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9* s. ix. JAN. 4, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


"A very fine specimen of these peg-tankards, oi undoubted Anglo-Saxon work, formerly belonging to the abbey of Glastonbury, is now in the poss sion of Lora Arundel of Wardour. It holds t quarts, and formerly had eight pegs inside, dividing the liquor into half-pints. On the lid is the Cruci- fixion, with the Virgin and John, one on each side of the cross. Round the cup are carved the twelve Apostles." Fosbrooke's ' Encyclopaedia of Anti quities,' vol. i. p. 258, London, 1835. See also Hone's ' Year-Book. '

Ducange in his Glossary, v. 'Potus,' mention a canon being passed at a council in France which forbade "sequales potus," a canon of the same import as that of Anselm's.

On referring to Hone's ' Year-Book ' I find a woodcut of the Glastonbury tankard. The letterpress says that the four uppermost peg remain, and that the holes from which the other four have fallen out are discernible. It is made of oak and has been lackered with strong varnish, especially inside. It was saved from Wardour Castle by Blanch, Lady Arundel, who, on surrendering the castle to Sir Edward Hungerford and Col. Strode, withdrew this cup with certain articles of her property, and, retiring to Winchester, re- tained it as long as she lived. In one of the old inventories of the effects belonging to Wardour Castle this cup is mentioned as having been brought from the ancient abbey of Glastonbury. The above is only a little of Hone's account. A woodcut of the tankard appears (No. 794) on p. 189 of vol. i. of ' The Pictorial Gallery of Arts' (London, Charles Knight & Co.). It is mentioned, but there is no description of it in the letterpress. See also Brand's * Popular Antiquities,' s.v.

  • Drinking Customs : Pledging,' p. 491 of the

1877 edition of Chatto & Windus.


St. Austin's, Warrington.

STATTNTON, WORCESTERSHIRE (9 th S. viii. 383, 510). I can clear up this confusion, as the parish named by MR. MATTHEWS is in my division, and the other is on its edge and contains many of my constituents. The postal address of " Staunton, Worcestershire," is " Staunton, Gloucester." MR. MATTHEWS'S parish, "Staunton, Gloucestershire," is a long way off, and lies between Coleford and Mon- mouth, with a view over the Wye.


CASTOR-OIL PLANT (9 th S. viii. 224, 511). As M. M. L. writes from Costa Rica to suggest that eucalyptus trees drive away raosquitos and " might drive away flies," may I say that no one has ever suggested that the eucalyptus will affect flies, and that the opinion that it annoys mosquitos is a popular delusion? I

may add that flies are put to sleep by the pungent smoke of a eucalyptus-leaf fire, but that mosquitos ply their trade unharmed in it as in tobacco smoke. C. O. P.

HORN DANCERS (9 th S. viii. 444). I have just found an earlier reference to the Abbot's Bromley dancers, viz., ' Hobby-horse Dance,' 6 th S. ii. 368 (6 November, 1880), where Dugdale's 'England and Wales,' vol. i. p. 7, is quoted. The querist was the late MR. EDW. WALFORD. On p. 397 various refer- ences are given, but not to Bromley. On p. 418 'N. & Q.'s ' old contributor ST. SWITHIN quotes from Halliwell an extract from the Mirror, xix. 228, ' Bromley Pagets.' It is to be found on p. 452 of vol. i. col. 2, of first edition of Halliwell. There is also a refer- ence to Strutt. I cannot lay my hands on my copy, and it is possible only hobby-horses are meant, not horn dancers. S. L., PETTY.


MANX GAELIC (9 th S. viii. 460). In the first place, I should like to thank your corre- spondent for the interest he shows in the preservation of Manx as a living language ; and, in the next place, I should like, as pre- sident of the Manx Language Society, to explain what has been done, and what is being done, to keep the language alive. We have all felt the need of a satisfactory

rammar, and now that want is met for

eginners by 'First Lessons in Manx/ by Edmund Goodwin, published by the Celtic Association, Dublin, price 6d. A convenient reading-book, '^Esop's Fables,' in Manx and English, written by an old Manxman of Creigneish, and edited by Mr. Roeder, of Manchester, is also published at the same price at the Examiner office, Douglas. For more advanced students the appendices to vol. xxxiii. of the Manx Society's Publica- tions (pp. 1-183) on Manx phonology, by Prof. Rhys, of Oxford, will be found to go into the matter very thoroughly.

During the winter months classes are held in the island for teaching Manx, but these have to be abandoned while " the season " asts. The Manx Language Society is now Drying to get Manx placed on the same foot- .ng as Welsh in the education code, and so to 3e officially recognized as an extra subject, which may be taught in elementary schools. This would be a great step forward, but we io not yet know what view those in autho- 4ty will take.

There is much enthusiasm among real

overs of Manx in the island, as distinct

Torn those mercenary folk who will learn

and teach only what will pay ; but such are in