scuse. II re, pur fingendo di accetarele, si tolse la matita dal taschino e si mise a scrivere e a domandargli, come 1'oste a Renzo Tramaglino, nome cognome, eta, condizione e abitazione. Finita la lettura del rapporto lo invito a Windsor con queste parole : ' Spero, my lord, che non mi f arete impiccare ! ' " Who was Renzo Tramaglino 1 JOHN HEBB.

BLANTYRE FAMILY. Could some reader in- form me whether there is any truth in the popular story, which I heard on the banks of the Clyde, about the heir of the Blantyre title 1 The title is at present dormant.


"ENGIVEN." I shall be much obliged if anj* one will kindly enlighten me as to the meaning of this word as it occurs in the following passage from Dr. Oliver's ' History of the Sleaford Holy Trinity Guild ' (p. 4, note) :

" William Hall, the Kyme water poet, who was born about the middle of the last century [i.e., 1700- 1800], says : ' I perfectly remember old Mr. Anthony Peacock, uncle to the late Anthony Peacock, Esq., threatening to horsewhip Frank Pears the tailor, because he would not go to mend the great mill (Engiven) sail clothes on old Christmas Day. 3 "

E. M. S.


may a copy of the * Itinerary ' of Solomon de

Ross (1285) be seen 1 Is anything known of

his life ? The ' D.N.B.' does not mention him.


FAIRY TALES. -- W T anted the title and author's name of a book of fairy tales pub- lished in the early fifties, containing among others a tale entitled ' The Touch of Gold ' (or Midas ?), and another concerning a magic chair. E. B. L.

38B, Granville Square, W.C.

POMEROY FAMILY OF DEVON. Can any reader give references to the pedigree and history of this family between Ralph, who built Berry Pomeroy Castle in the Con- queror's time, and Sir Thomas of the time of Edward VI. 1 DEVONIAN.

MANX. Will some one kindly send me on postcard an exact account of the pronuncia- tion of the letters, diphthongs, and. triph- thongs of the language ? I should be grateful also for any words not included in the Manx Society's dictionary, and for interesting grammatical notes. FRED. G. ACKERLEY. ISeemansheim, Libau, Russia.

JAMES SIMPSON, SURGEON. This gentleman leld the post of honorary surgeon to the Magdalen Hospital in St. George's Fields,