Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/500

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s. ix. JUNE 21, 1902.

ancient royal house of Gwynedd were, pro- bably given by Edward L, after the conquest of Wales, for his little son Edward (corn at Caernarvon in 1284, the first Prince of Wales), to Westminster Abbey, whence they must have disappeared, with other relics, at the time of the dissolution of monasteries.



SIK ISAAC NEWTON : * COMMERCIUM EPIS- TOLICUM' (9 th S. ix. 369). Three editions of this work, 1722, 1725, and 1787, are in the library of the Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly.

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

OLD SONGS (9 th S. ix. 388). My friend Mr. Bartholomew Hewlett, of this town, has asked me to forward you the enclosed, which he remembers hearing sung many years ago :


Come, all ye lads of high renown That love to drink good ale that's brown, And pull the lofty pheasant down With powder, shot, and gun.

Me and five more a-poaching went, To kill some game was our intent ; Our money all being gone and spent, We had nothing else to try.

The moon shone bright, Not a cloud in sight ; The keeper heard us fire a gun And to the spot did quickly run, And swore before the rising sun That one of us lads should die.

The bravest youth amon 'Twas his misfortune to

t the lot ! shot,

His feelings never shall be forgot By all his friends below.

For help he cried, which was denied ; He rose again to stem the best, And fight again with all the rest, While down upon his gallant breast The crimson blood did flow.

EDWARD PEACOCK. Wickentree House, Kirton-in-Lindsey.

BROWNE FAMILY ARMS (9 th S. ix. 290). Burke's 'General Armory' gives the follow- ing families with a demi-lion ramp, for crest :

Jas. Brown, of Harehills Grove, co. York, and Wm. Williams Brown, of Chapel Allerton, near Leeds, sons of the late James Brown, of Leeds, by Anne his wife, daughter and heir of Samuel Williams: Arg., on a bend sa., cottized az., between two six-pointed mullets pierced sa., three lions ramp, of the field, quartering Williams. Crest, a demi-lion ramp, erased or, between two elephants trunks ppr.

Browne (bart., Westminster, created 11

March, 1732): Gu., a chev. between three Eleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a demi-lion ramp, gu., holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. J. B. NUTTALL.

Though in Debrett (1824) the name under the coat of arms is spelt Browne, in the index and in the body of that work it is given as simply Brown. The following extract from Bebrett's * Baronetage ' (1824), vol. i. pp. 434 and 435, answers the query of GENEALOGICUS :

"Brown of Westminster, 11 March, 1731/2. Sir William - Augustus Brown, bart., succeeded his father Sir James, 20 April, 1784, and has been many years insane.

" I. Sir Robert, a merchant of Venice, having been his Majesty's resident abroad, was advanced to the dignity of a bart., with a remainder in his patent, in case of failure of his own issue male, to his brothers, Colonel James Brown, and Edward. Sir Robert m. Margaret, sister of Dr. Cecil, bishop, 1st of Bristol, and afterwards of Bangor, by whom he had 2 das., who d. unm. Lady Brown d. 13 Feb., 1782. Sir Robert d. 5 Oct., 1760, and was succeeded by his nephew,

"II. Sir James, m. , by whom (who d.

21 Sept., 1822) he had 1 son, William-Augustus. Sir James d. 20 April, 1784, and was succeeded by his only son,

"III. Sir William- Augustus, the present bart.

" Arms (see plate 17) Gules, a chevron, erminois, between three fleurs-de-lys, or. Crest A demi- lion, rampant, gules, holding in its paws a fleur-de- lys, as in the arms. Motto Gaudeo."

As no mention is made of a baronet of the name of Brown or Browne in Lodge's * Peer- age and Baronetage' of 1847, it is to be pre- sumed that this baronetage had become extinct by then.

The peers bearing the surname of Browne in the above edition of Lodge i.e., the Marquis of Sligo, the Earl of Kenraare, the Lord Kil- maine, and the Lord Oranmore and Browne bear quite different arms and crests from the baronet of Westminster. A Sir Richard Broun, of Colstoun, Haddingtonshire (S. cr. 1686), is mentioned, but his arms and crest are not given. RONALD DIXON.

46, Marlborough Avenue, Hull.

BUTTON FAMILY (9 th S. vi. 409, 415 ; vii. 54, 117, 174, 293, 301, 433). The author of the

  • Memorials of the Buttons of Button ' says :

" The earliest progenitor of the Button family in this country was Odard, the eldest or first named of five brothers, who came over together, one of them as a priest, from Avranches in Normandy, at the time of the Conquest. They then accompanied a Norman noble named Nigel, who became Baron of Hal to n, and who is said to have been a kind of cousin of tlie Conqueror's. It has for long been doubtful whether the five brothers were related to Nigel, or whether they were his friends or vassals.

Nigel himself appears to have been in the

retinue of Hugh Lupus, afterwards Earl of Chester, and the iivo brothers mentioned, or at least four of