Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/232

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. MARCH 22, 1902.

that Pisanio describes no address made to the ear." MR. THISELTON suggests the retention of the original "make," with practically the roosed by

same meaning as

When Pisanio says, in the accepted reading, that Posthumus remained on deck for so long as he could make me with this eye or ear distinguish him from others, he states something within his knowledge. As Fost- hurnus at first, when the ship was near, made him hear his voice, and later, at a dis- tance, caught his eye by signals. Pisanio knew that Posthumus stood on deck at least that long. If he were to say, however, that Posthumus stood there "for so long as he could make [mark] me with his eye, Pisanio would be going beyond his actual knowledge, and stating a mere conjecture, which he would hardly presume to do.

To me, " this eye or ear " is expressive of Pisanio's loyalty and devotion to his master. E. MERTON DEY.

St. Louis.

THE JAPANESE REGALIA. In the Daily Telegraph of the 15th inst. is an interesting account of a lecture given by Mr. Goji Ukita, Chancellor of the Japanese Legation, on the Imperial regalia of Japan. It appears that these emblems consist of the Mirror, symbolic of Knowledge ; the Sword, for Courage ; and the Divine Jewels, for Mercy. They are merely of copper, steel, and stone. The regalia have the highest significance, it being held that no Emperor can rule without the three virtues which they represent.

N. S. S.

" CROSSING THE BAR." In 1680 a Scottish Presbyterian minister, the Rev. Donald Cargil, wrote to a friend who was under sentence of death :

" Fairwell, dearest friend, never to see one another any more, till at the right hand of Christ. Fear not, and the God of mercies grant a full gale and a fair entry into his kingdom, that may carry you sweetly and swiftly over the bar, that you find not the rub of death."

The passage is to be found in the ' Cloud of Witnesses' (p. 8 in the 1836 edition).

W. S.

CONTEMPORARIES IMPERSONATED ON THE STAGE. Has the subject of impersonating living celebrities on the stage been dealt with recently in the pages of ' N. & Q.' 1 In a dis- patch from Amsterdam dated 24 February, and printed in the Daily Chronicle of the following day, we read : -

"In an operetta entitled the 'Carnival at Rome, which is going on at one of the theatres here, one

of the actors represents Mr. Chamberlain. The Handelsblad reprehends this proceeding, and says that whatever political differences of opinion may exist, there is always a limit to the permissible." During, or immediately after, the Dreyfus court-martial at Rennes, a series of plays in Yiddish, dealing with the subject, were per- formed at tl.e Britannia Theatre. Zola played by a most pronounced Jew was the hero. The representations, which formed a sort of trilogy, were followed by crowds of Jewish spectators with intense interest. The programme was printed in English and Hebrew. CHARLES HIATT.

" GALILEE." (See ' N. & Q.' and elsewhere, passim.} While we have been guessing for years and years about the origin of the term " Galilee," as applied to a part of a church, we have all the while had the true explana- tion ready to hand in some easily accessible books. It is simply that as Sunday is the weekly festival of the Resurrection, so the Sunday procession, in which the person of greatest dignity goes first, represents the going of our Lord before the disciples into Galilee, and hence the part of a church where the procession ended was called the "Galilee." See Rupert of Deutz, 'De Div. Off.' (Migne, ' P.L.,' vol. clxx.), lib v. cap. 8, and lib. vii. cap. 21-24 (quoted in Ducange, s.v.) Rud., * Catal. of Durham MSS.,' 66 ; Hutchin- son, * Hist, of Durham,' 1787, ii. 71n.

J. T. F.


MRS. SIDDONS'S HOUSE, UPPER BAKER STREET. It is stated that when the arrange- ments for the electrization of the Metro- politan Inner Circle Railway are completed, one of the first houses to be demolished will be No. 27, Upper Baker Street, at the corner of Allsopp Place, which was the last resi- dence of Mrs. Siddons, the actress, who died there 8 June, 1831.

"In 1817 Mrs. Siddons took the lease of a house, pleasantly situated, with an adjoining garden and a small green, at the top of Upper Baker Street, on the right side towards the Regent's Park. Here she built an additional room for her modelling." Campbell's ' Life of Siddons,' p. 360.

Mrs. Siddons appears to have resided in Gower Street during the early part of her married life, and afterwards, from 1790 to 1802, at No. 49, Great Marlborough Street.

On Mrs. Siddons's death the house in Upper Baker Street was purchased by a "Mr. Gowan from India" for 2,150/. "It was," according to Boaden, Mrs. Siddons's biographer,

"fitted up with a plainness that has seldom attended rooms of equal grandeur the tone of the