Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/371

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9 < s. ix. MAY io, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


So Dr. Theobald, who devotes more than four pages of his book to show that this rusty old saying is referred to by both Bacon and Shakespeare. There are at least three allu- sions to it in * Euphues ':

"Caesar never rejoyced more, then when hee heard that they talked of his valyant exploits in simple cotages, alledging this, that a bright Sunne shineth in every corner, which maketh not the bearnes worse, but the place better," &c. Arber, p. 255.

" It is the disposition of the thought, that altereth the nature of the thing. The Sunne shineth upon the dounghil, and is not corrupted," &c. P. 43.

" Bicause you are brave, disdaine not those that are base, thinke with your selves that russet coates have their Christendome, that the Sunne when he is at his hight shineth aswel upon course carsie, as cloth of tissue," &c. P. 443.

Bacon attributes a saying to Mr. Bettenham, " that riches were like muck ; when it lay upon an heap, it gave but a stench and ill odour ; but when it was spread upon the ground then it was cause of much fruit."' Apophthegms.'

Now Bacon did not mean to state that this was an original saying of Mr. Bettenham's, he merely notices it because it was so often in Mr. Bettenham's mouth. Dr. Theobald was not able to bring a strictly parallel passage from Shakespeare, but he adduces one from * Coriolanus,' where wealth or the spoils captured in battle are contemptuously spoken of as

The common muck of the world.

Act II. sc. ii. 1. 128.

Although Shakespeare does not make an open use of the proverb, it could hardly be unknown to him, for it occurs in the ballad of ' Gernatus, the Jew of Venice,' which furnished hints for % The Merchant of Venice His life was like a barrow hogge,

Or like a filthy heap of dung, That lyeth in a whourd ; Which never can do any good, Till it be spread abroad. Percy's ' Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 3

Ben Jonson, too, alludes to the proverb :

Sord. Though hitherto amongst you I have lived, Like an unsavoury muck-hill, to myself, Yet now my gather'd heaps, being spread abroad, Shall turn to better and more fruitful uses.

  • Every Man out of his Humour,' Act III. sc. ii.


53, Hampden Road, Hornsey, N. (To be continued.)

Abrm (not in). 1886, Klein, 'Micro-Organisms and Disease' (third ed.), p. 227, * ; The active prin- ciple [of jequirity poison] is a proteid abriu closely allied to native albumen."

Acariologist (not in). 1902, Nature, 27 March, p. 483.

Actinium (? not in). 1902, Becquerel in Brit. Journ. Photog., p. 306, " in 1900 M. Debierne announced the existence of a new element, actinium."

Aerobic (not in). Klein, ut supra, p. 55, "Some bacteria require free access to oxygen, and are called aerobic (Pasteur) ; others grow without free oxygen, and are anaerobic (Pasteur)." jfisthesiogenes (not in). 1896, Baldwin, trl. Binet. Alterations of Personality,' p. 263, "The action of sesthesiogenes on the nervous system is still doubted by very eminent men."

Alamandine (=Almandiue). 1895, J. W. Ander- son, 'Prospector's Handbook' (sixth ed.), p. 96.

Amcebceic (not in). 1850, Pococke, ' Greek Pas- toral Poetry' in ' Ency. Metropol.,' p. 327, "These amcebceic songs."

Amphiarthrosis (earlier). 1809, Spence, ut supra, p. 588, "That articulation called by anatomists amphiarthrosis."

Amyloform (not in). 1897, English Mechanic* p. 554, "A substitute for iodoform has recently


( Continued from p. 265. )

Abdomened (not in). 1805, Kirby in Kirby and Spence, 'Int. Entomol.,' ed. 1856,_ p. 5J3, " specimen.


.was a black-abdomened one."


of a combination of formaldehyde with staroh."

Amyrine (chem., not in). 1889, 'Chambers's Ency.,' iv. 288.

Anaerobic (not in). See ' Aerobic above.

Anamesite (not in). 1888, 'Chambers's Ency.,' i. 768, "Fine-grained kinds [of basalt rocks] are called anamesite."

Anarthrous (earlier). 1809. Kirby, ut supra, p. 591, " This anarthrous joint."

Anastigmat. 1897, Brit. Journ. Photog. Aim., p. 625, "The term 'anastigmat' was, for the first lime, employed by Dr. Miethe." [1888-1

Angeiotogy (=Angiology). 1888, ' Chambers a Ency.,' i. 254, "Angeiology describes the vessels or ducts, with their complex network and ramitica-

l Anidrosis (not in). 1882, R. Quain, 'Diet. Medi- cine,' which also mentions numerous terms (not in), such as adenitis, adenoma, alphosis, arthralgia, &c.

Annihilationalism (=Annihilationism). 1890, Chambers's Ency.,' v. 632.

Anytin, Anytole (not in). 1898,

p. 331, "This ammonia salt is

'auytin'"; ibid., " Preparations 1 are called anytoles."

Aplite (not in). 1890, ' Chambers's Lucy.,' vol. v. r . 353, " Aplite is a fine-grained aggregate of quartz and orthoclase."

Aplome (not in). - 1890, ' Chambers's Ency., vol. v. p. 89, " Aplome, green, brownish, and some- times yellow " (Garnet).

Aristo, Aristotype (not in). 1894, 'American Ann. Photog.,' p. 98, "Some way of mounting the aristotype without paste"; $uL, p. 274, Toning and fixing aristotype prints ; ibid., p. 68, When aristo papers were first introduced.

rrhenite (not in). - 1901, Brit. Journ. Photog., September suppl., p. 65, "Xenotime, arrnemte,

  • lV Aww-worm (not in).-1892, 'Chambers's Ency. '

ix. 73, "Sagitta, or arrow-worm, a genus of small pelagic worms."

English Mechanic,

. _ -is called by Helrnere

ibid., " Preparations thus made soluble