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��Widow of




��Daughter of Douglas Jerrold.

��Gerald Massey.

��Daughter of Dr. Craik.

��1858, October 4th (Earl of Derby). MBS. SUSANNA BARTLETT.

" In consideration of the literary merits of her husband, the late William Henry Bartlett. 75Z."

William Henry Bartlett (1809-54), author of 'Walks about Jerusalem,' ' Forty Days in the Desert,' ' The Nile Boat,' and ' The Pilgrim Fathers.' He edited Sharpens London Magazine from March, 1849, to June, 1852 (' D.N.B.,' vol. iii. p. 335).

1861, April 19th (Lord Palmerston). Miss MARY ANNE JERROLD.

" In consideration of the literary merit of her father, the late Mr. Douglas Jerrold. 501"

Douglas William Jerrold (1803-57). His first article in Punch, signed Q., appeared in the second number, September 13th, 1841, and he was a constant contributor until ten days before his death. From 1852 he was editor of Lloyd's Newspaper at a salary of 1,OOOZ. a year. He contributed three columns of leaders each week as well as literary reviews. He was also an early contributor to The Athenceum. For a list of his works, &c., see ' D.N.B.,' vol. xxix. pp. 349-52.

1863, June 18th (Lord Palmerston). MR. GERALD MASSEY.

" As to a lyric poet, sprung from the people. 70Z."

1887, April 1st (Marquis of Salisbury). Second grant.

" In consideration of his literary merit, and of the smalhiess of his means of support. 30Z."

Born at Gamble Wharf, near Tring, May 29th, 1828. His first book was ' Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love,' 1851, followed by ' The Ballad of Babe Christabel,' 1855, ' Craigcrook Castle,' 1856 and many others.

Mr, Massey died October 29, 1907, aged 79.

1866, December 10th (Earl of Derby). Miss MARY CRAIK.

" In consideration of the services of her father, the late Dr. Craik, as Professor of History and English Literature in the Queen's College, Belfast. 30Z."

George Lillie Craik (1798-1866), born at Kennoway, Fife. He came to London, became connected with Charles Knight, and contributed largely to the publications of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ; also to The Penny Magazine and Penny Cyclopaedia. In 1849 he was appointed to the above- mentioned professorship (' D.N.B.,' vol, xiii. p. 1).

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