Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/550

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1902.

Page (J. T.)on earliest printed instructions to Sunday- school teachers, 275

" Gentle shepherd, tell me where," 113, 416 Georges I.-IV., 318 Gordon riots, 233 Harvest bell, 15

Jubilee of the ' Leisure Hour,' 95 Oliver, 194 Outrider, 18

Paganism, survival of, 32 Portraits of early Lord Mayors, 412, 458 Portraits of female fighters, ! 56 Rhodes (Cecil), his ancestors, 436 Seven, 98

Smallest church in England, 375 Stone pulpit, 157 Swift's visits to England: the "Four Crosses

Inn," 312

" The moss-covered bucket," 148 Tib's Eve, 109 Wind folk-lore, 338 Ycleping the church, 394 Zoar Chapel, Southwark, 73 Page(L.) on Napoleon's first marriage, 347 Palmer (A. S. ) on Sesame, 284

Wisdom in Ecclesiasticus, 426 Parish registers, entries in, 33 ; their care and pro-

tection, 168, 337, 409 Parliament of birds, 286 Parry (G. S.) on Windsor uniform, 268 Parry (J. H.) on Sir Thomas Morgan, 314 Rhodes (Cecil), his ancestors, 436 Smith (Sir Nicholas), 193 Parrye (Blanche), window in memory of, 284 Parry- Jones (J.) on oldest borough in England, 236 " Parver alley," meaning of the term, 72 Paschal : Pascua, Spanish use of word, 364, 457, 496 Paterson (A.) on bibliography of the bicycle, 397 Fire on hearth kept burning, 16 Moat's ' Stenography,' 1 76

Patmore (Coventry), quotation attributed to, 467, 515 Patrick (A.) on hymn of Peter Damiani, 168 Pattle, Scottish agricultural term, 105, 256 Payen-Payne (De V.) on Amberley, Sussex, 47

Gautier's 'Voyage en Italie,' 507 Payne (F. J.) on Authorized Version, 147 Payne (K. de P.) on Celts and the Massagetae, 228 Payne (W.) on Gwyneth, 319 Peachey (G. C.) on Bright walton, 349 Outrider, 115

Warburton=Werburh's town, 153 Peacock (E.) on Commission of Sewers, 77 Corpse, cure by hand of, 34 Darley, a forgotten Irish poet, 377 Kinborough as a female Christian name, 30 Old songs, 492 "Only too thankful, 1 ' 370 Peacock (J.) on the mitre, 174 Peche* family, 31

Pedigree, how to deal with difficult questions of, 245 Peerages, Coronation, creation of, 221 Peet (W. H.) on analogous titles of books, 513 Petee: Mont Pele'e, the name, 487, 517 Pelican as a Christian emblem, 135, 374 Pembrokeshire, Irish in, 77

" Penile " in ' Nero Caesar,' earlier quotation for, 166 Penn (Admiral Sir William), 1621-70, his portrait,

368, 475

Pen-name, early use of the term, 28, 72, 151 Pennington (W. H.) on death of the trumpet-major

at Balaclava, 491 Penny (F.) on "pillage, stallage, and toll," 35

Regimental nicknames, 32 Penny (N.) on multiplicands, 208 Pertinax on the beatific vision, 509

England's Darling, 290 Petitions, endings of, 184 Petosiris and Ptolemy, 51

Pett (Peter), Charles II. 'a shipwright, lines on, 195, 298 Petty (S. L.) on " cradel grass," 427

Horn dancers, 11 Pews annexed to nouses, 31 Peyton (Sir Sewster) and Thomas King, duel between,


Phaer (Thomas), of Cilgerran, M.P., circa 1555-8, 467 Phillimore (W. P. W.) on " And your petitioner shall

ever pray," 184

Phillips (J.) on Dorothy Cecil, 53 Phillips (W.) on the oldest borough in England, 236 Phillips (W. E.), Governor of Penang, 1820-1826, 129 Philoxenus, saying attributed to Jesus by, 326 Phin (J.) on mallet or mullet, 486 Phinn (C. P.) on adjectival change, 113

Bible, Authorized Version, 237 Pickford (J.) on bar sinister, 316, 377 Bibliography of the bicycle, 231 Birthplace of Margaret, Countess of Richmond, 82 Black Malibran, 494 Browne (Sir Thomas), his skull, 85 Dickensiana : phrase of Mrs. Gamp, 172 Duchy of Berwick, 258, 296 Easter Day at Beverley, 364 Gordon riots, 351 Guinea, 74 King of Torelore, 414 Lectern in Durham Cathedral, 135 Lowndes motto, 10 Napoleon's last years, 274 Newcastle (Staffs) family, 52 Office of Champion, 503 Portraits of Joanna Baillie, 237 Price of eggs, 412 4 Spirit of the Wye, '189 Stone pulpit, 56, 356 Tudor (Lady Mary), 276

Picture restoring in France under Napoleon I ., 1 84, 278 Pierpoint (R.) on Archbishops of Cyprus, 441 English contingent in the last Crusade, 395 Genius and insanity, 430 Jews and patriotism, 7 Obelisk at St. Peter's, 110 Pictorial grammar, 292 Pins in drinking vessels, 10 Quotations, 131 St. Paul and Seneca, 497 Sleeping garments, 315 Song wanted, 77 Pig-killing superstition, 32 Pigott (W. J.) on Catherine Babington, 449 Talbot (Lady Elizabeth), 369