Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/441

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ix. MAY 31, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


author's writings issued in 1876 as 'TheDwale Bluth, &c.' Why it was first published as 'Gabriel Denver' is fully explained in my ' Biographical Sketch ' of its author, pub- lished by Elliot Stock in 1883.


MR. AULD says he has seen a version of St. Pierre's ' Paul and Virginia ' entitled * The Shipwreck.' I have such a copy, published in Edinburgh in 1808 ; but the first edition of this story in English was entitled * Paul and Mary,' and was " printed for J. Dodsley, London, 1789," in 2 vols. fcap. 8vo.


41 BROD " (9 th S. ix. 162). Two distinct words are alluded to under the above reference :

(1) Brod=spike or goad, from Icel. broddr, appearing in our brad.

(2) Brod, or braid=per metathesin, board. See Jamieson, s.v. * Braid,' sb. The last four instances given show plainly board. With dambrod cf. Ger. Dambrett, Damenspiel (Fr. jeu de dames). Alm'd leither=&\umedi.e. t

white (Jamieson). H. P. L.

EXHUMATION OF HENRY IV. (9 th S. ix. 369). A complete account of this matter will be found in Felix Summerly's 'Handbook for Canterbury,' a new edition revised by John Brent, jun., F.S.A., pp. 102-5, 1860. A more marvellous exposition of the occasional un- faithfulness of contemporary evidence than the record adduced by Felix Summerly it would be difficult to find. J. H. I.

See 'Links with the Past,' by Mrs. Charles Bagot, p. 301. Her husband was present at the opening of the coffin in 1832, not 1830, as ANTIQUARY states. VAPO.

The 'D.N.B.' mentions the fact of the king's tomb being opened in 1832, and refers the reader to Archceologia, xxvi. 440-5.


ANNUNCIATION (9 th S. ix. 387). In reply to MR. LYNN, I beg to inform him that not only in the Roman, but also in the English Church Holy Week is too solemn a fast in which to keep a feast. The festival of the Annuncia- tion falling this year during that week, it was therefore transferred to the first vacant day after Low Sunday, and was kept on either 6 April or 7 April. At the parish church which I attend (St. Michael, in Lewes) it was held on 6 April. CAROLINE STEGGALL.

Lady Day fell this year in Holy Week Its observances mass arid office were trans ferred to the Monday following Low Sunday the usual "Alleluias" of Eastertide being

added. In the Roman Calendar 18 December s marked as "The Expectation of B.V.M."- .e., about to be delivered of her Son.

GEORGE ANGUS. St. Andrews, N.B.

TEDULA, A BIRD (9 th S. ix. 389). Beyond all doubt the right name of the bird is trochilus (Pliny, book viii c. 25). It would seem that it was wrongly made feminine, and so took the form trochila. Any one who will write down the word may see that this 'orm (entirely strange, because wrong) might

O misread as taedula. The change of o to e s common ; the c and down-stroke of the h make a d, and the rest of h and the t make a u. This gives tredula, which is not far off. CELER.

RICHARD SMITH AND HIS LIBRARY (9 th S. ix. 347). In an early number of 'N. & Q.' it is stated that Richard Smith or Smyth died on 26 March, 1675, aged eighty-five years, and was buried on the north side of the chancel of St. Giles's, Cripplegate. His library was sold by auction at the " Swan " in Bartholomew Close by Richard Cheswelly, bookseller, of St. Paul's Churchyard, in May and June, 1682. The sale catalogue, with prices in manuscript, is now in the British Museum. Richard Smyth's 'Obituary' was edited by Sir Henry Ellis for the Camden Society. ' See also Wood's ' Athenae Oxoni- enses,' iii. 1031, and 1 st S. ii. ; 2 nd S. Hi., viii , xi. EVERARD HOME COLEMAN.

71, Brecknock Road.

ANTWERP CATHEDRAL (9 th S. ix. 289, 352). MR. HEMS'S theory about the northern towers and spires of continental west fronts being often more ornate than their fellows does not find support, as he believes, in the case of Rouen Cathedral. Le Tour de Beurre is to the south-west, and it is generally asserted that it was due to fines paid for permission to eat butter in Lent, and not to market tolls. It is not often that self-indulgence provides so fair a monument. ST. SWITHIN.

DOSET HALL, SURREY (9 th S. ix. 288).-The above appears, at the position indicated, in Gary's 'Actual Survey of the Country I if teen Miles round London,' published by J. Cary, 181, Strand, 20 June, 1800. W. B. H.

THE DUCHY OF BERWICK (9 Ul S. viii. 439, 534 ; ix. 130, 258, 295). With reference to my previous reply it is interesting to note that Lbrett, in his 'New Peerage,' 1823 ('Duke of Leinster,' ' Viscount Mount raorres ),and in his 'Baronetage,' 1824 ('Gerard of hryn ), gives further particulars of Nest, or JSesta,