Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/359

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9" S. IX. MAY 3, 1902.)



cially the n egress), would cause the brutal rowdies of 1780 to fall down on hands and knees and " lap up " the liquor. Should your correspondent have special reasons (other than the average interest we must all feel in historical matters) for seeking information on the subject, if he cares to drop me a line I shall be pleased to forward (gratuitously) one or two short extracts from the books I have named. HERBERT B. CLAYTON.

39, Renfrew Road, Lower Kennington Lane.

The Universal Magazine of 1780 contains a pretty full description of these riots and a portrait of the unfortunate originator. Lord George Gordon. W. C. B. refers to 7 th S. ii. 341-3. This, it may be observed, contains an account of them mainly drawn from * Barnaby Rudge,' a book which may be easier of access to most readers. JOHN PICKFORD, M.A.

Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

CRAPELET BIBLIOGRAPHY (9 th S. ix. 289). For a complete list of G. A. Crapelet's ' Collection des Anciens Monuments de 1'Histoire et de la Langue Franchise' (twelve different works) see Brunet's * Manuel' sub 'Crapelet.' H. KREBS.


" CE N'EST QUE LE PREMIEH PAS QUI COUTE " (9 th S. ix. 165, 219). As to the origin of this saying. Gibbon, in his note 100 to his thirty- ninth chapter, says : " A lady of my acquaint- ance once observed [on the miracle of St. Denis], * La distance n'y fait rien ; il n'y a que,'" &c. Gibbon seems to imply that he either knew or regarded it as ascertained that the lady made the observation, and that he thought it an original one on her part. Guizot is quoted, on this note, in Milman and Smith's Gibbon, as stating that the lady was Madame du Deffand.

C. O. R.

CLEBURNE : BOWES : WARD (9 th S. ix. 189). For pedigree of Bowes of Streatham see Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire,' p. 597. Hutton of Marske, Burke's 'Commoners,' vol. in. p. 303. Cleburn, the above 'Visita- tions,' p. 255, and O'Hart's 'Irish Landed Gentry temp. Cromwell,' 1884, p. 203. Ward, Burke's 'Landed Gentry,' ninth edition, but it does not mention Bridgetta (of Kilkenny). The pedigree of Ward, of Newcastle and Stromshall, co. Stafford, and Ogborn, Great Bedwin, &c., co. Wilts, may include her name, &c. JOHN RADCLIFFE.

A reference to J. Foster's 'Pedigrees of Yorkshire Families,' Hutchinson's 'History of Purham,' apd Surtees Society's Trans-

actions, vol. xvii., will enable MR. WALTER J. BURKE to obtain much of the information he seeks. MISTLETOE.

FIRST BRITISH SUBJECT BORN IN NEW SOUTH WALES (9 th S. ix. 206, 272, 291). N. S. S. is quite entitled to rebuke me for writing Charles instead of William Kent, though it is obvious that it was an error, not of in- accuracy of reading, but carelessness in tran- scribing. Governor Arthur Phillip founded Sydney on 26 January, 1788, with a mixed company of men and women, 1,030 in num her. N. S. S. is unwilling to believe that any child was born before 23 December, 1799. I thought my statement would have been suffi- cient to have dispelled his extraordinary incredulity ; I hope in the course of the summer to have proof from Australia that will convince him. ALFRED F. CURWEN.

WARLOW FAMILY (9 th S. ix. 9, 155). The little river alluded to in Mecklenburg has the name of Warnow, it is true, but there is no town so called ; the little port at the mouth of the Warnow, which belongs to Rostock, bears the name of Warnemiinde, a favourite Baltic seaside resort. Warnow is not Norse, but Slav, like all the old names of the above-named country, which was in times of yore inhabited by the Slavic tribes of the Obotriten and Wilzen.



ST. PAUL AND SENECA (9 th S. ix. 291). The legend of the intercourse between Paul and Seneca finds its fullest expression in the apocryphal Epistles of St. Paul to Seneca and of Seneca to St. Paul. These are printed by Fabricius, by Jeremiah Jones in his book on the New Testament Canon, and also appear elsewhere. These epistles led Jerome to include the philosopher in his catalogue of saints. WILLIAM E. A. AXON.


This interesting question is fully discussed in the late Bishop Lightfoot's dissertation ' St. Paul and Seneca ' in his commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians (published in 1868). His conclusion is that " no great stress can be laid on the direct historical links which might connect Seneca with the Apostle of the Gentiles." The article 'Seneca in ' Diet. Christian Biog.,' iv. (1887), says :-

" There is, of course, no impossibility in the sup- position that St. Paul and Seneca met between A.D. 61 and A.D. 65 ; but there is no evidence for it except the spurious letters ; there is nothing in the works of Seneca which requires such a supposition, though they do not absolutely forbi4 it.