Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/183

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s. ix. MARCH i, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


order appertaineth." Unluckily, no par- ticulars are given as to the dress required.


MINIATURE OF COL. GEO. FLEETWOOD (9 th S. ix. 48, 154). Peter Wentworth, M.P., the Puritan leader, had a son in -law called by him "ray sonne Fleetwoode atWygan." Can MR. PINK find him in the family of the regicide or of Cromwell's son-in-law 1 D.

HENRY CRISPE (9 th S. ix. 8, 93). I am obliged to H. C. for his note. Henry Crispe, the Common Serjeant, who died in office in 1700, was clearly not the son of the rector of Catton.

The will of Henry Crispe, of the Custom, London, dated 27 July, 1745, with codicil 17 June, 1746, was proved 4 November, 1747. Names his wife Mary, mother Ann Crispe, sister Ann, brother Thomas and his daughter, niece Susan, cousin Ann Smith, cousin Richard Wiatt of Boxley. To be buried in the ancient burying-place in Birchington. Had property in Kent and London, and land at Cambridge. His father, Henry Crispe, rector of Catton, is stated in Carter's ' Cam- bridge' to have been allied to the family of the Duke of Somerset by marriage with Anne, daughter of Francis Percey, of Haverill, in Suffolk.

There was a Henry Crispe, citizen and blacksmith of London, of St. Mary's, White- chapel, whose will, dated 9 July, 1701, was proved 27 October, 1701, leaving his son Henry residuary legatee. W. D. PINK.

DESBOROUGH PORTRAITS AND RELICS (9 th S. viii. 497 ; ix. 30). Referring to my notes and

?ueries on the Desborough portraits, which believe to represent Cornelius van den Anker and his wife Sarah Norden, widow of Andrew Sane, of Dort, I should be glad of any information about C. van den Anker, who was a merchant in London in the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries.

E. F. Du CANE.

DUELS (9 th S. viii. 3G4, 491 ; ix. 94). Infor- mation about duels is to be found in Douglas's 'Duelling Days in the Army.' Some duels which took place between French and English officers in France soon after Waterloo are mentioned in Gronow's 'Re collections.' W. S.

HEYFORD FREE SCHOOL : EARLY RULES (9 th S. ix. 41). The rules at this ancient school, and the usual penalty of so many "lashes" for non- attention to any one of them, recall the fact that my late father went to a boarding-school at Cheshunt (Essex), in

the early years of last century. Whipping there was so much in evidence that I have heard him frequently say scarcely an hour passed without the dominie, or his ushers, administering severe corporal punishment. On such occasions they would cry sternly to the offender the all-too-often heard and dreaded command :

Down with your breeches, and up with your shirt ; Twenty-four lashes will do you no hurt !

With ultimate disastrous consequences to the poor little victim better imagined than described. HARRY HEMS.

Fair Park, Exeter.

" WITH AFFECTION BEAMING" (9 th S. ix. 87). The description occurs in the eighth chapter of ' Martin Chuzzlewit ' :

" Mrs. Todgers stood for some moments gazing at the sisters [the Miss Pecksniffs] with affection beaming in one eye and calculation shining out of the other."

WALTER B. KINGSFORD. [Replies also from W. T. and others.]

BLACK BOTTLES FOR WINE (9 th S. ix. 7). I have a black bottle eight inches in height, half of which appertains to the neck, and eleven inches in circumference. When filled to the top it holds fifteen fluid ounces. It is very strongly but rudely made, and has a curious warped appearance. Upon a raised circle on the side are stamped the letters and date G : C 1744, the date being beneath the letters.

This bottle was dug up, some years ago near the shore of a large lake in this neigh- bourhood ; along with it was found a cannon- ball of cast-iron, which now weighs almost eleven and a half pounds, but has, no doubt, lost weight by rust.

Can any of your readers enable me to trace the source of this bottle 1


Rosslea, Clones, co. Fermanagh.

THE MUSICIANS' COMPANY OF THE CITY OF LONDON (9 th S. ix. 9). Is MR. HILL acquainted with what has already appeared in ' N. & Q.' respecting this company ? See 8 th S. xii. 407,


THE FEAST AND THE RECKONING (9 th S. ix. 85). I think this runs : Men laugh and riot till the feast is o'er, Then comes the reckoning, and they laugh no more.

I have seen these words so printed on an engraving called ' A Day's Pleasure ' (painted by E. Prentis, engraved by James Scott, published 18 April, 1843, by Tilt & Bogue, Fleet Street, London). The engraving repre- sents a room at the " Star and Garter Hotel,"