Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/171

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Mu thill, as told by Dean Ramsay, brod is used in the double sense of a goad and an instrument for taking a collection :

" As he went round with the ladle, he reminded such members of the congregation as seemed back- ward in their duty, by giving them a poke with the brod, and making in an audible whisper such remarks as these, ' Wife at the braid mailin, mind the puir'; 'Lass wi' the braw plaid, mind the puir.' "

By about the year 1715 it had become customary in many Scottish churches to have a large black board on which were in- scribed the names of benefactors, and this was known as the legacy brod.

A board for the game of draughts used to be known in Scotland as a dambrod hence the common name, still in use, of the dambrod pattern in articles of napery.

The boards of a book were often called brods, as, for example, in the following quota- tion from a kirk session's records in 1 703 : "For a calf's skinn to be a cover to ye Kirke bible. For dressing ye skinn bought to cover ye Kirke bible, and alm'd leither to fasten ye cover to ye brods."

We read, too, of painted brods paintings on wood. W. S.



(Continued /row 9 th S. vi. 325.)

Supplement, Vol. I.

P. 83 a, 1. 2. For " afterwards " read noiu.

P. 160 b, "Tangiers"; 161 a, " Tangier."

Pp. 169-71. W. J. E. Bennett also published a pamphlet on the Mackonochie case 4 Obedience to the Lesser ; Disobedience to the Greater.'

P. 194. Edward Bickersteth, Dean of Lich- field, took a Licence in Theology at Durham ; see more in the Durham University Journal, x. 80-1.

P. 204 a, 1. 14. For "John Edward" read Edward John.

P. 212. Blagdon's ed. of Dr. Johnson's

  • Poems ' was published by Suttaby & Crosb} 1

in 1806.

P. 228 b, 1. 17. For " afterwards " read noiu .

P. 229 a. " Washington " ? probably What- lington.

P. 230. Boehm's Jubilee coins were not successful.

P. 251 b, 1. 38. For " and February " read February and March.

P. 256 a, "Wilshere"; 257 b, "Wilshire."

P. 260 b. " Brantirigham, near Barnart Castle, Durham." Brantingharn is near Brough, on the Humber, in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

P. 284 b, 1. 5. "Parental legislation." 'erhaps paternal may be intended.

P. 321 b, 1. 27 from foot. Correct press.

P. 344. George Burnett. The controversies >etween him and Joseph Foster should be nentioned. See also the Genealogist, N.S., vi. 213-5.

P. 358 b. George Butler, "admitted ad eundem " what 1

Pp. 359-60. Dean Butler printed his West- minster School Commemoration Sermon, and also one in memory of Canon Liddon, in Lincoln Cathedral, 1890.

P. 381 b. Sir Alex. Campbell. For " vil- age of Heydon " read town of Hedon. His 'ather, James Campbell, described as of Hedon, surgeon, a bachelor, married at Hedon, 31 July, 1811, Lavinia Scatcherd Roberts, of that place, spinster. For Thomas Sandwith, father of Sir Alexander's wife, see

D.N.B.,' vol. 1. 281 b.

P. 396 b. W. L. R. Gates. " Articled clerk " must be an error ; he could not attempt " to establish a practice" before he had been articled.

P. 418. Mrs. Charles's first publication was ' Light in the Dark Places ; or, Memorials of Christian Life in the Middle Ages,' translated from Neander, 1850, without her name.

P. 421 b, 1. 29. Correct press.

Vol. II.

P. 7, 1. 11 from foot. Correct press.

P. 9 b, 1. 7. For " Paschal " read Pascal.

P. 58 b. " Returned to Gainsborough." Nothing has been mentioned of her having been there before.

P. 59 a, 1. 4 from foot. For u Bason's " read Baron's.

P. 123 b. For "afterwards " read now.

P. 124 a, 1. 8 from foot. " Pseudepigraphia"?

P. 128. Archd. Denison also printed ' The Present Persecution. A Letter to the Lord Bishop of Rochester' (on the Tooth case), 1876, and 'Some Outlines of the History of Philosophy. A Paper read at Hull,' 1879.

Pp. 130-1. William Denton. See more of him in Church Times, 6 January, 1888 ; Church Quarterly Review, ii. 260 ; Spurgeon, * Com- mentaries ' ; he also printed a sermon, ' Christianity, True Manliness,' preached at Forest School, Walthamstow, 1875. He was a contributor to ' N. & Q.' He married Jane, youngest daughter of William Hurst Ash- pitel ; she died at St. Leonards - on - Sea, 9 September, 1901.

P. 175 b. Edersheim was not Grinfield Lecturer in 1890, for he died in March, 1889.

P. 232 a. For " Sedburgh " read Sedberyh.

P. 255 b, 1. 3. For " Mary's " read Mary.