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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. ix. MARCH 22, 1002.

OLD SCHOOL RULES. As a pendant to the rules of Hey ford Free School (ante,*p. 41), the following rules for the management of the school of Prestonkirk parish may be of interest :

19th May, 1703. Rules for the Management of the School.

1. The School must be convened at seven in the morning, and dismissed at five o'clock in afternoon.

2. The Master must pray with his scholars morn- ing and evening, when he convenes the school, and dismisses.

3. He must cause his scholars get the catechism exactly and distinctly by heart, and hear them repeat the same on the Saturday forenoon.

4. He must gather his scholars on the Sabbath morning before sermon, and pray with them, and then take them to the church with him, when, after he hath sung a psalm, the catechism must be repeated by two of them one asking and the other answering.

5. He must enjoin such as can write to write the sermon, and on Monday morning cause his scholars give an account of what they mind theirof, and subjoin some pious exhortations and advices to them.

6. He must punish severely any vice that any of them may be guilty of, such as banning, swearing, lying, fighting, and the like.

7. He must discharge them to play too near the water, or within the churchyard.

8. He must not leave the school but on a neces- sary occasion, and then he must acquaint the minister.

9. He must not grant the vacancie without acquainting the session, and they are to judge when and how long ; and then some of the scholars are to give evidence of their proficiency in their learning.

10. Censors must be appointed for the observa- tion of the manners of the rest, and there must be examinations once every week.

11. Those that learn Latin must be accustomed to speak it.

J. G. WALLACE- JAMES, M.B. Haddington.

LEMAN SAND. Dryden twice alludes to the shipwreck of James II. when, as Duke of York, he was voyaging from England to Scotland in the month of May, 1682. In part ii. of ' Absalom and Achitophel ' it is mentioned in the lines- Yet fate for ruin takes so still an hour, And treach'rous sands the princely bark devour. Again, in ' Britannia Rediviva,' written to celebrate the birth of the prince (called in later times the Old Pretender) on 10 June 1688 (the longest day of the year by O S ' then observed in England), the actual place is alluded in the lines

Methinks had we within our minds no more lhan that one shipwreck on the fatal Ore. And a note in Scott's edition explains this to be the Lemmon Ore, on which the vessel of King James was lost in his return from bcotland (should be to Scotland, whither he

was returning to bring back the duchess). The vessel was the Gloucester frigate. Ac- cording to Knight's 'Pictorial History of England' she "struck upon a sand-bank called the Lemon and Ore [Lingard has Lemon - and - Ore], about twelve leagues from Yarmouth." The 'Dictionary of National Biography' (vol. xxix. p. 187) says that the place was "off the Yorkshire coast." As a matter of fact the Leman sand- bank or Ore is somewhat more than twenty miles (N.E. by E.) from Cromer, in Norfolk. "Ore" is from the A.-S. era, a bank, and "leman" from the adjective Ice' men, earthy or made of clay, whence our word " loam."



" PULQUE." Prescott repeatedly mentions pulque, or wine made from the aloe, as the national beverage of Mexico. The origin of this term is far from clear. It occurs in Spanish as early as 1535, in Oviedo (" Pulque ques su vino," edition of 1851, iii. 536). I know of three possible etymologies.

(a) Clavigero (English translation of 1787, i. 435) says, "Pulque is not a Spanish nor Mexican word, but is taken from the Arau- canian language, in which pidcu is the generic name for the beverages these Indians use to intoxicate themselves."

(/,) Mr. Payne (' History of the New World called America,' i. 364) objects to Clavigero's suggestion on the ground that the Araucanian word means chicha, which is not the same drink a,spulqm, Mr. Payne thinks pulque is corrupted from the Aztec word octli. This seems too violent a corruption to be probable.

(c) In the Maya language of Yucatan the word for pulque is ki. J have sometimes thought that this might account for the second syllable (-que) of pulque, but the first syllable (pul-) would still remain a difficulty. There is, I am told, a full list of the Spanish words derived from Maya appended to Men- doza's 'Catalogo Razonado de las Palabras Mexicanas in troducidasalCastellano,' Mexico, 1872, but I cannot get to see it in London. Perhaps some reader of these lines may be in a position to say whether it includes pulque. JAMES PLATT, Jun.

THE LAST OF THE PRE-VICTOEIAN M.P.s. By the death on 20 February of the sixth Earl Fitzwilliam, the last, or the last but one, of the pre- Victorian members of Parliament has passed away. The late earl then Viscount Milton was elected for Malton, in Yorkshire, in January, 1837, some six months before the dissolution of the last Parliament of William IV. Some five years ago it was