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1882, June 28th (W. E. Gladstone).

Widow of J. F. Callaghan.

Mrs. Alice Callaghan.

"In recognition of the excellent public service of her late husband, Mr. J. F. Callaghan, C.M.G., Governor of the Bahamas, and of her narrow circumstances. 50l."

Governor 1879-81.

1885, December 5th (Marquis of Salisbury).

Widow of Sir John Glover.

Lady Glover.

"In consideration of the long and meritorious services rendered by her husband, the late Sir John Hawley Glover, G.C.M.G. 100l."

Sir John Hawley Glover, 1829-85 ('D.N.B.,' vol. xxii.). English Colonial statesman; Governor of Lagos in 1862; Special Commissioner to the Gold Coast, 1873; Governor of Newfoundland.

1888, January 4th (Marquis of Salisbury).

Widow of Governor Pinkett.

Mrs. Kate Pinkett.

"In recognition of the services of her late husband as Crown Solicitor, Chief Justice, and Acting Governor of Sierra Leone, and of her destitute condition. 50l."

1890, November 25th (Marquis of Salisbury).

Widow of Governor Barkly.

Mrs. Fanny Alexander Barkly.

"In recognition of her late husband's services as Governor of Heligoland, and in consideration of her inadequate means of support. 50l."

A. C. S. Barkly, Governor, November, 1888. Heligoland ceded to Germany June 18th, 1890; given up by Mr. Barkly to the new Governor August 9th ('Haydn's Dictionary of Dates ').

1897, February 11th (Marquis of Salisbury).

Widow of Sir F. Broome.

Lady Broome.

"In consideration of the public services of her late husband, Sir F. N. Broome, K.C.M.G., especially as Governor of Western Australia, and of her own literary merits. 100l."

Sir Frederick Napier Broome, Governor 1882-9.

1897, April 10th (Marquis of Salisbury).

Widow of Sir John Bates Thurston.

Lady Thurston.

"In recognition of the distinguished services of her husband, the late Sir John Bates Thurston, K.C.M.G., as Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner for the Western Pacific. 150l."