Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/334

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ix. APRIL 26, 1902.

and Antiquities of the Parish of Islington, thus refers to the farm :

"Adjoining to Pullin's-row is an extensive dairy, or grass farm, belonging to Mr. Rhodes. This farm has been for many years, and is at this time, one of the largest establishments for supplying the London milk dealers in the vicinity of the metro- polis . .The stock of the present proprietor con- sists of from 4 to 5 or 600 cows, according to the season of the year, the greatest number being kept in the winter time ; amongst these are to be seen the finest specimens of large and handsome cattle in the environs of the metropolis, or, perhaps, in the whole kingdom. Many acres of land are rented by Mr. Rhodes in this parish, from which a great quantity of hay is procured, as the large stacks of that commodity annually deposited on his premises, near the S. end of Colebrooke-terrace, abundantly testify. On the waste ground in front of this farm is a pound for strayed cattle."

HARRY HEMS. Fair Park, Exeter.

MIDDLE TEMPLE PRIVILEGES. The Middle Temple Benchers have refused permission to the Post Office authorities to open the roads and lay telephone wires within the pre- cincts over which they have control.

A. N. Q.

A SAYING ATTRIBUTED TO JESUS BY PHI- LOXENUS. In the edition of the ' Discourses ' of Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabbogh (A.D. 485- 519), edited and translated from the Syriac by Dr. E. A. Wallis Budge for the Royal Society of Literature (London, Asher & Co., 1894), there are two unidentified quotations of an interesting character. The 'Discourses' contain a large amount of valuable material, and Dr. Wallis Budge's translation is one of many services for which students owe him a debt of gratitude.

It is an undeniable fact that the citations of Philoxenus are often very loosely made ; but with these two exceptions Dr. Budge has been able to give precise references to them all. The index to these passages so numerous are they occupies nearly fifteen columns. The first of those not identified occurs in this passage : " ' If ye wish to go away, depart,' He once said to them, and by reason of the hardness of His word many left Him and departed." If Philoxenus could be relied upon, this would supply a link in John vi

" For this cause have I said unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it be given unto him o the father. [If ye wish to go away, depart.] Upon this many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Jesus said therefore unto the twelve, Would ye also go away? Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast words of eternal life. And we have believed and know that thou art the Holy One of God."

The other quotation is a Pauline saying

Philoxenus cites the words of Paul from L Thess. v. 16 and from Romans v. 3, and Detween them observes :

"And in another place he has also said, ' Rejoice _n your hope and endure patiently your tribula- tions ; for from the patient endurance of tribulations

he hope concerning the things which are to come

ncreaseth in us.'"

This has a Pauline ring about it, and recalls bhe account in Acts xiv. 22 of the preaching of Paul and Barnabas " that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."

It would not be safe to be at all positive ; but the precise nature of these alleged quota- tions makes them noteworthy, and the first strikes one as a possible addition to the agrapha of Jesus. WILLIAM E. A. AXON.

BRITISH EPITAPHS IN CATALUNA. Having lately copied the following epitaphs of two famous Englishmen who lie buried in Cata- luiia (or Catalunya, as Catalans write it), and being unaware if their text has been pub- lished in any work in the English language, I submit them to the notice of the readers of ' N. & Q.' The first, in roman capitals, is on a stone slab in the pavement of a chapel of the great Aragonese Cistercian Abbey of Poblet, an hour's walk from the railway station of Espluga, in the province of Tarra- gona. Some of the letters are much worn out :

Hie . iacet . ex'mvs .

D. Philippvs . de Whar

ton . Anglvs . Dvx

Marchio . et . comes

de Wharton . Marchio

de Malsbvrsi . et . CacAar (?)

loch . comes . rathas

easnvm . viceco

mes . de . Winchindon

Baro . de . Trim . eqves de

S. Georgii . (alias

de . la . Gerratera)

obiit . in fide . ec

clesise . Catholicas

"Romance . Popvleti

die . 31 . Maii . 1731.

The text of this was published, with some misprints, on p. 38 of a book entitled ' Restos Artisticos e Inscripciones Sepulcrales del Monasterio de Poblet,' by Angel del Arco y Molinero (Barcelona, 1897).

The other, also in roman capitals, is on a slab of white marble which is fixed into the front of the cavalry barracks at Vilafranca del Panades, in the province of Barcelona, and a copy of it, with a few slight inaccuracies, may be seen on p. 158 of ' Apuntes Hist6ricos de Vilafranca del Panades y su Comarca' (Vilafranca, Imprenta y Libreria de Pedro Alegret y Vilaro, 1887, 2 a edicion) :