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" In recognition of the labours of their father in connexion with the salmon fisheries of the United Kingdom. 301"

Same date.

Second grant. 10Z. each.

The ' D.N.B.' states that he was born 1799, died 1867. He was a fishery reformer, and brought about the Fisheries Acts of 1842 and 1845, and FfenneU's Act, 1848.

1871, April 24th (W. E. Gladstone). MBS. WINIFREDE MARY WYSE. Niece of

" In consideration of the diplomatic services of her uncle, Wyse. * Sir Thomas Wyse, and of her own limited circumstances. 100Z."

Sir Thomas Wyse (1791-1862), politician and diplomatist. After nine years at Stonyhurst entered Trinity College, Dublin. With Richard Lalor Shell, Wyse stood for co. Waterford, but resigned in favour of O'Connell. Voted for the 1832 Reform Bill, abolition of slavery, repeal of the Corn Laws, and an extention of popular education. Married, March, 1821, Lsetitia, daughter of Lucien Bonaparte (' D.N.B.,' vol. Ixiii.).

1873, August 7th (W. E. Gladstone). 1901, July 20 MRS. GEORGINA GORDON COOTE. Widow of

"Widow of Mr. Holmes Coote. In consideration of her husband's medical services, especially during the Crimean War, and of her own labour as Lady Superintendent of the Smyrna Hospital. 50Z."

Holmes Coote, 1817-72 (' D.N.B.,' vol. xii.).

1874, April 29th (Benjamin Disraeli).


" Widow of James Palladio Basevi, late Captain of the Royal ap ' Engineers. In consideration of the services of her husband in connexion with the advancement of science and the Trigonometrical Survey of India. 100Z."

The great Trigonometrical Survey of India was initiated by Major Lambton in 1800 with the support of Col. Wellesley, after- wards Duke of Wellington (' Encyclopaedia Britannica ').

1875, June 19th (Benjamin Disraeli).


" In consideration of the long and able services, extending J hn Holmes over a period of forty years, of her late husband, John Holmes Dwelly, Chief Clerk in the Department of the Solicitor to the Com- missioners of Inland Revenue. 50?."

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