Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/118

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[9 th 8. IX. FEB. 8, 1902.

from the Palatine to the Capitoline Temple of Jove must have been of wood. Closer study of Caligula's works and life should convince the intelligent that such a man was not to be put off by a piece of merely dexter- ous carpentry. As, however, the present excavations at that site have revealed con- clusively that the Augusteum, over the roof of which the said bridge passed to that of the Basilica Julia, was reconstructed efundamentis by Hadrian, it is unlikely that any traces of that earlier, and maniacal, experiment will be found, such, for instance, as bases of its piers, &c. The bringing over of the gigantic obelisk, however, was grandly on the side of sanity, as well as the construction of the magnificent ship that brought it. Later on, however, Caius must needs construct a mole and two colossal barges on the tiny lake of Nemi, _ beneath whose placid waters they must lie probably for ever.

ST. GLAIR BADDELEY. Absence from England has prevented my correcting in due time an error which appears in one of the inscriptions in my reply at the last reference. TRIBV IVDA should read DE TRIBV IVDA. ROBERT PIERPOINT.

STAUNTON, WORCESTERSHIRE (9 th S. viii. 383 510; ix. 11, 92). The heading is again inap- propriate to the contribution of MR. CANN HUGHES regarding the history of " Staunton in the Forest of Dean," inasmuch as that htaunton is Staunton, Gloucestershire, not

Staunton, Worcestershire."

With regard to the other contribution winch appears with it from MR. JOHN HORSON MATTHEWS, I should be inclined to doubt if the gentleman of " Pauntley, Gloucestershire," who "married the heiress of Staunton," found his bride "in the same Pauntley, Gloucestershire, adjoins Staunton, Worcestershire, but is a long way from Staunton, Gloucestershire.


(9"' S V Tx B 8 U Q^ 1EL w>? BARBEY ' AU ^VILLY (9 b. ix 8, 96).- With regard to this query

I have p easure in replying that a translation

lished y hv T?P ^. Douglas Ainslie was pub- lished by Dent & Co. in 1897. 1 was esne cially interested in this, for ten or twefve

his translation, I had the pleasure of trans- ferring to him the rights granted to me.

If MR. HIATT will refer to a short paper on 'Dandyism' in Temple Ear (January, 1891 or 1892, I think), it may partly answer his question ?.s to how and why D'Aurevilly and other French writers interested them- selves in the " Dux dandiorum." Barbey d'Aurevilly was a native of Caen, and when a youth had seen Brummell in his decadence and consulship there, before Palmerston, on the dandy's own representation of its useless- ness, had abolished the office. At Caen Brummell lies under a modest stone in the Protestant cemetery. But D'Aurevilly (as is patent in all his writings) had dandyism in the blood and marrow, and he was " suckled " upon its not then " outworn creed." He was the first to show its inner meaning and philo- sophy (before Baudelaire) as the quint- essence of character, and, moreover, he perused Jesse's proof - sheets before the "Magpie's" book on Brummell was pub- lished. The ordinarily accepted cock-nosed portrait of Brummell is most unsatisfactory, and I possess what I believe to be a far more authentic likeness of him after his fall from the hand of Wilkie. This was exhibited at the Eton Exhibition, when Sir George Scharf (the editor of the catalogue) declined to give the attribution his sanction on the ground that it differed too greatly from the accepted portrait ; but it far more closely resembles that by Dighton (exhibited in the Victorian Exhibition) and the little figure published in Gronow's book. A. FORBES SIEVEKING.

[D'Aurevilly's tract is one of a few opuscules he printed in Caen in very limited editions, some dozen or so copies. Before the production of Mr. Tree's 'Last of the Dandies' we purchased a copy of the book in question for twenty-five francs.]

GATES OF CAROLINE PARK, EDINBURGH (9 th S. vii. 288). With reference to a ques- tion about the disappearance of the fine old wrought-iron gates from the lodge at Gogar House, Midlothian, I have to say that they have been removed for the purpose of their being repaired. When so repaired they are to be erected at Sauchieburn, in Stirlingshire, the property of Mrs. Steel-Maitland, who also owns Gogar House. The gates were designed to guard the north or seaward entrance of Caroline Park House (near Granton, Edinburgh), built by George, first Earl of Cromartie. At the time he built the house (1685) he was Viscount Tarbat, by which title he was long known in Scottish affairs. He was all for the Union, and along with his peers received English gold for his services towards that end. He thus sat in