Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/562

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1902.

McUovern (J. B.) on Danteiana, 219

Gladstone volume, 21

Grave charge, 362

' Ivanhoe,' trysting oak in, 42

Little John's remains, 124

Napoleon's library, 145

Robin Hood literature, 263 Machine= public coach, 462 Mackenzie family of Gairloch, 16 McKerrow (R. B.) on Japanese names, 66

Nobility, 253

Mackesy family of Ballymackesy, co. Wexford, 46, 133 McKinley (President), his death, 237 MacMichael (J. H.) on Anglo -Hebrew slang: kybosh, 87

Animals in people's insides, 346

"As warm as a bat," 293

" Between the devil and the deep sea," 48

" Bible, Crown, and Constitution," 71

Breslaw, 229

Bricks, 528

Bucks and Good Fellows in 1778, 479

" Bull and Last," 54

Duels, 491

Early printers, designs of, 393

" Glorious uncertainty of the game," 231

Hoy, a, 469

Knifeboard of omnibus, 23

Living in three centuries, 132

Monolith with cup- markings in Hyde Park, 448

" Play the goat," 510

" Queen's Head and Artichoke," 102

Shoehorned, its meaning, 293

Smoking a cobbler, 148

Taverns, in Seven Dials and Soho, 94, 151 ;

pictures of, 209 ; and coffee-houses, 345, 509 McPike (E. F.) on Bailey families, 322 Macray (W. D.) on fifteenth-century religious verses,

Macaulay's essays, 431

Parish registers, 312 McTear (J. S.) on anyone : everyone, 18

Iveagh, 50

Mahogany, its etymology, 201, 352 Mahomet, his coffin, 80 Main family, 463 Malabar, the widow of, origin of the expression, 405,


Malabarian Hymn, choice of the title, 104 Malet (H.) on Anglo-Hebrew slang : kybosh, 87

Artists' mistakes, 328

Grindstones, uses of, 329

Marengo, Napoleon's horse, 271 Malt and hop substitutes, 26, 72, 171, 247 Man made in the form of a cross, 264, 448 Man-of-war, earliest use of the word for ship, 811 Manioc, its etymology, 260 Manley (F. E.) on Anson's Voyage round the World,'


Manners, deportment, and etiquette, books on, 232 Manorial custom at Hunmanby, 362 Manurance, use of the term, 351 Manx, its etymology, 83, 152, 231 ; Manx Gaelic

tract, 344 ; language and pronunciation, 424, 460 Marchant (F. P.) on castor-oil plant 224

Cigarette-holder, 143

Marchant (F. P.) on freaks of nature, 482

Jeroboam, 62

Lamb (C. ) and the Royal Academy, 233

l.eet-ale, 254

Meeting, 163

National peculiarities, 203, 311 Marengo, Napoleon's horse, its fate, 144, 271, 312 Margoliouth (G.) on demon repentant, 242 Marie Antoinette, historical relic of, 223 Marine queries, 265 Marks (A. G.) on Marks family, 364 Marks family, 364

Marlborough, its pronunciation, 164, 291, 468 Marlowe and Richard Barnfield, 217, 277 Marriage folk-lore, 445 Marriage saving from execution, 419 'Marseillaise,' origin of the, 61, 126, 187, 245,287,

331, 372, 407, 473 Marshall (J.) on Cowley's poems set to music, 67

'Marseillaise,' 61, 187, 287, 372, 473

Mistakes of authors, 181

Marshalsea and King's Bench prisoners, 164, 389 Marston (E.) on E. Marston & Co., publishers, 323 Marston (B.) & Co., publishers, 1833, 323 Marston (Dr. J. Westland) and Charles Dickens, 521 Marston (R. B.) on gazetted for refusing an honour, 401

Merlin, 103

Martin (John), painter, 1789-1854, 64, 133 Martin (S.) on Shakespeare queries, 148 Mary Queen of Scots Bible, 482 Mary Tudor (Lady), date of her birth, 484 Mary's Chappel, print connected with, 309 Massey (Henry), vicar of Kendal, 1645-50, his bio- graphy, 483

Master of the King's Musick, the first, 342, 387 " Mate"," Paraguay tea, 419 Mathewson (T. ) on tragedy by Wordsworth, 284 Matthews (J. H.) on Anglo- Hebrew slang : kybosh, 150

Animals in people's insides, 90

Burnt sacrifice : mound burial, 152

Cradock : Winter, marriage, 324

Cradock (Capt.), 345

Edward VII., rime on, 532

Family likeness, 62

Fillingham family, 69

Floyd v. Lloyd, 329

Greek pronunciation, 74

Mitre, the, 493

Newspaper errors, 494

Nobility, 253

Phillippo, 72

Place-names, Cornish, 93

Rowe of Cornwall, 470

Staunton, Worcestershire, 510

' Takmi,' 70

Tintern Abbey, monks of, 264

West-Countrymen's tails, 192

Maunsell (R. G.) on Sir Ignatius White, Bart., 224 Mawdesley (F. L.) on John Byrom's epigram, 533 Maxwell (Sir H.) on Napoleon's horse Marengo, 312 Maxwell (P.) on abacus, 305

Electrocute, 420

" Gentle shepherd, tell me where," 531

Latin motto, 270