Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/490

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NOTES AND QUERIES. p* s. ix. JUNE 21. 1902.

taken to Berithus in Syria, and the house in which it was became the habitation of a* Jew. The image was subjected by the Jews to all the indignities of the Crucifixion, but when the lance pierced its side blood and water gushed forth, and by the agency of this miraculous fluid (taken to the synagogue) the blind recovered sight and the lame were healed. These miracles had the effect of con- verting the Jews of Berithus. Glasses filled with the blood and water of the image of Christ were sent into all parts of the world.

There is a similar story of an incident said to have occurred at Paris in 1290. A Jewish money-lender induced a woman to conceal the Host when communicating and to bring it to him. He proceeded to stab the sacred wafer and to inflict upon it the tortures recorded of the Crucifixion. Blood gushed from it, and when finally it was thrown into a cauldron of boiling water there was the appearance of a cross with the dying Christ upon it. A neighbour came in, and, after beholding the vision, received the Host again in its original form and took it to the Bishop of Paris. The Jew was burnt alive, his wife and children turned Christians, and his house was con- verted into the " Church of the Miracles," where the penknife and the cauldron were long preserved as evidences. One of Hone's tracts is devoted to this " miraculous Host."

Underneath what may be called the Chris- tian mythology of these stories is the Old World idea that identified the person and his picture. Some savage races object to portraiture from a feeling that a portion at least of the individuality is abstracted from the sitter and conveyed into his counterfeit presentment. WILLIAM E. A. AXON.


ADDITIONS TO THE 'N.E.D.' (Continued from p. 403.}

Chock (earlier). 1711, Sutherland, 'Shipbuilder's Assistant,' p. 159, "Chok ; a small piece of timber fitted to a larger to make out the substance re- quired."

Chokine-ss (not in). 1844, Hewlett, ' Parsons and Widows,' ch. vi., "I felt a short, unpleasant kind of chokiness."

Chop (=dent, not in). 1893, Spon, 'Mechanic's Own Book,' p. 84, " If the hammer leaves indenta- tions, or what are technically called 'chops'"; ibid., p. 85, "distinct indentations, or chops." (In metal plate working.)

Choppiness (not in). 18 , Pinto, 'Africa,' vol. i. p. 142, "choppiness of the surface of water."

Chromo-collotypy (not in). 1896, Brit. Journ. Photog. Aim., p. 572, "Chromo-collotypy and allied processes are receiving marked attention."

Chromogram (not in). 1894, Amer. Ann. Photog., p. 208, " The word chromogram designates the com- bination or the ensemble of three diapositives made

from, negatives representing the action of the blues, yellows, and greens respectively of the original."

Ghromograph (not in). 1899, ' Orthochromatic Photography 5 (ed. Tennant), p. 281, " those [screens] made of coloured glass, such as the chromograph."

Chromometer (earlier). 1797, Month. Mag., iii. p. 205, " He [Lamarck] has invented a graduated scale, which he calls a chromometer, on which may be ascertained by methodical tables 2,700 shades."

Chromosome (not in). 1894, Times, 11 August, p. 11, col. 2, "In the case of dividing cells, achro- matic filaments are seen connecting different parts of the chromosomes."

Chrysocale (not in). Spon, ut supra, p 16, " Other alloys are also known in commerce, by the names of tombac, similor or Mannheim gold, pinchbeck or prince's metal (chrysocale), &c." (=Chrysocoll ?)

Chunk, v. (not in). 1892, R. Kipling, ' Barrack- Room Ballads,' p. 50, " Can't you 'ear their paddles chunkin' from Rangoon to Mandalay?"

Cicatricidose (not in). 1819, G. Samouelle, 'En- tompl. Compendium,' p. 190.

Cigarettiferom (not in). 1890, C. Doyle, 'Captain of Polestar,' p. 172, "He strutted, cigarettiferous, beneath the grateful shadow of his limes."

Cinematograph, cinematographer, cinematographic (not in). 1898, Brit. Journ. Photog. Aim., p. 647, " A brief description of Messrs. Lumiere's cinemato- graph." 1901, Brit. Journ. Photog., p. 738, "No great event takes place nowadays without the presence of a small army of cinematographers"; ibid., p. 746, " The successful cinematographic enter- tainment."

Cissiny (riot in). Spon, ut supra, p. 432, "To pre- vent a graining coat from 'cissing' at a water- colour overgraining coat, that is, repelling the water by antagonism of the oil."

Clearcole, v. (no quot.). Spon, ut supra, p. 612, " When dry, claircole with size, and a little of the whitewash."

Cleistogenous (no quot.). 1873, Asa Gray, in Amer. Natur., vol. vii. p. 692, " Cleistogenous flowers."

Clerkling (earlier). 1747, Gent. Mag., p. 234,

" Augmenting salaries, so as our clerklings may

be the better enabled to set up their equipages."

Clinker (not in). 1889, H. Saunders, ' Brit. Birds,' p. 546, "From its cry the Avocet was formerly known as the ' yelper,' ' barker,' and ' clinker.' "

Clover, v. (later). 1793, Trans. Soc. Arts, vol. iv. p. 14, " It seldom being required to clover down a corn crop."

Clutch. See ' Crutch' below.

Cobaldish (not in). 1757, trl. J. F. Henckel, ' Pyritologia,' pp. 123. 190.

Cobbly (not in). 1891, Bicycling Neivs, 4 April, p. 197, " Our rough cobbly roads."

Coccineous (obs.). 1819, G. Samouelle, 'Entomol. Compendium,' p. 133.

Cochleate (earlier). 1806, J. Galpine, 'Brit. Bot.,' p. 116, " Seed cochleate."

Cock-a-hoopedness. 1890, Baring-Gould, 'Penny- comequicks,' p. 216, " Would manifest self-assertion and cock-a-hoopedness when lifted into a sphere of authority."

Coherer (not in). 1902, Windsor Mag., May, p. 718, " Marconi adopted a device invented by an Italian, Calzecchi, called the coherer."

Coke (not in ; cf. Gawk). 1797, Month. Mag.,

p. 432, "Soil partly a mixture of sand, flint,

and chalk, or coke, as it is commonly called here " (i.e., Lincolnshire); ibid., p. 431, "The roads made with coke or chalk."