Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/493

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9* s. ix. JUNK 21, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


than any portion of an old "brechame" o collar of a carthorse. THOMAS BAYNE.

"PLOUGHING HIS LONELY FURROW." Manj guesses have been made as to the origin o Lord Rosebery's now familiar phrase o "ploughing his lonely furrow." The fol lowing lines from ' A Letter to the Right Hon B. Disraeli, M.P.,' now known to have been written by the late Mortimer Collins, though published anonymously in 1869, may be o interest in this connexion : O to bring back the great Homeric time, The simple manners and the deeds sublime : When the wise Wanderer, often foiled by Fate, Through the long furrow drave the ploughshare


When Nausicaa, lovely as a dream, Washed royal raiment in the shining stream ! Such men, such maidens, are the sort we seek : Can English blood produce them like the Greek ?

W. B. H.

"RAMPANT." The Guardian of 23 April in a criticism of Scott's ' Waverley,' as intro duced and edited by Miss E. E. Smith, calls attention to a gloss "Rampant, crouching ready to spring," which it says " is obviously wrong." This reminds me that in Clifton's 'Nouveau Dictionnaire ' French rampant is defined as "creeping, crawling, cringing, mean, sloping, raking." In the English- French division of the work we have " Ram- pant, exube'rant, effrene, rampant."


' How TO MAKE AN INDEX.' (See ante, p. 439.) In 1872 Mr. Geo. J. Armytage printed an 'Index' to Dugdale's 'Visitation of York- shire,' vol. xxxvi. of the Surtees Society's Publications, 1859. The index-maker mistook Thomas Lord, of Brampton, for Thomas, lord of Brampton, so that his dwelling-place is turned into his surname, and he appears under "Brampton" and not at all under "Lord," his surname. W. C. B.

WESTMINSTER CITY MOTTO. On Thurs- day afternoon, 15 May, at the usual fort- nightly meeting of the Westminster City Council, the Mayor, Lieut.-Col. Clifford Probyn, J.P., presiding, the General Purposes Committee recommended that the Council adopt the motto " Regni Jurisque Sedes," which, being englished, means "The Seat of Government (or Law) and Justice," as being " both terse and apposite to the posi- tion and status of the city." This was objected to in a letter received from Coun- cillor Lord Doneraile, it being condemned by him as bad Latin. Councillor Dean Vere, rector of St. Patrick's (R.C.) Church, Soho, proposed as an amendment "Custodi Civi-

tatera Domine," which may be interpreted as Lord, keep (or guard) the City." I his was supported by Councillors Hayter bpencer Smith, and Col. Hill James, and carried unanimously. I sent in a sug- gestion, "The Past an Earnest of the Future," but it does not appear to have been brought forward. The selection of the city motto seems to be a matter of sufficient interest to be noted in the columns of 'N. <fe Q.' for the benefit of our successors.


THE NATIONAL FLAG.-In the Standard for June 7th it is stated that the congregation of St. Michael's, Folkestone, had purchased a royal standard to fly from the church tower, and that the Rev. E. Husband, the vicar, had written to Sir Francis Knollys, asking that permission might be granted in the case of churches to fly the flag on the occasion of royal anniversaries. To this the reverend gentleman received the following reply :

" Buckingham Palace, June 4, 1902. Dear Sir, In reply to your letter, I am afraid that the Royal Standard, which is the King's personal flag, can only 3e hoisted at the Coronation. If permission were given in one case, it would be impossible to refuse it in many others. I must remind you that you can always fly the Union Jack. Yours faithfully, F. KNOLLYS."

N. & Q.' has always contended that the proper flag for British subjects to fly is the Jnion Jack, otherwise the Union Flag. Now bhat the King has declared this to be the aational flag, one would hope that the long

controversy is finally settled. How is it that

at St. Dunstan's, in Fleet Street, and at some ither churches the white ensign is displayed ? ?his flag belongs exclusively to the Royal

Navy and the Royal Yacht Squadron.

A. Q. [See 9 th S. v. 414, 440, 457, 478, and Supplement,

30 June, 1900.]


WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest o affix their names and addresses to their queries, n order that the answers may be addressed to them irect.

EDWARDIAN CHARTER. An Edwardian barter six centuries old, exhibited recently othe Society of Antiquaries by Mr. Thorpe, '.S.A., has points of human as well as istorical interest, apart from its age and eerless condition, which last shows to its est in the framing and mounting by a ritish Museum expert.

Granted by Edward of Carnarvon, in whose ame Welsh independence was strangled,