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9*8. IX. APRIL 12, 1902.]! NOTES AND QUERIES.


erected to her memory in Bacton Church is now in Atcham Church, near Shrewsbury, having been removed, it is stated for safety, by a former Mrs. Burton, of Atcham.


" YUCCA." In the second volume of an authoritative work, * Central and South America,' by A. H. Keane, 1901, p. 79, it is

stated that "thevwcca yields the tapioca

of commerce Yucca is originally a Peruvian

(Quichua) word now current in the Southern United States, and in Mexico." If this were true it would be of great importance, but no evidence is adduced, and all I can find is against it. A Peruvian word could not have travelled so far from its home before the arrival of the Spaniard, and although there are several terms (such as maguey ana pulque) which appear to have been picked up by Europeans in one part of America and trans- ferred to another, this can scarcely be one of them, as there are chronological difficulties. Yucca is among the very earliest native American words on record. It is quoted by Amerigo Vespucci in his famous * First Letter,' date 1497, as heard by him in the West Indies thirty years before Pizarro set foot in Peru. This fact may be of interest to the editors of the 'N.E.D.'


CROMWELL FLEETWOOD. It is a little singular that in the various attempts to enumerate the descendants of the great Protector this undoubted grandson should, so far as I am aware, have escaped notice. He is certainly not mentioned by either Noble or Waylen. Yet his identity is not obscure. He was admitted to Gray's Inn, 19 April, 1671, as "second son of Charles Fleetwood of Fettwell Norfolk esq." On 22 February, 1678/9, the licence was issued from the Vicar-General's office to marry "Cromwell Fleetwood of Stoke Newington, Midx esq. bach r about 26, and M" Elizabeth Nevill of Little Berkhampstead, Herts, Sp r about 24, daughter of George Nevill of Staple Inn, London, gent, who consents," at All Hallows in the Wall, London, or Bay- ford, Herts. His age, twenty-six, fixes Crom- well Fleet wood's birth in 1653. General Fleetwood married Bridget Cromwell, it is usually thought, early in 1652, so that there can be no doubt that this son was the first child of that marriage. His description in the Gray's Inn register as " second son " of his father possibly has reference to his elder half-brother, Smith Fleetwood, the general's son by his first wife, Frances Smith.

The two elder sons of Charles Fleetwood were thus called after the maiden names of their respective mothers.

Some little further light is cast upon this branch of the Fleetwoods by a most interesting paper printed in No. 1 of the Transactions of the newly formed Con- gregational Historical Society. A MS. volume there quoted, called 'Dr. Watt's Church Book,' gives a list of the members of the church tnen in Bury Street, Duke's Place, when under the pastorate of Dr. John Owen (1673-83), together with the time of their decease. Among these are several old Cromwellians. The Fleetwoods named are : " Charles Fleetwood esq. dyed Oct. 4 th 1692." '-Mr. Smith Fleetwood dyed Feb. 1708/9." " M" Fleetwood [the general's third wife, Mary Hartopp] dyed 10 Jan. 1680." "Lady Hartopp [sister to Smith Fleetwood] dyed 9 Nov. 1711." " M r Crom- well Fleetwood received into Church fellow- ship June 1673, dyed 1 June, 1688."

It would thus appear that Cromwell Fleetwood survived his marriage nearly ten years. Whether or not he left issue is an interesting query. So far as is known for certain, the descendants of Charles Fleetwood and Bridget Cromwell died out in the first generation. W. D. PINK.

Lowton, Newton-le- Willows, Lancashire.

"COMICALLY." This word appears to be used by T. Fuller in a peculiar sense, un- known to the dictionaries, at the beginning of his 'Second Reconciler' ( 1 A Triple Recon- ciler,' London, 1654). At p. 58, describing the three " adventures " of Barnabas and Saul, he says :

"His next voyage ends sadly, and sorrowfully with Ulasphemie and Persecution from the Jews at Antioch, though it began Comically and courteously with this fair invitation in my Texte, and after the reading of the Law and the Prophets,' &c. It is possible that this word is a misprint for comitally, which would be a regularly formed adverb from comital, the adjective of comes. Comital is given in the 'N.E.D.' as the adjectival derivative from conies, with the meaning pertaining to or of the rank of a count or earl. This would be nonsense ; but Fuller may have intended the meaning com- panionably or sociably. Comitably would be a possible form. Supposing the word derived from the adjective comis through comitas, "courteousness," "friendliness," the correct form would be comitarily, on the analogy of sanitary, hereditary, &c. The termination teal seems to be properly derived in raed. Latin only from words of Greek origin, which must needs confine comical, from KW/XOS, KW/UKOS, to