Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/541

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1902.



Funk <fe Wagnalls Company on orchestra or orchestra,

Fur trade, Dalrymple on, 87, 278

Furran (C. F. T.) on Greek epigram, 147

Fynmore (R. J.) on Bishop White Kennett's father

365 Sheres : Knyvett : Downes, 394

G. (A.) on William and Robert Bent, 188 Burke's visits to Monmouthshire, 108

G. (F.) on Lodge's ' Earls of Kildare,' 468 Stoning the wren, 234

G. (H. E.) on steer of wood or bark, 509

G.R. in letters of artillery officer, 1793, 248, 298

Gadsden (W. J.) on the West Bourne, 270

Galilee, applied to part of a church, 224

Galley Hall estate, its history, 147

Gait (John), verses by, 483

Gambetta, his last words, 126

'Gambler Detected, 'book illustration, 67, 149

Games: all fours, 32; flower, 116; knurr and spell, its origin, 385, 452, 511

Ganganelli's Bible, 308, 397

Gantillon (P. J. F.) on Barrosa token, 393

Garage, use and origin of the word, 365

Gardiner (S. R.) on Desborough portraits and relics, 30

Garratt (John), Lord Mayor of London, d. 1859, 390

Gas and locomotive, 118, 317, 372

Gates of Caroline Park, Kdinburgh, 110

Gautier, his ' Voyages en Italic,' 507

Gavarni and ballooning, 446

Gazetteer, as applied to a geographical dictionary, its origin, 197

Gazlay family, 108

Gazlay (A.) on Gazlay family, 108

Gee family, 10, 131, 474

Gee (J. H.) on Gee family, 10

Gender of nouns in German and Russian, 445

Genealogicus on Browne family arms, 290

Genesis i., English rendering of the passage, 269, 377, 514

Genius and insanity, kinship of, 269, 430

Geographical puzzle, 245

George on duke, 329

George I., cockade of, 428

Georges I.-IV., lines on, 100, 164, 318

George II., statue at St. Heliers, 45, 138

George III., his household, 167

George IV., coronation of, 145 ; coronation medallion, its history, 289

German and .Russian, gender of nouns in, 445

German letters of noted men, 509

Getting (C. T.) on Talboys pedigree, 427

Ghost, appeasing a, 225

Giglet, use and meaning of the word, 418

Gilbert (G.) on royal household, 487

Gillespie Gruamach, sobriquet of the Covenanting Marquess of Argyll, 486

Gillman (C.) on endorsement : dorso-ventrality, 212 Tedula, a bird, 517

Gilpin (J.) on book-titles changed, 433

Giotto, tracing by Seymour Kirkup of fresco by, 327

Gipsy vocabulary, 268

Giraffine, coinage of the word, 465

Gladiators, English, temp. George I. and II., descrip- tion of, 407, 453

Glass for windows, earliest use of, 87, 150, 213, 271,


Glover (H. W. B.) on Steevens's 'Shakespeare,' 188 Gloves, white, at assizes, origin of the custom, 309, 391 Gnomon on Dickensiana: phrase of Mrs. Gamp, 12

Harvest bell, 15

' God save the Queen,' in rare 8vo book, 201 Godfrey (Sir Edmund Berry), reference to, in convey- ance deed of 1657, 332, 472 Golf, origin of the word, 349, 431 Good Friday buns and Mohammedan scruples, 345 Gordon as a Russian surname, 148, 371, 495 Gordon, place-name, its meaning and origin, 29, 133,

256, 371

Gordon riots, accounts of the, 68, 233, 350, 455 Gorham (A.) on shorthand in the fourth century, 498 Gothic period, references to building in the, 387, 475 Gould (I. C.) on Gordon riots, 455 Gourou, or kola nut, 106 Gower family of South Wales and Lord Trentham, 68 r


Gower and Trentham families, 487 Grafton (fourth Duke of), 9. 96 Grammars, pictorial, 49, 292 Gray (G. J.) on Sir Isaac Newton : ' Comraercium

Epistolicum,' 369

Greek pronunciation, 131, 251, 311, 332, 436, 475 Greek trimeter iambics, book attributed to Dr. Burtoo

on, 67

Green an unlucky colour, 234, 490 Green = Cary: Smithies = Gary, 468 Green (C.) on feeding birds, 29

Racing, 32

Snow-feathers, 112

Greene (E.) on verses by Arthur O'Shaughnessy, 448 Grenfell (H. R.) on Gower, 151 Griffin (Gerald), poem by, 508 Griffith (A. T.) on building in Gothic period, 387 Grigor (J.) on Donibristle miners, 64

"From the lone shieling," 483

" Grey city by the Northern Sea," 472

Industrious litterateur, 366

In praise of Burns, 185

In praise of ' N. & Q.,' 425

1 Life,' by Mrs. Barbauld, 134

Ode of welcome to Princess Alexandra, 506

'Old Friends and New Friends,' 390

" Say not that he did well," 332

' The Only Son,' 507

" Verify your quotations," 125 Grivegne'e (Baron de) and Power, 91, 278 Groat, present use of the name, 84 Grosskunz (R.) on Thackeray quotation, 107 Groves (A.) on preceptory of Dinmore, 207 Guardhound, use of the word, 244 Guest family, 508 Guinea, its use, 74

Gun, etymology of the word, 106, 192 Curbs or De Gurbs barony, 167 Gwyn (Nell) and royal tennis court, 69, 136 Gwyneth, Welsh Christian name, its orthography, 109,

319, 372, 479 Gye family, 387,511 H. on arms, 147

Bar sinister, 215