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History of the library.A brief historical description of the library and its contents can be purchased for a shilling. In this it is stated that John Rylands died on the llth of December, 1888, and that early in the following year his widow began to consider how best she could commemorate the name and worth of her husband. After careful consideration, she decided to establish a library in the very heart of the city which had been the scene of his varied activities and triumphs. While the building was rising and books were being accumulated it was announced that the Althorp collection might be acquired. This, although it consisted, as already mentioned, of rather more than 40,000 volumes, does not constitute much more than a third of the volumes now in the library. Mr. Guppy informs me that since the building was dedicated to the public, upwards of 40,000 volumes have been added, and he says : " It is our ambition to make of the library, not merely a centre of light and leading in Manchester, but a great reference library for the students and scholars of the North of England." He hopes before the close of the year to issue a dozen catalogues. With the object of encouraging research, the The John Rylands Facsimiles.Governors have decided to publish a series of facsimiles of some of the rarer books and prints, to be known as "The John Rylands Facsimiles."