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s. ix. JUNE 21, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


faculty, comprising the understanding as well as the imagination." Mallet in this passage certainly does not furnish a very striking comparison. Is it not probable that mallet is here a typographical error for mullet ? If Shakespeare had wished to name some in- animate thing as a simile, I think he would not have chosen a mallet. A clod, a stone, a block, would have furnished a more striking illustration. But the mullet is notably a dull, mud-loving fish, and a very fit simile for a man without " conceit." JOHN PHIN. Paterson, N.J., U.S.

QUEEN'S OR KING'S BOUNTY. In Oul ton's 'Memoirs of Her late Majesty Charlotte, Queen,' &c., London, 1819, p. 68, we read :

" In this year [1762] her Majesty sent a present to the wife of the Duke of Richmond's porter, who was delivered of three daughters ; and to a car- penter's wife, who had three boys: ever after appli- cations were generally made on those occasions with success."

Are these the first known instances, and the origin, of the royal custom of giving three pounds on the birth of triplets 1


MONT PELEE. Was the name of Mont Pelee (or Peleus Mount), of the Martinique island, whose awful volcanic eruption, to- gether with that of the Soufriere (or Brim- stone Mount) in St. Vincent island, the world witnessed during the month of May, not really meant for Mount Pelion 1 Every one has heard of the classical myth according to which the Titans had endeavoured, in their struggle with Zeus, to heap up the neighbour- ing Slount Ossa upon Mount Pelion, for the purpose of reaching the higher abode of the Olympic deities. Truly, those Titanic efforts, or personified physical forces, of an ancient myth may be regarded as an allegory anc simile comparable to the present volcanic phenomena and sulphuric ejections of the two mountains of Martinique and St. Vincent



KOYAL HOUSEHOLD. What book will giv< me information as to the engaging or dis missing of a lady-in-waiting, maid of honour or bedchamber woman? Is there a specra uniform worn by females 1 Was there ever a custom of wearing one that has now fallen into disuse 1 GEORGE GILBERT.

"ARRIVED." We find it sometimes said o a successful author, artist, &c., that he ha " arrived." Is this merely one more instanc< of that latest deposit of speech which we cal slang, or is there any historic reference

Vfter the coup d'e'tat of 18 Brumaire, Joubert aid of Bonaparte, "II n'est point parvenu, i est am,W." See 'Talleyrand,' by Lady 31ennerhassett, Clarke's translation, vol. i. 314 (Murray, 1894).



iLTS. I shall be greatly obliged for any nformation respecting the parentage of the ollowing ladies, viz. :

Isabella, the wife of John de Mil bourne, of Somerset and Surrey, 1360-83. She mar- ried secondly Richard Ardern.

...... the wife of Richard Milbourne, of

Laverstock, co. Wilts. He died 1451.

Elizabeth, the wife of Simon Milbourne, of Laverstock. He died 1464.

Margaret, wife of Henry Milbourne, of Laverstock. He died 1519. She married secondly Roger Yorke, serjeant-at-law.

Edithe, wife of Richard Milbourne, of Laver- stock. He died without issue male 1532. She married secondly Edward Twynyho.

Also as to what became of Isabella, Joane, and Elizabeth, the three daughters of the before-mentioned Henry and Margaret Mil- bourne. THOMAS MILBOURN.

12, Beaulieu Villas, Finsbury Park.

HERALDIC. I shall be very much obliged if any one can tell me the exact origin of the arms, Arg., a chevron sa. between three Cornish choughs proper, each holding in bill an ermine spot, and the corresponding crest, a Cornish chough proper, holding in its dexter claw a fleur-de-lys arg., borne by several Welsh families- especially how the fleur-de-lys has got into the crest. The arms are often slightly differentiated, but are all evi- dently originally from the same. The accom- panying motto is " Duw a ddarpar i r Brain, and sometimes "Deus pascit corvos. this any enigmatical or historical meaning f I shall also be glad to know why the Cornish chough appears in so many Welsh coats of arms, also the fleur-de-lys. The above arms were borne by the second Noble Tribe of North Wales, but the present families bear- ing them do not seem to be descended from the founder, Llowarch ap Bran. CHOUGH.

TRENTHAM ANDGOWER FAMILIES^- Wan ted a pedigree of Lord Trentham of Trenthara, co Staffs ; also of the Gower family.

13c, Hyde Park Mansions, W. " LE FIZGERT." Cresse, a London Jew, circa 1240, is thus described. Whatdaw Reword