Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/272

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Slay (not in). -1789, Trans. Soc. Arts (second edition), i. p. 206, "When I mention white flax, I do it in opposition to that which, being steeled in the bags, has the appellation of blay.

Blaze, a saw (not in). Spon, ut supra, p. 66, "Saws are hardened in oil, or in a mixture of oil with suet, wax, &c. They are then heated over a fire till the grease inflames. This is called being

Blazer (small cooking apparatus). 1895, Harper's

Block pearlier of sense 8). -1711, Sutherland, 'Shipbuilder's Assistant,' p. 158, "Blocks, some- times hard knotty timber to lay under a ship.

Blond-metal (earlier). 1778, 'England's Gazet- teer' (second edition), 8.v. ' Wednesbury,' "Here is that sort of iron ore called blond-metal, used to make nails and horseshoes."

Blue. launders, ut supra, mentions the follow- ing bird-names : p. 617, the Blue Darr, the black tern (Hydrochelidon nigra, L.) ; p. 7, the Blue .belt, the fieldfare (Turdus pilaris, L.); p. 655, the Blue Maa, the common gull (Larus canis, L.) ; p. 469, the Blue Rock (a misnomer), the stock - dove (Golumba cenas, L.) ; p. 35, the Bluethroat (Cyanec-

U Gobble! 1836, T. Hook, ' Gilbert Gurney,' iii. 316, "The ship was comfortably bobbling herself about at Spithead."

Body (later in sense 10). 1758, Reid, trl. Macquer, 'Chym.,' i. 302, " We directed the gold to be dis- solved in a tall body." 1827, J. Mitchell, 'First Lines of Science,' 231, "Cucurbits, matrasses, or bodies, which are glass, earthen-ware, or metalline vessels, usually shaped like an egg, and open at top."

Boheic (not in). 1853, Morfit, 'Arts of Tanning,' &c., p. 78, " Rochelder found boheic acid, also, in the latter [black tea]."

Bolirite (not in). 1895, Bloxam, ' Chem.' (eighth edition), p. 400, "Bolivite is an oxysulphide [of bismuth]."

Bollow (not in). 1711, Sutherland, ' Shipbuilder's Assistant,' 158, " Bollow, the opposite to hollow."

Boom (cf. Boom, vb. 2). 1831, E. J. Trelawny, 'Advent, of Younger Son,' xxx. (ed. 1890), "Four or five irregular yellow-crusted tusks boomed from his jaw, like a wild hog's."

Boracised (not in). 1901, Daily Mail, 27 Novem- ber, p. 3, col. 3, "Boracised milk has an injurious effect upon the health of very young children."

Bore (person ; earlier). 1799, H. More, ' Female Education' (fourth edition), i. 18, "Every indi- vidual must earn the title of pleasant, or

must be consigned over to ridicule under the vulgar and inexpressive cant word of a bore."

Bornite (not in). 1896, Times, 21 August, "The wealth and working of the great bornite mine at Nelson (British Columbia)."

Bostle (not in). 1894, Athenceum, 19 May, p. 636, and ' Glimp?es of Sussex Ancestors,' i. 97.

Boul (\euter). 1894, Crockett, 'Raiders,' 205, " Wi' my broth in a tin can that she was carryin' by the bool (hoop)."

Bracket (= Brachet). 1778, 'England's Gazet- teer,' s.v. 'Grafton.'

Brandly (not in). 1645, Tullie, 'Siege of Car- lisle' (1840), p. 38, "Ye enemy fired brandly upon him.

Brank (obs.). 1893, Times, 11 July, p. 4, col. 1,

"Brank, or buckwheat, may be grown with


Branning (no quot.). 1853, Morfit, ' Arts of Tan- ning,' &c., 410, " They [the skins] are now ready for the branning, and for this purpose undergo a steep- ing in a 'drench' of f<

twenty gallons of water."

Brash (also Braish, cf. deriv.). 1793, Trans. Soc. Arts, iv. p. 21 (second edition), "The soil, a stone braish, inclining to sand."

Brass (sense le, earlier). 1829, Glover, ' Hist.

Derby,' i. 234, "Many of the coal-seams have

considerable quantities of brasses or drosses in them, which are lumps of iron pyrites."

Brawl (ppl. 'Braling' in). 1645, Tullie, 'Siege of Carlisle '(1840), p. 47.

Breast (earlier). 1711, Sutherland, 'Shipbuilder's Assistant,' 158, " Breast of a Ship, see Bow. Breast- hooks, large Knees fitted to the foremost Part within. Breast-backstay, that which is placed at the side of the Mast, stopping the fore Part as well as the aft."

Breech (sense 5c, no quot.). Sutherland, ut supra, 158, "Breech, the outward Bending of Knee-Timber."

Bridge (not in). 1901, Prof. Hoffmann, * Bridge Whist,' p. 4, " Bridge is a game for four players."

Brime (not in, cf. Briming). 1893, R. Kipling, ' Many Inventions,' p. 11, "Dowse could see him of a clear night, when the sea brimed, climbing about the buoys, with the sea-fire dripping off him."

Broadleaf. Also a New Zealand tree (Griselinia littoralis). Spon, p. 129.

Bronzing. 1892, W. K. Burton, 'Mod. Phot.,' p. 140, "Bronzing is an appearance which is seen only in the shadows of prints got from negatives

showing very bold contrasts The appearance is

that of a metallic lustre in the deepest shadows."

Brunneous (earlier). 1819, Samouelle, ' Entom. Comp.,' 234, " Body brunneous, sometimes inclined to a rust colour."

Brunolic Acid (not in). 1865, Gesner, ' Pract. Treat. Coal, Petroleum ' (second edition), p. 94.

Budgerigar (not in), a parrakeet. 1891, Bazaar, Exchange, and Mart, 20 Feb., "Adult pair of budgerigars."

Buffle, (of. the word). 1765, 'Treat, on Domestic Pigeons,' p. 97, "The powter that buffles, which is, being stiff-winded, fills his crop so full of wind that it is thereby strained."

Bug (not in as an instrument for cheating at cards). 1894, illustrated in Maskelyne, 'Sharps and Flats,' p. 81.

Bull, v. 1831, Trelawny, ' Advent. Younger Son' (1890), ch. Ixviii. p. 286, "His messmates

having bulled an empty rum cask, that is put in

a gallon of water, there to remain, with an occa- sional roll, for twenty-four hours, when it turns out good stiff grog."

Bullion (cf. the sense). Spon, p. 630, " Roundels and bullions are small discs of glass, some made with a knob in the centre, and used in fretwork with cathedral glass."

Bumble-bee, v. (not in). 1844, J. T. Hewlett, 'Parsons and Widows,' ch. x., "He bumble-bee'd and tromboned through the prayers."

Bunkering (not in). 1893, Times, 11 July, p. 3, col. 6, "The ordinary rate of bunkering coal by manual labour."

Bunting - Lark, the corn bunting. 1889, H. Saunders, ' Man. Brit. Birds,' p. 199.

Burl (cf. the sense). 1893, Spon, 'Mechanic's Own Book,' p. 350, "The log, or burl, being 10ft.