Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/239

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9*8. IX. MARCH 22, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


work destruction, but they have not yet become, in the evolution of ideas, essentially evil in their own nature.



The subject MR. MARCHANT raises is dis- cussed in chap. xv. of Mr. Moncure D. Conway's * Demonology and Devil-Lore.' It is, perhaps, inadvisable to reproduce Mr. Conway's argument here, but ne essays to show how the Jewish Satan, originally an accusing spirit, became next an opponent, and finally an executioner. This develop- ment, or degradation (Mr. Con way uses both terms), does not appear to be peculiar to Satan, for Mr. Conway finds a parallel to it in Magian mythology (whatever that may be), and, if I understand him, in the Greek ideas of Nemesis. C. C. B.

CHRIST'S HOSPITAL (9 th S. viii. 283). On Sunday last the boys of the Bluecoat School attended service at Christ Church, Newgate Street, for the last time previous to their removal to Horsham. The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs were present, and the sermon was preached by the Bishop of London, who referred to the fact that his predecessor, Bishop Ridley, in 1552 preached at the opening of the school before King Edward VI., and now in the reign of Edward VII. it fell to his lot to bid the scholars farewell. The Bishop stated that one of the old chalices which Christ's Hospital had used for 350 years would accompany the school down to their new chapel, and closed his address with the wish that " the Hospital of Christ, most beautiful of names, may continue to teach and train up many and many brave and great young Englishmen for generations yet unborn." A. N. Q.

HARVEST BELL (9 th S. viii. 201, 308, 427 ; ix. 15). Accuracy in 'N. & Q.' is, so far as possible, essential. Neither MR. BRESLAR nor MR. ACKERLEY correctly gives the motto of the city of Ripon. It should be " Except ye Lord keep ye Cittie, ye Wakeman waketh in vain." I think MR. BRESLAR is in error also about the hour when the Ripon horn is blown. I was at Ripon in 1897, and heard the horn blown first at the Mayor's house at 8 o'clock, and shortly after at the Obelisk in the Town Hall Square.



BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BICYCLE (9 th S. viii. 304, 490, 530 ; ix. 36, 117, 171). I have just spent some time carefully examining the

Stoke Poges window. It is now in a modern Tudor setting, the top bits too small to make any thing of ; then a couple of heraldic shields surrounded by Grinling Gibbons style of ornament, and labels bearing the words "Dvcie and Pipe" and "Dvcie and Pyott." Beneath these, arranged in an oval, are larger pieces of coloured glass, as follows : (1) a duck with a green wreath (broken) ; (2) a bull's head with immense horns thrust through scrollwork ; (3) a naked, childish figure blowing a clarion or post-horn and seated on a nobby-horse, the head of the horse like a violin's scroll, but double, the post-horn being placed between the parts of the head. A wheel with six spokes turns on an axle attached to the front of the horse, and is between the figure's feet, which reach to the ground. The back of the hobby-horse, cut off by lead round the fragment, is part of a larger back wheel, but no spokes are visible. In the left top corner of the piece is a block in yellow glass, and through a hole in this runs a string which has a small circular object on it. This arrangement does not appear to have any connexion with the rider. The figure and horse are in fawn- coloured glass with a lilac tinge, the clarion and hair are yellow. A little below on either side are pieces of scrollwork in the same colour, which, however, may have no con- nexion with our subject. On the left one are the letters "amm," "ann," cut short by lead- ing ; the right has " Berghen, 1642 "; near this a bit with Dutchman under a tree. The centre of the present window is a circular piece with a fine yellow griffin, seated and holding the guige of a heraldic shield in his beak, while he steadies with his claw the shield itself, which bears a chevron between two flowers in chief, and in base a well (?). Other fragments are two birds' wings, yellow, architectural fragments, and at the bottom the rest of the duck's green wreath. The window faces north, is quite close to the ground, and is protected by wire outside.


[We insert this as a detailed description, though we do not admit the presence of a hobby-horse in view of the communications of F. G. S. at 8 th o. x. 318, and recently at 9 th S. viii. 530.]

Let me refer your readers and the public generally who are interested in this subject to ' Old-Fashioned Children's Books,' p. 426, where they will find illustrations of the velocipede, which seems to have been the precursor of the bicycle. The probable date is 1819, and a gentleman is depicted as spinning along at a marvellous speed upon one amid a cloud of dust. On the other side