Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/380

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. MAY 10, 1002.

forty several poisons ; their bitter rhubarb, and torturing stibium." I quote from the ' Harleian Miscellany,' ii. 305 ; but Nash's pamphlet was published in 1599, and Shake- speare's ' Love s Labour 's Lost ' in the pre- ceding year. Still, it is impossible to think that Nash, who knew Latin well, borrowed the expression from the dramatist. His cita- tion is so precise that it must have been taken from one of the medical books in vogue in those days, with which both writers were more or less acquainted. JOHN T. CURRY.

ARMS OF LE NEVE FOSTER (9 th S. ix. 168 316). In describing the arms of the Le Neve family MR. JOHN RADCLIFFE has omitted the ducal coronet of the crest, which is Out of a ducal coronet or, a white lily, seeded or, stalked and leaved vert. P. L. N. F.

LATIN SENTENCE MISSPELT (9 th S. ix. 289). The sentence was probably " Parcite bar- barismo vel in nominando gentili monticplis inevitabili " (" Be indulgent to a barbarism unavoidable by Highlanders even when naming a clansman "). H. A. STRONG.

University College, Liverpool.

ERSKINE (9 th S. ix. 249). Your corre- spondent W. C. J. will find much of consider- able interest anent Alexander Erskine (1648), the representative of Sweden at the Treaty of Munster, in a work lately published by Otto Schulze, of Edinburgh, entitled 'Scots in Germany,' by Fischer, on pp. 201, 318, with an account of his tomb and inscription thereon, p. 310. HERBERT H. FLOWER.

AMELIA OPIE'S NOVELS (9 th S. ix. 267). Her first novel, * The Father and Daughter,' 1801, went through eight editions. Most probably ' The Memorials of the Life of Mrs. A. Opie,' by Miss C. L. Brightwell, Norwich, 1854, published a year after Mrs. Opie's death, would give the information desired.


GWYNETH (9 th S. ix. 109, 319). -MR. MAY ALL writes as if Gwynnedd and Gwent were both names of the same division of Wales, which is, of course, not the case. Gwynnedd comprised the north - western portion of what is now known as North Wales, Gwent the south-western portion of South Wales. What is the meaning of Gwynnedd, the place-name? It is not yet clear to me that it is not the same as Gwy- neth, the personal name. C. C. B.

JOHN KING, LANGUAGE MASTER, LONDON 1722 (9 th S. ix. 227). The following may be the person required : John King, of Stamford,

in Lincolnshire, said to be a physician. He wrote several works, and one was an English and High German grammar, 1706, 8vo, Lon- don ; 1716, 8vo. Died 1728. He was the son of John King, D.D. (a native of St. Columb, Cornwall), rector of Chelsea and prebendary of York. The MS. mentioned probably was intended for the third edition,


THE LOCOMOTIVE AND GAS (9 th S. vi. 227, 358 ; ix. 118, 317). Another claimant to the invention of " gaz " was Frederick Winspr, who was first to display practically its utility by lighting up Pall Mall in the early part of the last century. On his memorial in Kensal Green Cemetery (for he died abroad) is the text (from Zechariah xiv.), "At evening time it shall be light." R. B.


AUTHORS WANTED (9 th S. ix. 209). The poem beginning

The bud on the bough, The song of the biro,

is in 'Five Minutes' Daily Readings of Poetry,' by H. L. Sidney Lear, under date 26 April, the author's name Gwen. W. M. J.-F.

"BUFF WEEK" (9 th S. ix. 329, 353). The expression is "baff week," as is suggested at the last reference. Your correspondent will find it fully treated under ' Bauch ' in the 'H.E.D.,' and under the headings 'Baff 'and

  • Bauch 'in the 1 E.D.D.'


[In the West Riding sixty years ago an imposition in a game of forfeits was to repeat with a grave face

Buff says Baff,

And gives me his staff,

And bids me neither smile nor laugh. This is not advanced as contributing information as to "Buff Week." See, under 'Buff,' Gomme's ' Traditional Games,' vol. i. p. 48.]

GREEK EPIGRAM (9 th S. ix. 147, 273, 331). Neither of the translations of Callimachus's epigram given by MR. MAC-CARTHY gives any force to the en in the second line. W na i is its meaning 1 Were the makers of images accustomed to anoint their completed works ? Jacobs says the meaning is that Berenice was fashioned by the gods, about whom every- thing is fragrant ; but this seems far-fetched. JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT.

ARTISTS' MISTAKES (9 th S. iv. 107, 164, 237, 293 ; v. 32, 317, 400; vi. 44; vii.423,471; viii. 171, 328; ix. 274). At the last reference a correspondent describes what he considers to be an inaccuracy in the Illustrated London News of 14 December, a copy of which I send