Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/285

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s. ix. APRIL s, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Daughter of King Charles 2nd. From the original at Slindon House, Sussex. L. S. Costello, pinxt. C. Cook, sculp." In the list of illustrations prefixed it is stated, "In the Court dress of the period, trimmed with ostrich feathers, the bodice embroidered with pearls, the sleeves open to the elbow, and turned back over an undersleeve of lace or embroidered muslin." Though the date of the work is said to be 1893, yet in all pro- bability the engraving had done duty long before that date. The portrait was pre- sumably copied by Miss Louisa Stuart Costello, once so well known a writer. Lady Mary Tudor was the mother of James Radcliffe, third Earl of Derwentwater, beheaded in 1715-16.


Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

LE NEVE FAMILY (9 th S. ix. 129). The name Neve, without the prefix " Le," occurs in the parish of Sculcoates, now in the city of Kingston - upon - Hull. Parish register, burials :

1759. Dec. 9, Winifred Neve, Gentlewoman.

1769. Oct. 12, Robert, son of Henry Neve, Merch 4 .

Tombstone in the churchyard of the old parish church, St. Mary's, Sculcoates : Winifred Neve, died 7 December, 1759, aged 67.

W. C. B.

For much information respecting this family see 1 st S. i., v., x. ; 2 nd S. xi., xii. ; 3 rd S. v. ; 5 th S. v. ; 8 th S. vii.

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

The late Mr. Francis Rye published a calendar of correspondence and documents relating to the family of Le Neve. It was published by A. H. Goose, Norwich. If not now to be procured, I shall be happy to lend it to P. L. N. F. E. A. FRY.

172, Edmund Street, Birmingham.

WEEK (9 th S. ix. 147). Mr. A. H. Mann in the illustrated edition of Traill's 'Social England/ vol. i. (1901), says :

" With but slight variations we find the days of the week named after the same deities in all Teutonic countries. These names must have been substituted for those of Roman gods by the German tribes on the frontier of the Empire (for this, apparently, was the immediate source of the week of seven days), and by them handed on to our own ancestors, who then dwelt along the shores of the Northern Sea."

Hence we get the days of the week named as follows : Sunday and Monday from sun and moon, viz., Balder and his wife Nanna, taking the place of Phoebus Apollo (Sol-

Helios) and his twin-sister Diana (Artemis- Selene) ; Tuesday from the war - god Tiw (Norse, Tyr), or Ares (Mars); Wednesday from Woden (Norse, Odin), who was eventually identified by the Teutons themselves with Hermes (Mercury) ; Thursday from Thunor (thunder ; Norse, Thor), or Zeus (Jupiter) ; Friday from Fricge, the wife of Woden, or Hera (Juno) ; Saturday from Saetere, whose name also appears in Satterleigh and Satter- thwaite ; but, as nothing is known concern- ing this god, the name may well be a corrup- tion of the Latin " Saturn's day " (Kronos).

Our Easter is, of course, from Eostre, who was probably goddess of dawn (Aurora-Eos) and the returning year. A. R. BAYLEY.

With regard to the names of the days of the week one might ask M., Would he have expected otherwise ? Would he expect us to have Hebrew names ? Or where would he expect our pagan ancestors to go for Christian names of the days'?


PRICE OF EGGS (9 th S. ix. 147). In the 1 Chronicon Preciosuin ' is an account of a feast which the Prior of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, made on his installation day in 1309, at which feast 9,600 eggs were used, costing 4l. 10s., or about nine for a penny. Five years later Parliament fixed the price of provisions, beginning with "a stalled or corn -fed ox, \L 4s. Od." and ending with " 24 eggs (in the City but 20) for Id" At the nearest date to that of 0. O. H., namely, in 1595, the 'Chronicon,' quoting from Stow, has this entry : Wheat (by much Transportation) the L s. d.

Quarter, at 02 13 04

A Hen's Egg at 00 00 01

Or, at best, 3 Eggs for 00 00 02

A Pound of Sweet Butter ... .....00 00 07

Our sins (as Mr. Stow says) deserving it. But note the difference in the value of money in 1309 and 1314 when comparing with prices in 1595. RICHARD WELFORD.

William Herbert in his * History of the Twelve Livery Companies ' gives a copy of "A Bill of Fare for Fifty People of the Company of Salters, A.D. 1506," in which " hundred eggs " are priced at " 2d' From the same work I find that on St. Dunstan s Day (19 May), A.D. 1518, at a feast given by the Goldsmiths' Company, 200 eggs coat twenty-two pence ; and at the dinner held on the same day, in 1527, 260 eggs were priced at 2s. Qd. For two similar feasts, which required 850 eges each, 7s. 4d and 6s. 10$d. appear in the bills of expenses.

The Morning Advertiser of 10 May, 1843,