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9*8. IX. APRIL 26, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS.-No. 226.

NOTKS : Queen Candace, 321 " J. Halls Booke," 322- Merry Tales, 324 Cecil Rhodes's Ancestors, 325 Middle Temple Privileges Saying attributed to Jesus British Epitaphs in Calaluna, 326 Pseudo-Burnsian Songs Ben-Hur,' 327.

QUERIES : Tracing from Giotto, 327" In an interesting condition " Nat Lee Portrait of Charles I. ' The Fairies' Ferry' The Man in the Iron Mask Eulogies of the Bible by Huxley and Darwin Arms of Knights Sir G. Pole' Old Friends and New Friends,' 328 London Libraries in the Elizabethan Era B. Chifney-Bene= a Small Watercourse " Duke " Swaylecliffe Seal Inscription " Buff Week " Bristow Family " Lupo- mannaro," 329-Lines attributed to Dr. Johnson, 330.

REPLIES : Arms of Eton and Winchester Colleges. 330 " Bndorsement " : " Dorso-ventrality " Greek Epigram Walter Scott, 331 "Bristol look"" "Say not that he did well "Greek Pronunciation Sir B. B. Godfrey, 332 Pins and Pincushions Last of Pre- Victorian M.P.s Seventeenth-century Plagiary , 333 The Mitre-Staunton, Worcestershire Queen Cunegunda Portraits of Female Fighters, 334 " Rout " " Keep your hair on "Tib's Eve, 335 "Pulque" Comic Annual Mathews of Truro, 336 Christ's Hospital Care of Parish Registers, 337 Wind Folk-lore Huxley as Reviewer Wassailing the Apple-tree, 338.

NOTES ON BOOKS :-Fowler's 'Rolls of the Abbey of Durham ' Mrs. A. Bell's ' Lives and Legends of Evan- gelists, Apostles, and other Early Saints ' Salzmann's ' History of Hailsham.'

Notices to Correspondents.

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QUEEN CANDACE. (See 2 nd S. xi. 468, 515.)

THE meaning of this name should probably be sought form the ancient language of Nubia, the Hent or South Land of the Egyptian monuments, rather than in so- called Ethiopic. Lepsius discovered in 1844 at Meroe, inscribed in nieroglyphic letters, the name of a queen Kenthahebi, which he thinks is intended for Kenthaki (Candace), the Ethiopian scribe having mistaken one Egyptian character for another closely resembling it (' Letters from Egypt,' English translation, p. 196).

A strange confusion between their names runs through the accounts of the Ethiopian queen and the eunuch mentioned in the eighth chapter of the Acts. Gregory of Nazianzus ('De Sacro Baptismo,' ch. xxvi.) calls the eunuch Candaces, ^/AITTTTOS i/u" ytvov Kav Sa/ojs unless we assume <$vi>a<m?s to be under stood or have dropped from the text, anc render, " I am Philip ; be thou (the courtier of Candace." So also Anastasius Sinaita (in 'Hexam.,' vi. 882): "Eiusmodi volucri: erat Philippus,qui volans per ae'rem et venien ad Candacem ^Ethiopem," &c. The sann

tatement, probably taken from Gregory, is also found in Euthymius (in Ps. Ixvii., LXX.), he Greek Menology, &c. The confusion might, of course, be partly due to the ambi- guity of the termination -TJS, which expresses he nom. masc. as well as the gen. fern., the inal 5 being, indeed, retained in the Coptic and Ethiopic versions. As is well known, lowever, the terms Ethiopia and India are, n the Greek geographers, often almost synonymous, and in the Syriac version of the Old Testament Hf^SI (Ethiopian) is rendered njn, hendoyo (Hindu), as in 2 Chron. xiv. 8 d Jerem. xiii. 23. In some form of the tradition, therefore, the name or title 'IvSt/co? may have been applied to the eunuch, and ! or this some transcriber may have sub- stituted the more familiar name of the queen. The confusion would be very easy in an Aramaic original.*

There seems to be some, though slight, evidence of this. In two of Smith's invaluable dictionaries (* Dictionary of the Bible,' second edition, vol. i. part ii. p. 1005 ; ' Dictionary of Christian Biography,' vol. ii. p. 234b) we are informed that Eusebius names the eunuch Indich. The reference is apparently to * Hist. Eccles ,' ii. 1 ; but neither there nor in any other passage of Eusebius is this statement to be found. It seems to have originated with Damianus a Goes, a writer of the six- teenth century, whose work * De Religione et Moribus JEthiopum ' (included in * Hispania Illustrata,' Francof., 1603-6, vol. ii. part ii. p 1306, and also in his ' Opuscula,' Coimb., 1791, p. 251) contains an account of their religious belief, purporting to be given by the Ethiopians (i.e., Abyssinians) themselves, in which they say : " Nos ferme prius cseteris Christianis omnibus baptismum ab eunucho Candacis Reginse ^Ethiopise, cui nomen erat Indich, accepimus." Now, certainly the most natural interpretation of this is that the eunuch was named Indich, and this is the sense in which it is taken by the learned contributors to Smith's dictionaries, who evidently had this passage of Damianus in view, though they inadvertently ascribe the statement to Eusebius. Cornelius a Lapide, however, who cites it in his commentary on the Acts, understands it to mean that the queen was named Indich, and he immediately refers to the * Theatrum Orbis ' of Abraham Ortelius (Antwerp, 1603, p. 116; English translation, London, 1606, p. 118) for a similar statement, noting, however, that the Dutch geographer calls the queen, not Indich, but

  • Or was the queen herself Baeri'Aioxra 'Iv8tKr) t

being afterwards read np^?D?