Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/160

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. FEB. 22, 1902.

its size, which was only one foot high and one foot and a half long. I think it may now be taken for granted that no portrait of Brandon exists beyond those on the headings to the papers referred to by ME. STEPHENS. PHILIP SIDNEY.

"BAR SINISTER "(9 th S. ix. 64). The Daily Chronicle errs in good company. Lord Rose- bery, speaking of the " unreliability of Las Cases" in his 'Napoleon,' pp. 20, 21, says :

" We think we have said enough to show that these various fabrications lie like a bar sinister athwart the veracity of his massive volumes, and make it impossible to accept any of his statements, when he has any object in making them."

His lordship may have thought that the literary poise of this passage would suffer if, with pedantic accuracy, he had used the correct term, " baton sinister."

A more important error in the Daily Chronicle article is the statement that James II. " contributed a good many bars sinister to the arms of the members of the House of Lords." James II. created his mistress Catherine Sedley Countess of Dorchester in January, 1685/6, but she died childless in 1692, and the honour died with her. He also created his illegitimate son James Fitz-James Duke of Berwick in 1687, but the duke was attainted in 1695, and his English honours became forfeited. Xo descendant of James II. sits, or has sat for over two hundred years, in the House of Lords. W. F. PRIDE AUX.


ABLE SLANG (9 th S. viii. 481). The word is said to have originated in the eighteenth century with the Macaroni Club, whose members used the word boar, not bore, of any one opposed to dandyism or macaroni manners (see Cassell's Magazine, 'London Legends'). J. H. MAcMiCHAEL.

11. B.'s interesting quotation would have been doubly valuable if he had given the

date at which it was written, and the page ' Q. V.

, ot the ' Life ' on which it occurs.

CROLLY FAMILY (9 th S. viii. 484). Stanis- M U f " Leszczynski, King of Poland and LJuke ot Lorrain, was the son of Frederick Augustus L, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, and Christina Eberhardine, daughter ot Christian Ernest, Margrave of Bayreuth and Erdmuth Sophia, daughter of John Ueorge II., Elector of Saxony, his wife. Born November, 1677, and married Catherine of Almskaia, daughter of Henry Opalinski, Castellan of Posen. Succeeded to the throne 12 July, 1704; deposed 2 Oct., 1709; re-

turned 12 Sept., 1725 ; redeposed June, 1736, and 21 March, 1737. Died 23 Feb., 1736 [?]. Lady Anne, the eldest daughter of Lewis, the third Marquis of Huntly, married the Comte de Crolly, of whom I can find no in- formation ; probably he was connected with one of the Irish families of Crolly. A Captaine Aide Major Croly [sic] was in the Regiment de Rothe in 1746-52, that being one of the Irish brigades in the service of France. There is a pedigree of the Crolly family in O'Hart's 'Irish Pedigrees,' but it will not help MR. BULLOCH. JOHN RADCLIFFE.

CHARLES V. ON THE DIFFERENT EUROPEAN TONGUES (9 th S. viii. 523). In Ravizzotti's 'Italian Grammar,' fifth edition, Lond., n.d. (dedicated to Lord Palmerston), on p. 402, and towards the close of a section headed ' Costumi delle Nazioni,' 1 find the following : Diceva Carlo-Quinto che parlerebbe In lingua Francese ad un amico, ,, Tedesco al suo cavallo, ,, Italiano alia sua signora, ,, Spagnuolo a Dio, ,, Inglese agli uccelli.

Here the first four parts correspond very nearly to MR. NORTH'S quotations, but the last is different. He says, "I fancy he de- scribed English as the language of birds," but the Italian given above evidently means that birds should be spoken to in English.

Brewer's 'Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,' ed. 1895, p. 728, has : "L'ltalien se parle aux dames ; le Frangais aux hommes ; 1'Anglais aux oiseaux ; 1'Allemand aux chevaux ; 1'Espagnol a Dieu " (misprinted " Dieux," see his 'Reader's Handbook,' 1898, p. 591). This is followed by a note : " Charles Quint used to say, ' 1 speak German to my horses, Spanish to my God, French to rny friends, and Italian to my mistresses.' "

Preceding this is another note which may serve to explain "English to birds": "Eng- lish, according to the French notion, is


Apropos, of this one naturally recalls another well-known saying of this emperor, or at least generally attributed to him : " For every new language one acquires, one becomes a new man." But, if really uttered by him, was it original? Vambery, in his 'Travels in Central Asia,' 1864, p. 219, quotes, as a Latin proverb, "Quot linguas cales, tot homines vales," where "cales" seems to be either a misprint for "calles," or to be so spelt for the sake of the rhyme.

In Donaldson's 'New Cratylus,' 1839, p. 10, we read :

" It was a great mistake of Ennius to say that he had three hearts because he understood three Ian-