Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/548

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1902.

Matthews (J. H.) on ycleping the church, 56

Youthful year, 57 Maurice (Thomas), 1754-1824, 48 Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on bibliography of the bicycle,


West Bourne, 92 Maxwell (P.) on Greek epigram, 273

" Only too thankful," 370

Wesley (Charles), George Lillo.and John Home, 51 May meetings, Jewish, 346 Mayall (A.) on " A mad world, my masters," 317

Acland of Chittlehampton, 31

Black armlet as a sign of mourning, 171

Dickensiana : phrase of Mrs. Gamp, 14

Endorsement : dorso-ventrality, 64

Fadge, 7

Flittings, 239

Giraffine, 465

Guardhound, 244

Gwyneth, 319

Halsh, 74

Herrick : silver-pence, 178

Hunt (Leigh), 34

Knevel, 9

Mischief-Night, 114

Motto for door of house, 56

Oldest borough in England, 237

Shinnamckin' : hannicrochemens, 165

Wagues, 204

Meat, Saxon names for, 305 Melbourne, literary finds at, 281 Melitene, battle of, and the Emperor Tiberius, 266 Mema on Milton : a tract on logic, 178 Mendelssohn (Moses) and Frederick II., 185 Merchants of Lukes or Luk in England, 35, 56 Mercia, early history of, 1, 42

Meredith (P.) on ' Old Friends and New Friends,' 328 Meresteads or mesesteads, its meaning, 248, 437 Merritt (E. P.) on rout, 198 ' Merry Tales,' edited by W. C. Hazlitt, sources of and

references to, 324

Metcalfe (E.) on Harry St. Lawrence, 289 Metempsychosis among the Swedes, 187 Metropoli, use of the word by Australian journalist, 406 Michelet, mistakes in, 206 Middle Temple privileges, 326 Middleton family of Derbyshire, 387 Milbourn (T.) on Milbournes of Somerset, Surrey, and

Wilts, 487

Milbournes of Somerset, Surrey, and Wilts, 487 Miles on St. Briavel, 9 Military costume, books on, 508 Miller (W.) on battle of Navarino, 129 Milne (S. M.) on arms of Dutch East India Company,

Milton (John), simile in ' Samson Agonistes,' 55 ; his

tract on logic, 107, 178 Mina (Francisco and Xaviero), leaders in Spanish

guerilla war, 188, 349 Miners, the Donibristle : curious literary reminiscence,


"Mischief-Night," 4 November, 48, 114 Missel thrush in Willughby's ' Ornithology,' 468 Mistakes of artists, 274, 372 Mistletoe on Cleburne : Bowes : Ward, 351

Mistletoe on Gye family, 51 1

Tudor (Lady Mary), 72 Mitre, its use in the Church of England, 174, 334,

397, 496

Moat (Thomas), his ' Stenography,' 29, 176 Moellenhoff, his translation of Macaulay's essay on

Frederick the Great, 405 Molyneux (Rev. Capel), his memoirs, 148, 298 "Moniales de Clinton," reference to, in 'Testa de

Nevill,' 407

Monosyllables in literary composition, 477 Montesquieu in England : unprinted MSS., 288 Montgomery MSS. (1869), 208, 297 Moon (G. W.) on " Little Willie," 268

Psalmorum Codex Latinus, 87 Moore and Campbell, rimes in, 488 Moore's ' History of Dunstable,' 87 Moorfields, Roman Catholic chapel at, 468 More (Hannah) and Lord Macaulay, 306 Morgan (Sir Thomas), of Arkstone, 9, 158, 314 Morley (Elizabeth, Lady), her biography, 388 Morris (L.) on roof-tree, 108 Morse (Dr.), of Barnet, amateur organ builder, circa

1750, 429

Mortara (Marchese de) and Conte de Arro, 112 Moseley (B. D.) on Be'ranger : ' Le Roi d'Yvetot,' 218 Cellini and Shakespeare, 416 Chalice of wood, 215 Chic, 491

Demon repentant, 51 Double Joes, 164 Flowering Sunday, 508 Sheriffs of Staffordshire, 415 Wage = wages, 134 Most Reverend, Right Reverend, and Very Reverend,


Mother-in-law = stepmother, 445, 517 Motto, Lowndes : " Ways and Means," 10, 57 Motto for door of house, 56 Mottoes : " Nemo me impune lacesset," 427 ; " Cus-

todi civitatem, Domine," 485 Moule (H. J.) on machine = public coach, 116 Mount (C. B.) on comically, 370

Flint-glass trade, 473 Mourning Sunday, observance of the custom, 366,

390, 497 Muir (H. S.) on modest epitaphs, 72

" There is a day in spring," 57 Multiplicands, meaning of the term, 208 Mummers, references to, 87, 237 Muntjac, zoological term, its origin, 385 Murdock (William), inventor of the locomotive and

gas lighting, 118, 317, 372 Murray (J. A. H.) on Kinborough as a female

Christian name, 30 Olive : olivaceous, 307 Oliver, 127

Omneity : f omniety, 1 27 Only too thankful, 288 Optic or optical glass, 466 " Pour oil upon the waves," &c., 107 Source of quotation wanted, 149 Musicians' Company of the City of London, 9, 175 N. (A.) on alright=all right, 111 N. (E. C.) on "All Cooper's ducks with me," 392