Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/204

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. MARCH s, 1902.

the dexter side, and that for the obvious reasons mentioned by Guillim, and cited by MR. RADCLIFFE.


ROYAL PERSONAGES (9 th S. ix. 89). Louisa Anne, born at Leicester House, died at Carlton House, buried 21 May, 1768, in Westminster- Abbey.

Elizabeth Caroline, born at Norfolk House, St. James's Square, died at Kew, buried 14 September, 1759, in Westminster Abbey.

Frederic William, born at Leicester House, died there, or at Savile House, which adjoined it.

The Dukes of Cumberland and Gloucester, both born at Leicester House ; the former- died at Cumberland House, Pall Mall.

Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick, born at St. James's Palace, died at Spring Gardens.

Reference is made in Mrs. Delany's ' Life and Correspondence' to the Duke of Glou- cester's marriage. She writes, 28 May, 1773, as follows :

" When evidences were ask'd for, none were to be had ; no register ! no certificate, and no witness; the person that married them dead, and nothing remain'd but the oath of the D. and Dss. of G. that they were married." Vol. iv. p. 507.

Anne, Princess Royal, born 22 October, 1709, in Hanover.

Mary, Princess of Hesse Cassel, born 22 February, 1723, at Leicester House ; married at Cassel ; died 14 June, 1771.

Louisa, Queen of Denmark, born 7 Decem- ber, 1724, at Leicester House ; married at Copenhagen ; died 8 December, 1751.

Amelia Sophia died at her house in Harley Street, corner of Cavendish Square.

Caroline Elizabeth died at St. James's Palace.

George William died at Kensington Palace.

Prince Octavius was buried 10 May, 1782

Prince Alfred died at Windsor, buried 27 August, 1783.

These two princes were removed from Westminster to Windsor 10 February, 1820.

These dates are gleaned from Chester's 'Kegrsters of Westminster Abbey,' Hare's 'Walks in London,' Miss Ty tier's ' Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover,' Mrs Delany's ' Life,' ' D.N.B.,' & c .


i>' th S ' ix " 88 )-- I beg to refer MR. R. J. WALKER to pp. 164-6 of the Rev. J. H. Lupton's 'Life of Dean Colet' (1887). It would seem that a memorandum in Colet's handwriting is in existence, which apparently throws some light on his selection of the number 153. It is to be found on the fly-leaf

of a MS. copy of Colet's 'Statutes' now in the British Museum Library (Add. and Eger- ton MSB., S. 6274), and is quoted by Mr. Lupton as follows : " Of halidayes and halfe halydayes all noumbred togyder in whiche ys no teachinge ther be yn the hole yere vii xx and xirj." Presumably this is the only evidence extant directly referring to the number 153. It seems as though the draught of fishes theory has been seized upon and made to do duty simply because of its coinci- dence. JOHN T. PAGE. West Haddon, Northamptonshire.

" BARRACKED " (9 th S. ix. 63). MR. YARROW BALDOCK questions whether "barracking" (i.e, a word so spelt) can be "an elongated! form of ' barking ' " ; yet is not the wordl " larrikin " or " larrakin " usually allowedl to be only an elongated form of "lark- ing"? The latter word, by -the -by, in the sense in which it is often used by us; now, does not seem to figure in the older dictionaries I have at hand. In them the- only meaning given is catching larks. May we not therefore conclude that " larking "' in the later sense is only a corrupted! form of the N.C. "laking" (or, to be^ exact, and to give to the word its full N.C.. sound, "la-aking ")? If so, the first vowel ini that word has evidently undergone that lowering of tone which has altered the' character of the sound in so many of our words that they become almost unrecogniz- able. "La-aking" is the N.C. word for " not working." A mill-hand may not be- " playing " in the S.C. sense ; but he is; "la-aking" (and that amounts to "playing"' in the N.C. sense) when not steadily at work- in that position, in fact, which is rather apt to produce (in young men) a " larky " frame- of mind, and eventually, perhaps, a " larri- kin " or *' larrakin " person in the colonial sense. BOSCOMBROSA.

BRICKS (9 th S. viii. 404, 449, 528). In a>, valuable article by the late Mr. G. E. Street. on 'Brickwork in the Middle Ages ' (Church Builder, 1863, pp. 53-64) the north porch ofe Liibeck Cathedral is described as " a thirteenth-century addition of two bays ini depth, with groining piers of clustered shafts with sculptured capitals, and a many-shafted doorway of the hest character. Its interior is probably mainly of stone, but the exterior is all of brick. The archway is boldly moulded, and above it is a horizontal arcaded corbel table, stepped up in the centre to admit the arch. The gable is boldly arcaded upon shafts, and has a stepped corbel table, with a double line of moulded bricks above it next to the tiles. A couple of simple open arches are pierced in each side wall, and there are flat pilasters at the angles. In the gable enclosed within the