Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/513

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9*s. viii. DEC. 21, 1901.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


well-known ' Manx Dictionary' (published at Douglas in 1866). Can it be identified with Yule, or with Gaelic nollaig=Irish nodlpg, Early Ir. notlaic = Welsh nadolia, which Macbain in his Gaelic etymological dictionary (Inverness, 1896) derives from Latin Natalidd, the Nativity 1 H. KREBS.


AUBREY DE VERB, TWENTIETH EARL OF OXFORD. Can any one tell me where is an original painting of this nobleman 1 I believe there was one at "The Blues " (Horse Guards) some years ago, but from inquiries I learn it is not there now. There were two (by Kneller and Dobson) in Drummond's sale of 1840 at Christie's. ALLAN FEA.

Calice House, Newnham, Kent.

J. P. INWOOD was admitted to Westminster School on 14 September, 1809. Can any correspondent of ' N. & Q.' help me to identify him? G. F. R. B.

" HIGH-FALUTING." Whatis the derivation of this Yankeeism this " odious word," so termed by the late Mr. J. R. Lowell, formerly United States Ambassador to this country 1 I saw that Winston Churchill made use of it in his speech at the Constitutional Club on the 12th ult. D. K. T.

[The ' H.E.D.' says that the origin of the second portion of the word is unknown.]

KEYS TO NOVELS. References desired to keys to novels similar to that of ' Endymion,' published in *N. & Q.,' 18 December, 1880.

C. R. S.

'THE PALATINE'S DAUGHTER.' Can any reader tell me where I could find in print specimens of a class of poem peculiar, I believe, to the Irish language namely, bilingual verses in alternate lines of English and Gaelic ? In particular, is there any book in which is printed a poem of this kind called ' The Palatine's Daughter ' 1 I have heard it recited, but never saw it written. ^ I subjoin three lines of. a similar composition which will illustrate my meaning :

I cut my finger, do ghearras mo mheur, With a little sharp knife, le sgiainin geur, A very little harm, is beag an diobhail e ! JAS. PLATT, Jun.

LADY LOUISA STUART. Lady Mary Mon- tagu takes as granted that the youngest child of her daughter and of her husband, the Earl of Bute, will never marry. She says as much in one of her letters. I have searched in all volumes I could lay my hand upon, the obituary notice in the Athenceum included, for an explanation, but I have

failed. Was Lady Louisa Stuart deformed, or what was the reason which made it quite evident from her youth that " she would not marry '"? If you could enlighten me on this question you would very much oblige me.


"MINE HOST OF THE TABARD." Is there any evidence that the immortal "Harry Bailly " of Chaucer's ' Canterbury Tales ' was a real man who sat in Parliament 1


CROSS ON THE CARNEDDAU HILLS NEAR BUILTH. Walking over the Carneddau hills in the summer, I saw on one of the summits, which was crowned by a pile of stones, a very large cross marked out by stones carefully placed in the ground, almost like a pavement. The arms pointed N.S.E.W. I can find no mention of it in any guide or other book. Possibly some reader or * N. & Q.' can throw some light upon it. I may be allowed, per- haps, to ask at the same time whether there is any report in the Transactions of any archaeological society on the remains of old earthworks which abound in this part of Radnorshire. W. 0.

SAMUEL INGE was admitted to Westminster School on 16 January, 1775. Particulars of his parentage and career are desired.

G. F. R. B.


(9 th S. viii. 405.)

As I know of no book which furnishes all the inscriptions on the Vatican obelisk, to give it its generally accepted title, I give the following according to copies which I made on the spot five years ago, corrected a few weeks ago (November) by a friend in Rome.

In walking across the Piazza di San Pietro towards the steps of St. Peter's, taking a line at right angles with the steps, you come first to the east face of the obelisk. Where there are two or more inscriptions, I give the highest first.

East face.




(The above is on the obelisk itself.) ECCE CRVX DOMINI .